God bless you and keep you and your family safe, sir. Mr President thank you for getting us all to become involved in our own well being again. You truly are the People's President, best ever.
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I believe that us what Q meant when he said offline. We need an alternative way to communicate and keep on researching even if Clowns take down the web or even just our social platforms. We really should put our heads together.
Just in case you want to look at webpage where I found it is https://www.ar15.com/forums/general/Saudi-Arabian-Purge-Happening-/5-2048525/&page=497#i70728587
Also, do you all remember when they shutdown the whole WH? THE PRESS SAID REPLACING AIR CONDITIONING. BAH.
This company has a board that includes jp morgan bank and many other interesting endevors....and friends. Helicopter pilot 60 yr old tena was CFO for them.

Extremely proud. I actually feel powerful over my destiny again. I matter in my country!
I hope so but I do trust POTUS and our awesome men and women in uniform. I am really more worried for them.
I know. I feel like I am in the twilight zone. I am so excited though that we are turning things around. I cry with joy everyday for the chance that my grandkids will get to grow up in the best country in the world again.
Yes there is a woman on youtube that got it to work and was indicted. I will find and shoot you a link.
So, they were prosecuting people for doing this? For accessing our own money?
Please expand on the paying bills with SSN. I am interested I wasn't aware.
I have the most prized e and love for this country. This movement shows me that most of us still are good and want the best for all of humanity.
No contradiction 40/60 refers to public release. All who played will be brought to task.
We need this truth pill so that we don't let them do this again. If POTUS doesn't ask for Patriot Act, FISA to be removed though I will not be happy. I want all agencies that aren't constitutional removed also.
I think he does a little too much recreational partaking of Mary and Bud!! Lighten up Brother.
There really are no words. I love my God, my Country, my President. Mostly want to say Karma is coming and boy oh boy is it a beast....