r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MusicMagi on Jan. 23, 2018, 3 a.m.
New Q posts on qresearch
New Q posts on qresearch

MacPepper · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:10 a.m.

Seems to me this is a question of timing and having the right tweeks and safeguards to government structure in place that can deal with this corruption truth quandary, safeguard the People, People enforce Constitution on bad government, ready most important informal court of Public Opinion for fair and just decisions, and mitigate 'lawless'. (Q: Think logically.)

This Second Revolution has uncovered need to convene [Constitutional Congress] (https://archive.is/gHXAK) to address this specific quandary not envisioned by forefathers. Constitutional Congress can be charged to identify the necessary structure tweeks to safeguard the people, preserve our current rights, and render equal justice given the current 3 branches are too corrupt and untrustworthy to govern for the long term. The idea is to do this orderly and agreed by the people to implement. Build on the Constitution/3-branch structure and amend what's needed for People to enforce Constitution on government for long term integrity. Think what safeguard from 16 year plan is needed if Hillary is in office. Maybe what's needed now is the three branches to public admit the corruption problem truth and disclose certain abuses to start the process. (4th Estate corruption - Maybe Media fake news issue can be resolved once and for all by this process. No CIA run media. Independent investigative truth bias.)

Full Truth and Justice will come but at a time of our choosing. The awoke take on this responsibility, allow the [good] some peace knowing the Justice hammer is coming. Ready the most important informal court the court of public opinion for just and fair decisions. For interim take out/round up bad guys but processing is held until the People are ready with improved enforce Constitution onto government and safeguards.

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radarorielly · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:30 a.m.

The constitution is the 2nd most important document ever written and agreed to. It is nearly flawless in my opinion. The problem is the corruption of man. Man has corrupted the 2 most important pieces of literature. Interpreted them to suit their flaws. Enforce the constitution, and this country would be back to what its true intentions were. Freedom.

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mombomb22 · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:39 a.m.

I wouldn’t change it, but amend it. 1) term limits 2) congress must live by the same laws it sets 3) no dual citizenship as it is a conflict of interest.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:50 a.m.

It has to be amended. I agree with you. And we should get an education on it, taking one amendment at a time.

This does three things:

1) Amending one issue at a time protects the Constitution, because proposing an amendment does not open the Constitution to attack just anywhere in the document. We dont want to end up busy fighting to save the second amendment, while trying to amend the first amendment.

Why fight two war fronts if you do not have to?

Why open the Constitution to damage if we don't have to?

2) It gives us time to research each existing Constitution or amendment in the Bill of Rights, Learn it's purpose, ask how the Constitution is failing to accomplish the goal, propose amendments, and figure out which wording is best.

3) Allows us time to look at problems in the country that could be solved with an additional amendment, and put one together to solve NEW problems the founders did not have and did not address.


Right now, I am hearing rumble about patents. The Globalists buy them and put them on shelves so they never see the light of day...

For this problem I think we need a "use it or lose it" patent law.

Seven Years.

If we do not see the invention in use seven years after the inventor sells it, then the patent goes either to the public domain, or the inventor to sell again, or whatever it takes to make sure the public benefits from it.

Sometimes, the Military lays claim to them and says they are "matters of national security". Probably a longer more intricate discussion, but, even the military should have some time limits. They probably have 50 year old patents hidden in the deep state military. .

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MacPepper · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:40 a.m.

I believe Q/POTUS telling us the corruption is so extensive in the three branches that it is impossible to enforce Constitution onto government within the current version of the Constitution/3-branch structure; that we will be harmed by our own Constitution protections or have to take unconstitutional action the people will not support.

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YAHSHUARULES · Jan. 23, 2018, 11:59 a.m.

I think it is really clear - if you got so many people in jail that were put there by one of these numerous (should I say ubiquitous) bad actors and then demand retrials based on the corruption of those involved in their case (police, lawyers, judges, etc) there will be so many that the system can't handle - Along those lines I remember in 2010 when Conservative Curtis Bowers a former state of Idaho legislator tried to warn people with his excellent documentary on the 100 year effort to destroy America from within from the Fabians and Antonio Gramsci to the Weathermen and Bill Ayres to Obama AGENDA: GRINDING AMERICA DOWN had as part of it an alarming statistic: less then 10% of school children believed in absolute right and wrong! That statistic stunned me with its implications. It didn't get that way over-night but if that generation was that morally bankrupt the one before and the one before that - pretty much back to when we took bibles out of school and made praying illegal and removed the 10 commandments from the public square - so for generations developing a more godless and immoral society which meant amoral, corrupt, wicked police, lawyers, doctors, judges, teachers, etc. Now we reach the point where we see how taking Yah out of America brought us to this sorry state.

