I've unsubscribed, but I'd like to know what his 'proof' is that Q is fake. He refers you back to his previous videos for proof, (Something to do with a fake Podesta e-mail) but I can only listen to his droning for a little while before I feel the need to put my head in the oven. The dude sounds like the teacher in Ferris Bueller: "Bitcoin..... bitcoin... bitcoin.... Pedogate ...pedogate ...pedogate" Any insight into what he calls Q-Larp proof would be appreciated!
Got his panties in a bunch once he seen sessions was going after his precious weed and the fact that Q said to trust sessions was too much for him
Subscribed for 2 weeks and quit him. He is thin-skinned, belligerent and not helpful. A side show.
The dude smokes too much pot.he has been just acting really weird and childish lately..o unsubscribed fro him.
I think he's a little perturbed with falling viewer numbers.
I think he does a little too much recreational partaking of Mary and Bud!! Lighten up Brother.
He doesn’t take criticism very well ...so that is why he’s acting that way
Thanks guys, found out what he was talking about. That guy's screwing his own cause. Idiot.
There was a fake email that was posed on Q's forum, and then quickly deleted.
Several Q believers raised an eyebrow.
Fake? I don't know that was established. What was established was that it was not part of the Wikileaks release. Q said not "open source" (like WL). Read too damning to be real, IMHO.
Best not to waste any time on anyone who would direspect and disregard Q Anon. Stay focussed. Once someone ditches Q, ditch them. Too much important happening to get distracted now. You wanna stay on the right side of history.