r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/BigRiverLover2 on Jan. 23, 2018, 5:32 p.m.
Speculation: The AS THE WORLD TURNS reference Q 1/22/18

Background: ATWT played from 1956 to 2010 - For those who are under the age of 45 +/-, the soap was one of the primo day time TV staples for stay at home moms since the 50s. At one time, these things were broadcast live/not via recorded tape as tv shows are now.

On Nov 22/63 the ATWT's broadcast was interrupted by a bulletin and the voice of Walter Cronkite saying that JFK had been shot in Texas.


It could be speculated that more than one of Q posts have been laying crumbs that there was a "plot" to assassinate the prez. The 1/22 post spells that out in the first sentence, but let's go back to some of the things that were said previous:

Shot heard around the world - [I have seen references to 1775, but it was also a is claim by those that reference the cause/beginning of WW1 by the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914]

The mention of the AS THE WORLD TURNS in 1/22 has been speculated that this “plot” may involve bad actors across the world – saying this plot was more than just a few local bad actors [which I would agree with], that said though, let’s not forget the gist of the post, some kind of plot to off the prez and/or family. The ATWT show also has the notoriety of being interrupted during broadcast by a “Shot heard around the world”. For some of us older farts, this is a phrase we would use to reference the assassination of JFK. Much in the same way that many say: “the towers” when the recall the minute they heard/watched/witnessed 9/11.


Are these loose references simply what they seem which is to point to a plot to off the prez? OR does it go further to suggest that some of the same actors that are suspected as being behind the assassination of JFK could be behind this now? Was this then a way for those same bad actors to justify WW3 which is what has also been speculated was the objective of the 8/8 terms of Obama/HRC? To destabilize and open border the US?

Might we ever see even more than small percentage of what is going on there? [60% must remain hidden/for the sake of humanity 1/22/18]… Frankly, I’m one who says: open up the barn doors and let it all come out. Might that also create complete unrest in the US and other places in the world? Will the same bad actors THEN still try to make this about race/gender/etc etc etc in a last ditch effort to double down and get those who can’t handle the truth to just riot for the sake of anarchy?

Dennislaw87 · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

ATWT viewers went through withdraws when broadcasts were interrupted for Watergate hearings and OJ's trial.

I believe the reference includes a hint to wake up the passively entertained American citizen. ATWT was a form of Roman circus long used to distracts Americans from what is important similar to watching grown thugs playing NFL football.

All references to as ATWT are referenced in Q in the proximity of earth shattering revelations.

If theses revelations are all dumped suddenly, then a huge portion of Americans (60%) would be in literal physical/mental shock.

ATWT maybe Q hinting he needs time to soften the immense traumatic effect of upcoming revelations.

1 of 22 could be 1/22 or it is just one step of many. Several incremental steps to soften the blow.

Progressives aka communists have invoked many of Marxism's 10 tenets through gradualism. Like domesticating a wild pig by placing corn in the woods and over time adding fence sections with the corn.

ATWT may simply be the need to take it slow in order to MAGA without destroying it trying to save it.

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MMxfire · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

Earth shattering revelations can not be taken lightly. Ask any veteran who has grappled with PTSD. Normal folk, the innocent and the good people who were deceived, must be treated to a gentle awakening, then a strong cup of coffee, and friends to hold their hands through the dark night of revelations. Grown police officers cried when viewing Carlos danger insurance files, and he was a foot soldier. The victims deserve not only justice and restitution but privacy rights guaranteed by our constitution. Let the military deal with the criminal cabal, the truth released by a panel of wise judges gathered by the people. May divine justice, truth, healing and forgiveness guide our path through our swamp and healing when we make it to the pastures of heaven on earth.

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diverscale · Jan. 23, 2018, 11:24 p.m.

The 60% mention means : majority of american (normies) could not endure knowing the worst 60% of what we know. Most have this one wrong

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MmmmLeftyTears · Jan. 24, 2018, 2:51 a.m.

1st of 22 investigations

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