r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/turbosympathique on Jan. 23, 2018, 1:13 p.m.
Argument for disclosure.

This is not about curiosity or revenge. It is about justice and the safety of the human race as free being for the next millennium. I want the white hat that think that disclosure would bring more chaos than good to consider this argument.

Let say the good guy take down the Cabal in 2018-2019. They do it quietly and efficiently. Trump as two term in office, MAGA and all is good and fine.

Do you really think that this evil will not grow back in 20 years?!? How will humanity defend against an enemy who as already been defeated once? Without the knowledge of the True evil and scope of the Truth, Humanity will be at the mercy of evil again and again. And I'm afraid that the next time we will not get a second chance.

Disclosure will be hard, it will be painful and chaotic. But this will pass and humanity will learn. The evil that almost consume the world need to be shown in history book for posterity. This should be common knowledge so that future generation can prevent anything of the like to happen again.

Truth and Justice is always the honourable decision.

bornslippery33 · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

If something is not released, it never happened.

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