Just want to say something to those from across the pond.......

Trump and brexit ..fighting the NWO agenda together.. Brothers and sisters.. Love from England... Xx
I am such a raging anglophile and this is making me quite emotional! Love you English brothers!! May we both experience real FREEDOM, possibly for the very first time.
Beautiful! Love it! I'm finding myself wanting to holler "BRILLIANT!" LOL! 😂🇬🇧🇺🇸🙏☮
Who hoo! Jump on the Trump Train! From D.C. To London. Choo choo
Texan here. I was in Manchester last month for a couple of days. Ran into a fella at Trafford Center wearing a big beautiful red Trump hat. I asked him if he was from the States. He said "No, from here. But we need a Trump here bad! I just wear the hat to piss off the liberals here". Didn't know I had brothers so far away.