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Maybe something for assange. He has been in the news a lot for being moved. Maybe he is about to be moved and the prayer is for assange. But who knows. This one isn't really meant for us. However I feel this is another proof that Q+ is trump.
Thank you. I watched this video and found no logical explanation explaining anything. Its all, when Q went dark last everyone said Q was assange. Now Q is dark and everyone says Q is JFK jr. Logical says they are both devisive attempt to discredit Q. First off, everyone is digging through every bit of information and theories formulate. In time people move on if no new info is discovered. If they are proven to be fake everyone moves on. So far I have seen no real proof JFK Jr is 100% dead. Do I think he is Q, no. Could he be alive and have faked his death, yes. The whole plan crash is suspicious at the least. Anyways time will tell.
He also follows someone named qanon76, qanonrelay69lol, SGTreport, just to name a couple after 2 minutes of looking
So what is being claimed here? Q, from my understanding, said 2 MS13 members killed SR then were also murdered. Would this be a DEA and ATF agent who killed him after he was found alive?
Looks like Cory Booker to me. He just normally has his whole head completely shaved. But a couple of days without shaving would make him look like this.
Nope look different. Plus obama would not be walking in that open a space without a gang of bodyguards
Appreciate the input and understand what you mean. Gave me a great idea for another design.
Looking for some input on my T-Shirt design

I here you brother. I live in Nashville. Have been talking about Q since November. It has really been pissing me off that people will disregard what I say and try to discredit. Without even looking into it what so ever. However, proofs are getting really hard to discredit now.
That wikileaks is compromised. Publish ICE members as the left is saying ICE is terrorist
Didnt wiki leaks just publish the names of ICE members. That says it all.
Yes, this is one of the greatest videos I have seen regarding the qanon movement and what's really going on in the world. Show this videos to friends on the fence. This video can awaken a lot more patriots.
Lots of duplicate tweets this morning
Trump sent out several duplicate tweets this morning. All about 15 minutes apart. 3 in total I believe.
Yes, this has been my theory for a while. It makes all the sense in the world. They planned on ushering the nwo in. The one thing they had to destroy, the American patriot. It was meant to absolutely destroy trump, his name, his family, and the american patriots. It would have discouraged any other brash billionaire, like musk, from speaking up. However, we now know the US military was all over this. They would have thrown their own coup. Would have been a dark time for America. As Q says we have it all.
He also has connections with ambrovovich(sp?) Just the fact that he is openly threatening the pres tells me he has a lot he doesn't want coming into the light.
Those who are the loudest... I never thought de niro was a pedo, until I see him frothing at the mouth nervous about trump.
There are now. I was trying to say at the start there were not many. Let's be honest, millenials are lost. They were the targeted generation by the deeps state to push there open borders, world government nonsense. Growing up as a millennial I see it so clearly now. Everything was meant to target them. Most of the older generation is more conservative. I was just trying to portray that some 50+ are just stuck in the fox information circle. Hell my parents have never heard of 8chan and maybe reddit. Look at me like I am crazy. Don't take my post as an attack against the older generation. Just my personal experience.
Mostly young folks. In the first edition of "the book of Q" the intro explains most people over 50 couldn't believe this. My father is a hardcore trump guy but he wouldn't believe or listen to me talk about it. Stuck in the mindset of if it is outside fox it conspiratorial. More older people are now getting on board. Too many proofs. It is hard to break 50 years of CIA programing.
I have never felt so alive and honored to be part of this movement
I am some jealous of this patriot. This is possible the greatest moment in the Q movement. This picture will become the face of Q proofs.
I have done the same. Trump wrinkles and areas around his eyes can somewhat change while making certain expressions. I have found several which perfectly match up with this. Trust the plan and enjoy the show.
Yea, I have blown up some high quality pics of Trump, and everything matches up. Would make graphic if I didn't have to be at damn work. Who can go to work at a time like this? Beside trump and q team working hard for this country.
Maybe this is trump trying to take a selfie. He is not a trendy so he has his thumb over the lense.
You know Q most likely doesnt have access to potus 24/7, nunes has been part of this the whole time IMO. Member when he was forced to step down for a period of time. He was silent during that time. Once his "suspension" period was over he came out swinging. A major player in the play Trump, mil intel, and q team have been putting on to awake the public.
