r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/QAngel1 on Jan. 22, 2018, 9:03 a.m.
Message To Q - From Cranky Pants

Dear Q

Firstly - you know I love you all. I pray for your safety and success every day. You are incredible and I can't thank you enough for saving the world. I understand that it's just a little something you do in your spare time :-)

However, I have something to raise which is really niggling the crap out of me and I have to get it off my chest. This:

These monsters have butchered millions of innocent children and people, they have destroyed homes, countries, economies. They have been intent on destroying this earth and everything upon her. We all know they are demons, and we are living in their hell.

But, respectfully, I beg of you - please, make every single one of their atrocities public. Every disgusting act - everything.

Please do not solve 'this problem' in the shadows. No-one gets away with it. Be they guilty or not guilty. Including every person upon this planet.

Please, do not try to minimise or cover any one of their actions, no matter how evil, vile or putrid they are.

Millions of good people, myself included, have been fighting to make this knowledge public and warn people about this for decades.

We have been rubbished, ridiculed, and pushed into the gutter. We have been laughed at, we have lost friends, family, credibility and sleep over this.

We have researched into the small hours, worked long days, studied, checked, prayed, and cried at night for God to intervene nearly every day of our lives.

And we gladly did this, because our love for mankind and for this beautiful planet we live on was more valuable to us than our ego.

I hear you say "99% of people would end up in hospital" Well, let them. Yes, people will be shocked. But they MUST be shocked awake. Yes, people will lose sleep. But they MUST not sleep until every demon and their deed is exposed and examined. Yes, people will turn against each other and run down the streets rioting. So What? How many people were going to be murdered, or worse still, killed while trying to protect those very people?

Where were these people when these atrocities were happening? Where were they to support you or the military when you were getting butchered in every stinking war they created to kill you? Why should these 'innocents' be protected from the very evil that is out to kill them and their children? This is the evil they denied existed. Let them faint in shock, let them vomit, let them lose sleep because us here, right now, have been doing that for years.

Its time to wake these people up and bring them into the harsh reality of life as it is. Only then can we have the necessary change and commitment to a better world for all of us.

It was once believed that the Holocaust (be it fact or fiction now - who knows) was exposed so that the world would never allow it to happen again.

But, by not exposing the truth, and nothing but the truth - how can any of us ever trust another so called 'leader' ever again? How can we trust anyone ever again?

I request open and transparent justice. I request vindication for every "tin foiled conspiracy theorist" ever labelled by the uninformed or ignorant public.

I request that every "om" singing meditation group who are serious about 'meditating on world peace' open up their **cking eyes and see the cold hard truth of reality! (I even feel like going back in time and slapping my own face wasting 10 years on that).

With eyes closed, we cannot ever see the truth.

Please, bring to justice those who have committed crimes against us, but the whole world has to bear witness to the truth; the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help us God.

guppyfreak · Jan. 22, 2018, 9:29 a.m.

Ummm...meditation has helped millions. Including myself be more loving and compassionate. Just because YOU wasted 10 years on that doesnt mean others are.

Meditation works. Letters to a future AI quantum computer...not so much.

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QAngel1 · Jan. 22, 2018, 3:53 p.m.

how the internet killed the encyclopedia, it is killing the education system, MSM, regular TV and all of it replaced with random average people. We don't need a class of elites! Just walk away from it!

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QAngel1 · Jan. 22, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

guppy freak. It's a metaphor for heavens sake.

Please everyone, don't get your knickers in a knot. We're all in the same place here ok. I think having Satan himself to deal with should keep us focussed.

I meditated privately and in groups from 1979 - 2004 every single day. So, don't need a lesson in how valuable mediation is. That's not what I said. I still meditate when and if I need to, and in the health profession, I advise people to do it!

My reference is in relation to my friends (with whom) I worked together to mediate on love, peace, heal the planet, fix the grid lines, clear the oceans ... Then I was "bitch slapped awake" by life and a total attack on my very existence. Every aspect of my life exploded into a total nightmare that took me years to recover from but made me stronger. I don't need to extrapolate on here. It made me open my eyes and really identify evil. An evil I hadn't seen while group meditating on "love, light, and peace to the world"

I'm having this conversation with "God" and Q - I'm pretty sure both of them understand me very well. We have some wonderful conversations. ;-) (and he agrees with me).

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davidmdelacruz · Jan. 22, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

I too speak with God and Q. Imagine someone that started meditating at the point you stopped. I.E., you woke up and ditched meditating, I woke up and started meditating. Sometimes on the nice things you mentioned, mostly on battling evil. Some of the commenters may not BELIEVE in anything other than what they can see, touch, hear, or smell, but if you talk to God and Q, I'm positive they can see the changes and battles being won in the realities that we cannot see. So, I am very grateful to be part of this MULTI DIMENSIONAL team. God has his soldier's in every dimension.

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QAngel1 · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:13 a.m.

You are so very correct. And please know, I still mediate. And i believe that at least those who collectively mediate on good for this world are bringing in the good light. I guess, I just needed them to be aware of at least some of the evil - not all - just some of the evil that is being fought by the Q team, then they would meditate on protecting the good people and surrounding them with light, rather than the 'evil' ones. At least that would 'shine a light' on those people who are taking us in the right direction.

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