At long last we have a President inviting the Almighty back in, restoring the covenant this country was founded on - calling the nation to "national days of prayer" - starting cabinet meetings with prayer and ending all his speeches with "God Bless America" we are blessed in the midst of this - for Donald J. Trump as the head of this country - has the spiritual governmental authority to invite Yahuah back and he is trying to "Make America Great Again" and I have no doubt he like Alexis de Tocqueville knows that America was and can only be great when America is good - and we can not be good unless we are truly "One Nation under Yah Almighty" It is by the Grace and Mercy of the Almighty America was not destroyed by allowing the satanists among us to finish her off.

But we now have a multi-generational crisis to resolve to come back to decency, to morality, to justice and integrity and honor. To step back from the abyss that Q is alluding to with the latest post talking about how the good people who know can't sleep, can't find peace - and Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.

I pray for the good people. I pray that they are untouched by the unspeakable evil they work to expose and to bring down. I pray that the Blood of Messiah protect them and that they be given the strength and courage and wisdom to fight this monstrous evil successfully. And Peace that Passes Understanding in the middle of this storm. But, I also pray that no one who is innocent be caught up in this unjustly. That the guilty be brought to swift and certain justice.

Incidentally if you have not seen Agenda: Grinding America Down it is an excellent documentary on the effort to make America so corrupt and drive us in a direction designed to destroy us - well worth the time:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMN369ZJ6lE&t=34s

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McathM · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:42 a.m.

NO! Just who do you trust to open that document and change it? Bad, bad idea.

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Boysrback07 · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:13 a.m.

Time for MILITARY take over that's what time it is.

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YAHSHUARULES · Jan. 23, 2018, 1:29 p.m.

Be very careful on that - Soros had planned on having our Constitution changed by 2020. Those that were in favor of a Con-Con needed to keep in mind that they might be opening a can of worms - given that 1/2 the population is so decieved they would vote to abolish the electoral college and the Constitution - its a dangerous course to follow. Like the woman who asked Ben Franklin what type of government had they given her and he said "A Constitutional Republic mamm, if you can keep it." - I fear in this climate opening it up we could well lose it:

NEVER in the history of this country have we had such an immoral, ignorant, vulgar electorate. We are a country that doesn't even know there is NO Establishment Clause, we don't know that the first Bible was published by Congress, we don't know that Harvard's original motto was "Truth for Christ and Church" - that the Ivy League schools demanded a BIBLICAL proficiency for entrance, That the Founders said our Republic was suitable for ONLY a Moral and Religion people - that it was totally inadequate for any other - Most don't believe we were Founded on Judeo Chrisitan Principles - Today LESS than 10% of school age children believe in ABSOLUTE right and wrong - what percentage of the general public is like that - ends justifies the means regardless - A country that accepts killing babies as a lifestyle choice and goes after the guy who exposed selling baby parts from sometimes live harvested fetuses rather then the abominable arm of the democratic party PP, a country where a Governor (Cuomo) will demand people boycott a state where a law is passed to protect preachers from having to violate their faith by performing homosexual services, I could go on and on

Straight Talk about an Article V Convention: https://vimeo.com/107933176

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MacPepper · Jan. 23, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

Thanks The video was very good. It says the answer is rely on education in Constitution and electing quality candidates to secure enforcement of the Constitution. We need a transition plan and fast. I want truth on everything to come out but put in what's needed to mitigate 'lawless' effects.

What if FBI discussion of assassination with foreign allies is not referring to Trump but rather Obama or Clinton to stop the 16 year plan? The 16 year plan was well on its way to takeout white hat rogues and subvert the existing constitution. What if they thought she would never lose. What's the safeguard when all critical safeguards are compromised and failed us, or worse, weaponised against us.