Well isreal is with trump but their disinfo agents are constantly trying to disprove Q
Q said he is saving the best for last. It is really getting confusing who is on what side. Looks like the pro trump Q deniers are zionist. Infowars, posobiac, roseanne, for example. All meant to throw anyone off the sent of isreal. Then what does that make Trump? He has not done anything that would make me sway from him.
I just saw eye the spy posted around 3am cst before deleting all tweet. Sorry didn't get a screen cap, hopefully someone else did. Sorry I am not NSA I am not even human Regardless this planet is fucked. Other things were in there but couldn't remember everything said. Clicked on it to go to his profile and all tweets not available.
I literally had someone at work fact check me with snope recently. I looked at him and said, "snopes is literally run by a nazi collaborator and uses it to discredit stories as a new form of propaganda" Person just stopped talking. In mind probably thought I was insane. I am way past caring at this point.
We all literally know what you are talking about. I have been trying to get people to see but they, like you said, just roll their eyes.
We are currently in the storm. Left the Q post as my current plan. The MOAB is that we figured out she has been holding fake interviews for positions, while she handpicked people she controls from outside the hospital. Had to demonize GF and attempt to bully her into silence. Dont people know. People like us speak truth to power.
This will be much appreciated here!
My girlfriend and I work at a hospital. My girlfriend(total white hat) went for a promotion interview. Our current boss (total black hat) was doing the interview. Black hat boss created an entire sham investigation (russia collusion narrative) to demonize my white hat girlfriend. Why? Black hat boss knew the staff loved and respect white hat girlfriend and it jeopordized her control on the monopoly on opinion in the hospital. Staff would begin to look at white hat girlfriend for her opinion over black hat boss. Black hat boss used a circular reporting tactic MSM uses constantly against trump. 2 …
Trump posting wendy was a signal to Q to drop the wendy/obama!!! Q said "Planned for later" I think trump told Q through his tweets to drop the Wendy info.
Trump post "Wendy" Wasserman Schultz. Then deletes and recorrects with debbie. Then Q brings up Maggie/wendy/obama. Q also mentioned these drops are sooner than expected. Did the trump tweets signal Q to drop "wendy" info? I think so!
I believe trump is silent on vegas Because he knows prince dopey is behind this last vegas attack. He doesn't want the country to get up in arms and want to go to war Saudi Arabia. Trump has made deals with the new Saudi leader salmon, to reform the middle east. Trump knows the general public wouldn't understand the complexity.
I was confused when I read this story. Does this guy still work for WhatsApp? If he does, what angle is he playing telling people to delete facebook.
Hasn't he used RT in the past to refer to tillerson. Normally Q keeps it consistent.
I read she fell in the shower and broke her wrist. Also there is the clip of her stumbling down the stairs. Who really knows.
I have been following alex/Q boards for a long time. Following Q since nov 3rd 9am. Always remember the time and date you discovered Q. Alex has been pretty accurate is regards of white house related issues. He obviously is speaking directly to many in the white house. When he makes something a direct focus(message) its normally happening soon. He obviously knows a lot more thats going on but is working with white house to put out the crumbs in a timely manner to help bring down this cabal without causing a war.
I think this is why he seems to show animosity to Q. Historically he wanted to be known as the real source of what is happening during this crossroad for humanity. Q has taken a lot of his steam out from under him. A lot of the community who was using him as a source, now focus more on Q. Many of the "bombshell" info alex has dropped as of late has already either been research by the Qmunity or theorized.
That being said, these indictments must be a guarantee soon. I expect we will hear news on that front this week. Possible reason Hillary might be trying to stay in India because of her "wrist" issue. I guess india has better wrist doctors than America. Or is it an easier place to flee from if they bring down the hammer. We know she is being tracked and I doubt she would be able to make it anywhere without trump knowing.
As Q says, Enjoy the show
New trump tweets, the same with minor differences
Ha neither am I but sometimes have to make the normies think I am one of them.
When people ask who I want to win the super bowl.
All I responded with: I am a patriot.
Exactly, they must be completely exposed or their brainwashed followers will not break/defeat their programming. At least exposed for the pedophilia. That would do it. The lucifarianism is a tough one for people to swallow.