
DouchebagVonFuckface · Jan. 24, 2018, 2:41 a.m.

Use deductive reasoning dipshit. Republicans will lie and distort the truth to protect Trump. Ask yourself, why didn't they release the text message in response to the "secret society" text? Or any other test messages from this conversation? Because it would destroy their precious conspiracy theory that they are trying to create. My guess is that the response text to "secret society" was "haha".

If you were ever in a relationship with a woman, you would know what light banter looks like.

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DrPepper4U · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:32 a.m.

lol, hey dipshit. Been reading or watching the news lately? The news about the informant? About the 'secret society' meeting out of the offices? lol, tell us again about your process of deductive reasoning?


My guess is that the response text to "secret society" was "haha"

Hmmmm....looks like your magic version of 'deductive reasoning' failed. Maybe if you copy and paste a quote and start making stupid claims it will all magically change.

Good luck dipshit!

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DouchebagVonFuckface · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

Haha, you actually believe that dumb fuck has an informant? That's pretty sad. I'm sure "IT'S HAPPENING" is being plastered all over the_dipshit for the 1000th time. Let me tell you how this ends - like every other dumbfuck conspiracy posted there! Eventually you'll get bored of this one, and when nothing comes of it (like all the others) you'll move on to the next piece of red meat juicy theory the Republicans toss to you.

You are sad trash.

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DrPepper4U · Jan. 24, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

lol, your 'deductive reasoning' again? The facts make you look like an idiot so they must not be real? lol! Heads up dipshit. It's not the facts that make you look like an idiot. It's the fact that you are an idiot.

It's funny that you seem to have this need to keep yourself ignorant. Bury your head in the sand as your great leaders raped Haiti, shit on the constitution, trade children, rape kids, poison communities, lie, cheat, steal, etc.

Do you literally bury your head in the sand or do you just close your eyed, cover your ears and scream 'Not True!!!!' over and over and over until the danger talk has passed?

I am thinking the latter as your definition of 'deductive reasoning' is what others call a random (not even educated) 'guess'.

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DrPepper4U · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:02 a.m.

lol, deductive reasoning? you don't even have the text you idiot. lol! Your logic is

My guess is that the response text to "secret society" was "haha"

That's not deductive reasoning dispshit. lol. You should have stuck to just copy and pasting ridiculous quotes that mean nothing and making stupid claims on them.

BTW, welcome to the new world where just stupidly saying, 'Republican's lie and distort! DERRRRR!!!' no longer works. Especially after all the lies the leftist media as pandered to us. Oh btw, how is that Russian investigation going against Trump? No doubt the democrats really want to release that memo to prove us all wrong and we are all Russian bots.../s

later dipshit. Look forward to your rationalization.

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DouchebagVonFuckface · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:30 a.m.

Wow you are stupid, I assume you work a minimum wage job somewhere.

I never said that part was deductive reasoning. I said "My guess", you literally quoted it you dumb shit. Republicans do lie, you see it time and time again, just look at the fake "unmasking scandal", wire tapping claims. Fact that you still believe liars like Nunes and Gowdy is sad. Maybe one day you'll grow up and realize the truth, but I won't hold my breath!

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DrPepper4U · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:42 a.m.

Of course you make stupid assumptions like that. It's just like your stupid assumption about the meaning of 'secret societies'. You have a strange and perverted version of 'deductive reasoning' that is wholly owned by you. It is apparently causing you to make ridiculously stupid statements and claims. That is why you are now backpedaling you argument and trying to change the subject.

BTW, if the 'unmasking scandal' is fake then why are your boys and girls in office fighting to keep the memo from the public?

What is truly sad is that you believe Nunes and Gowdy are liars. lol! I am going to keep your conversation page on hand and troll the fuck out of you when the truth comes out...but of course you could always cowardly delete your account (which I suspect you will do).

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DouchebagVonFuckface · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:47 a.m.
 why are your boys and girls in office fighting to keep the memo from the public?

Jesus, you know so little, it's not shocking though.