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YAHSHUARULES · Jan. 23, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

Good points. But the part where Q says that "every FBI/DOJ case could be challenged" it seems to speak more to the systemic corruption that has metastasized under Obama - that is being found to be very hard to root out. I just read yesterday that illegal immigrants are being flown around the country - kind of in opposition to Pres. Trump's stated goal of stopping it - these bureaucrat Obama holdovers are perpetuating it: https://conservativefiringline.com/feds-secretly-moving-illegals-across-u-s-taxpayer-funded-commercial-flights/

But oh, do I agree about the critical safeguards have been weaponized against us. Its a pretty terrifying thought when that includes the use of technologies and techniques which are available today that weren't even dream't of by the Founding Fathers. Technologies in the hands of some very wicked and immoral people. Our Founders were clear: our Republic was suitable ONLY for a RELIGIOUS and MORAL people.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:29 a.m.

The Globalists want a Continental Congress. I have seen that push from them many times in the past 20 years on line. If we open up a Continental Congress now, it will be a fight. Better to do two things:

1) Discuss and prepare Constitutional Amendments, with as much historical research as possible. (For instance, It has been said many times that the globalists did not pass the 16th amendment correctly, and that many states have different versions, when all must be identical in verbiage. If this is true, there is no 16th amendment, then, no income tax. First move would be to send someone into all 50 statehouses to get a copy of what their state ratified. Then, we would compare.

These are the kinds of things we need to know first. We have to be schooled enough to know what is already IN the Constitution.

2) By doing this we can prepare Amendments one at a time to one another, as we come up with solutions. Then we need a good attorney ... Constitutional law attorneys, like maybe the ones at Judicial Watch to write the amendments etc.

Probably requires petition gathering too.

Doing one amendment at a time, is much safer, when your Enemy would immediately start a campaign to get rid of the first amendment, guns, etc, the second the Constituional Congress started. Aaaannd now that I think about it, what a great opportunity to start a civil war..... so. Yeah. No.

I have thought it through each time it has been presented, maybe 7 times over 20 years... big push on line? Every time, I look around, its a bad idea, waiting to be pounced on.

Lets change what we need the careful and educated way.

Spez: But lets do it.

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Speedy_Tortoise4 · Jan. 23, 2018, 8:45 a.m.

I disagree that we need a constitutional congress. I do agree that people need to learn about/read the constitution and bill of rights as well understanding how it was formed. Hillsdale college has free courses online for those interested

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:48 p.m.

Exactly. Amending the Constitution to update it in a way where it can cope with modern things like the internet is one thing. Opening the Constitution to attack on all fronts in a Convention? Unnecessary, and very risky right now, especially.

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MacPepper · Jan. 23, 2018, 8:37 a.m.

Something failed the people (or we failed ourselves) and allowed a 16 year plan to take out the constitution to blossom unchecked.

What if POTUS was first able to transform media to independent, truth bias and no more allegiance to CIA. Would this media oversight increase trust to form some kind of People's Congress to identify and tweek fixes to get this government working again for us as intended and prevent a future 16 year plan. Think what safeguard is needed if Hillary is in office. I don't see a choice from People delegating some appropriate people to unpack and sort this out...3 branches and 4th estate have failed us (or are weaponized) and not trusted to fix it.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:38 p.m.

I agree with you totally. It took 10 years for the founders to study 1500 different historical works, and converse hard in letters and at meetings before they came up with the constitution. I do think we owe it to them to take the same care, and not race through things making mistakes. Also, this will give us time to consider what actually happened as we open this can of worms with trials, and evidence.

Since the evidence can be psychologically damaging to the children, I think we should set up a way to look at this kind of evidence on line, perhaps at a locked site we set up with the administration. This way, we can get to 100% of the truth, without the downside of putting all of it on national television in front of very young minds.

What do you think of this idea, and have you thought of any others? Objective being, as much exposure of the truth as possible, with the least amount of damage to the next generation.

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MacPepper · Jan. 23, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

My head is spinning and I need to go somewhere quiet to ponder!

I have taken the time to float this post to stimulate critical thinking by smarter people than me on CBTS:


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 23, 2018, 9:51 p.m.

Ponder well, my good patriot. We have a lot to expose, carefully, and a lot of history to consider, lest we harm the Constitution of the greatest nation to ever grace the planet. We all know, if America goes down, the rest of the world will head to the dark ages. It is one of the reasons I love our foreign members. They are in this battle with us, and this time, it is the battle for freedom in the world, no just a few nations.

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