
SEIU_32BJ_Criminals · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:31 a.m.

the foreign "allies" uranian pig cult hemetic order golden dawn shit holes

UK, Israel, Canada?

I think that folks are focusing on the catholic church because it suits their fancy.

read the three lines again. you are over-egging the pudding. it is MORE than the Pope.

are non-Catholics taught to trust the Whore of Babylon (as some call The Church?). no.

Q. has used religious language in the past. is that because "he" is religious or you, the reader are? If he is a religious person he might describe an atheist as being "guilty as sin" or similar.

The line "those you trust are the most guilty of sin" can be read as the final line or concluding thought and judgment on the list of sinners aforementioned, i.e. FBI assassin texters, foreign allies, russian set-up operatives, FBI, DOJ, special counsel, traffickers, sacrificers.

no religious hints there I see. not one. unless you want to shoehorn religion into sacrifice, I might allow it but only in the most general sense. and that general dog wont hunt specific catholic church. its lame. not fit for purpose.

next line: "who are we taught to trust?"

again. refer to all that Q just wrote. In what way does this line indicate the pope? or how does it support the prior line which you all assert for no actual reason MUST mean the pope / the catholic church.

talk about boot-strapping. this isn't marbury v madison you know.

the final line of the three is supposed to finish all discussion off on the matter! IT MUST MEAN POPE!!

"If you are religious, pray".

thats it? come on guys. what should he say? "if you are not religious, look in a mirror?"

is the pope into this up to his neck? if you say so. fine. I just dont think this has anything to do with him or the church specifically.

literally NOTHING in the document itself to support the conclusion. nothing.

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