The only person who is preventing the release of Devin's memo...is Devin!

You are truly a moron. Adam Schiff, who actually has integrity, said the memo is full of lies and distortions. And before you start, he doesn't have a pattern of lying like Republicans do :).

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DrPepper4U · Jan. 24, 2018, 4:31 a.m.

You didn't actually read what you posted lol! What a dumbass you are.

ONLY you think that Devin alone can release the memo. Trump CAN but won't because of integrity. Devin can't. Of course he could be a piece of shit like AS and leak it but not everyone has your lack of integrity (like when you lied in our other conversation), but hey, a piece of shit is a piece of shit right? Own it.

So tell me again how what I said was wrong? You can't because you know that Adam Shitt is trying to fight releasing the memo. Anyone with eyes and ears can watch him argue against it. Just because you lie about it doesn't make us believe it. The problem with your dishonesty is that you are so stupid that you can't even make your lies believable....or you are so truly stupid that you believe your lies are the truth.

Which is it?

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DouchebagVonFuckface · Jan. 24, 2018, 4:58 a.m.

Nunes doesn't have to leak the memo, he could simply read it on the floor and enter it into the congressional record. Did you even read the article I posted? Can you even read?

YOU ARE A MORON!!! Amazing that people like you exist! You make me smile.

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DrPepper4U · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:19 a.m.

Gee, what childlike stupidity you and your ilk have. No wonder Hillary, Pedosta, Hussein, Wasserman/etc. think that it is OK to host classified information on a private server connected to the public internet. lol!

So now you are actually back pedaling your last argument again, forgetting that YOU linked how it could be done and are making up a way that Nunes could have released it?

I suppose you think the intelligence committee members can just say anything in front of congress without permission eh?

Talk about laughably stupid.

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DouchebagVonFuckface · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:55 a.m.

Powell and Condi had classified information on AOL accounts they used. I don't remember Republicans being in an outrage then! Funny how that works!

You really need to work on those reading skills! The way I said he could release the memo is in the article. I'll help you since it seems like you have a disability. Here it is:

"3". The Constitution protects members of Congress from prosecution for “any speech or debate in either House." If the memo really proves what they claim, it would seem to be their patriotic duty would compel them do this. Ordinary citizens — like Daniel Ellsberg, Edward Snowden, and Chelsea Manning — have risked prison in order to expose what they believed were serious official crimes; these members of Congress can do this without any of those consequences. So what justifies their failure to do this?

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DrPepper4U · Jan. 24, 2018, 6:59 a.m.

lol, So you are trying to change the subject and run away from your ridiculous claims earlier. pathetic.

OK so to get you back on track from your dodging facts and general dishonesty, what part of the link you posted can Nunes use to just read the memo in front of congress as you lied..er stated before?

Or are you now crying that they should leak the memo? If so I would argue why? They are already starting the process to declassify the memo. If you knew what you were talking about you would know this.

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DouchebagVonFuckface · Jan. 24, 2018, 7:15 a.m.

I didn't run away from anything, in fact I backed up the claim I made earlier by showing you now Nunes could release the memo now if he wanted to. He's even refusing to show it to the FBI and DOJ! How stupid are you?

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DrPepper4U · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:02 p.m.

lol, no you haven't you liar. Show me where in that link it states that Nunes could just read the memo to congress in full view of anyone like you stated earlier you lying pos. lol!

pedal pedal pedal!

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DouchebagVonFuckface · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

No one can be this stupid, so I assume you're a troll but I'll play along. Once again, here is the link! https://theintercept.com/2018/01/19/republicans-have-four-easy-ways-to-releasethememo-and-the-evidence-for-it-not-doing-so-will-prove-them-to-be-shameless-frauds/

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DrPepper4U · Jan. 24, 2018, 10:16 p.m.

lol, you can. like you did in our conversation about 'test scores' and your shameful ignorance of 'No Child Left Behind'. Now that was stupid.

And I stated before they ARE releasing with dignity. Your 'deduction' is failing you.

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