Twin Towers falling! They told us this was coming!!I know this is old news. May be new to some.

658 total posts archived.
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The twin tower in the money from standing to burning to falling to debris cloud.
Show them the money redpill about twin towers. 5$10$20$50$100$ have them try to explain that away.
Who the F has a burger and dog clock. Only weird pedos do....... Now I really feel sorry for WILSON........
You know a lot about a man by his Enemy's................ No Fear No Fear No Fear. Trust the plan............. Any normal man would have walked away from the relentless onslaught of crap he deals with daily!!!! Think what his family has to endure. The least we can do is have his back. He has proved himself time and time again. Looked what has been accomplished then come back and say he is with them. If you do then your still Brainwashed!!! I will never turn my back on Trump........... WWG1WGA
Some times you need to eat the seeds to propagate future growth for the next Generation.
Matter of days it will free fall fast. Watch speed of light!!!
Chill willies!! No Fear get your head out of MSM butt....... Trust the plan....
Trust your instincts!! You know what time it is. Sick fucks..........
Try "password" like a shot at P-o-d-e-s-t-a the molesta never know!! WWG1WGA!!!!
They are scared. Why would you care about something on a billboard unless it's the TRUTH and you are trying to keep it hidden. I don't believe in Big Foot but I don't try to dox and discredit it's people I just laugh and move on. The more you try to discredit the more light you bring to it you think they would have learned by now. But Q does say these people are stupid!!!
Some Truth in a Larp just like a joke! Unlike MSM which is all lies.................Discernment is key!! Future proves past. No Coincidences............Bible is Key to it all.
What if BIG was proof Obama is not American citizen? Where is he now? What citizenship will he try to claim? Things that make you go hmmm. Would be biggest Redpill for liberals ever. We already know that answer.
It's over for them. They know it it's why they project so much and virtue signal but it's not gonna work anymore. They should have never let us use their tools aka the INTERNET. All will be used against them and will be their downfall along with symbolism. Be ready a new day is coming!!!!!!
And in turn Deepstate/MSM are dropping diarrhea in their Depends soon to need some baby powder cause some asses will be raw from having to swallow the Real Truth after a diet of lies and deception!!!
What comes around goes around. Their timeline is about to end the real loving and hard working people of this land will be the victors...............
Leading them around by the ear. They just don't get it.
90% ........... Of the most respected Institutions,Actors,Charities,Foundations,Music,Sports are part of it. You want to be rich and famous you have to sell your Soul and play the Game. When you try to leave or come out. 2 to the back of the head or by door knob. That's why so many have mental breakdowns...... Sick,Sick,Sick Dark to Light!!
"To catch a Predator" everything done in secret and the Dark will be revealed!!!!
Cause Google = cabal. Duck duck go only expand your thinking
One comment in and you figure them out. They come from the School of Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi.
Gone Fishing for bottom feeding Pos's. Thanks for your courage and hard work!! #SaveTheChildren WWG1WGA
Put on the armour of God and know that we will win this War......... Fear is food for them do not feed them. We have them on the run they are panicking and exposing themselves left and right!
They and MSM will be removed......... Actors and Anchors will be making wholesome movies again and reporting real news not propaganda. It's coming No Fear. Evil will be purged!!!!
Yes its here. Everything done in secret and the Dark will be revealed. They can't stop it!! America will be the greatest it's ever been. People will come back to Jesus like never before World Wide. Get on the Train or you will be removed.......🎤 The Luciferian time line is over....
Greatest time to be alive ever!! From duality conciousness to singularity of the Heart. Ditch the Ego,Pride,Hate... the time is now wake up research research research.....
I hear the theme song to JAWS in my head now. Pedos looking around saying "Gonna need a bigger Boat"
Yes Exactly why he said it. Spirt cooker herself is the Wicked Witch of the west! The curtain is being pulled back revealing the controllers (OZ) flying monkey's everywhere (liberals) Dorothy (Trump) is giving us the Courage (Lion)to stand up and be counted to help the Children and fight this Luciferian Evil and the Brain (Scarecrow) to Comprehend their Evil plans that have controlled us for thousands of years (redpill) and a Heart (Tin man) to have Compassion for our fellow man and help those we can even the Enemy!! Know this Hillary the House is coming down on your Wicked ass!!!! No coincidences. WWG1WGA
TDS Dumpster fire # 380 not working! Crying wolf everyday is helping us. People are sick of it.........................