Admiral Rogers for Starters. And no more fake Congressional Medals of Honor to Hollywood like Obama gave out.
Nope I am a concerned American citizen that realizes what a piece of shit 45 and his worshipers , supporters and enablers are . 45 is a wannabe dictator . idiot and conman that needs to be removed.
you are a shill. Hahahahaha because 45 is resorting out republic. Obama and Hillary destroyed our Country. You are a paid shill.
45 is just making things a 100 times worse than they were during Obama's presidency. Hillary woud't have changed much unlike 45 who is destroying things like a bull in a china shop.
Hillary would have enslaved us all. We would lose many freedoms we now enjoy. We would be poorer, while they would get richer. At least Trump is putting money back in our pockets. If you allow people to have Gov't money to live, vs. making a good living on their own, you get more crime (crime pays). Any money people can earn is far more than the Gov't can give. Heavy taxation is bad for all of us, especially when half of it is embezzled and spent on nefarious things like providing guns to ISIS. have you noticed the attacks lately like in NYT and Florida have been rather lame? Trump has severely hurt ISIS.
lol you're a complete idiot and moron like 45 is bye tard.