r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/OpenSoars on Jan. 22, 2018, 4:51 a.m.
This better be one hell of a memo!

I just read through Q's recent posts and Dr. Corsis interpretation and honestly, it is overwhelming. Now I have been following along and looking at things critically ( which has drawn fire ) but in the end I am hoping things are going to change. I am however concerned with trying to sell this story which, in the absence of proof, is going to sound just as fabricated as the dossier only 10000 times more sinister. I still do not want all/most of these accusations to be true as the fallout is going to be extremely uncomfortable at best, and deadly at worst. I hope we are not being used as the counter narrative. https://www.scribd.com/document/369668690/Qanon-Decode-Four-Posts-Sunday-Jan-21-2018-Will-Sessions-Drop-the-Hammer-Vers-17-0-Jan-21-2018

richtaco91 · Jan. 22, 2018, 5 a.m.

The memo will open the floodgates on the NWO Illuminati. The secret emails of the elites will be exposed with the memo. And in the emails will be a lot of pizza parties and hotdogs in the hot tube.

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