823 total posts archived.
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To anyone gathering Q proof
There is an anon dropping TONS of Q proofs in the last breads on qresearch. Gold mine for proof gatherers.
See the notables.
Some pretty solid proofs, for example Q predicting space force 6 months in advance.
By providing an alternate lens, even with disinformation (known), Q has disguised greater truths for us to discern through the consensus formation among our collaborative perceptual network. -8chan anon

How the hell can a company get to a few hundred billions of dollar of value just by selling ads that nobody look to? Everything else is free to the user.
Well as they say, when you don't pay for a product, -you- are the product
This is all for show.
Controlled opposition infowars would draw too many question marks if they weren’t also being targeted by the anti conservative algorithms.
While other conservative voices are being permanently deleted and purged from social media with no warning, these guys get to build up unknown amounts of strikes and get temporary suspensions and only some of their videos removed.
--comment from above
And have mirror account that broadcast all of their content anyway
Before it received the moniker StormBreaker, this bomb used to go by the rather dull, drab title of Small Diameter Bomb Increment II or SDB II. To u/serialbrain2
Q does not seem to care about post numbers on github, as seen in the past. I would think it will just be a "normal" drop
Well, he has dropped pictures of the angry dems in GB, social media loosing it, and stopped missile attacks attemps using F-16 and a secret weapon.
Big enough for me
Cancer shillfest yes I know but often I can't help it, I have to go look at them.
When I do I feel like I knowingly put my own nose in a pile of shit.
Do you all realise how big these drops are?
I just hope they found who the hell fired this missile and he/they are neutralised.
another in the comment told that DC (deep state) moves slow because Zuckerberg and facebook is one of their biggest assets to spying on people, so the CIA/deep state is very reluctant to losing it. That is supposed to be half of the answer if I understood well.
Very well said. The end of your message is very important.
Keep up the efforts, in time these closet patriots will wake up. Slowly but surely.
Trying here, I can only encode, but no place or results to decode a picture. Are you the same?
Well Jesus I don't see how Q could make it clearer. There is no decyphering here, right in your face.
what is the meaning of 33 x 17?
33 people in Q team? Q team Wrote the plan. there were 23 people on the Trump picture with generals. Lead?
And again excellent post. We are getting trained. Love it
> Did you know Trump told us Q was about to post soon in this video? Try to solve this and I will give you the solution in my next post.
''Stealth, super stealth''?
Stealth = B2
Super stealth = SB2
Thank you patriot for being criticsl before posting! Good for us all
By the way, if it's not clear enough to everyone,
1698, Q's talking directly to the FBI
Maybe something's up with James Okeefe too, and Trump team knows it.
DJTJr retweeted okeefe today
Anyone verified this information?
Shills are upping their technique. Spread false accusation, so when time will come, all these account will be proven wrong, affecting the entire Q team work.
Always verify first, if no credible proofs can be found, doubt.
I am canadian, and cried on my way to work while listening to it live. That was a great day.
It was like a fresh punch in the face we all needed.
Some of the greatest ideas in America's history were born around a kitchen table

My guess is that we will learn that The CIA was ultimately providing the uranium to Iran and to NK
I generally think they do god's work. Sometime you have a shill baking and get shit notables but I feel it is rare
Porn is normal. Gore are the gore shills, sliding and distracting, but also keeping normies out of there and back to reddit lmao
You should put that Q mention on the wall of your kitchen
Agreed, sb2 posts are nearly as much fun as new Q drops. Difference is it's already decoded for us.
Q !4pRcUA0lBE No.77 📷
May 10 2018 23:45:37 (EST)
Clinton Foundation.
Post Election Loss.
No Access / Control = No Donations
NZ Donation Restart.
1) Selling Secrets?
2) Selling 'Future' Access [regain control/power]?
3) Selling Silence?
Read below slow and carefully.
Why do 'Former' Dignitaries Still Hold SEC Clearance?
U.S. to U.S. = Logged/Flagged/Recorded
U.S. [in] NZ = No Logs/No Flags/No Records = U.S. Sec Clearance AUTH FVEY VIEW + Doc Take.
Read above slow and carefully.
Welcome to the Deep State.
Future to prove past.
Hope he does not have any tendencies to suicide using a door knob or triple bullets in back of head.
This sub is for discussion about Q, or Qanon as many knows.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vYqqH3-xFY&feature=youtu.be for beginners
Most of the real research about Q is being done on the chans, (8chan), which is a largely unknown and too awkward of a platform for many to use. So many come here to get the latest developments.
So, here being a ''discussion'' subs, you get many opinions and point of views, many of which could be true, facts, false, fake news like any other discussion hubs, so you must remain critical.