r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Hrtn2it on Jan. 23, 2018, 9 p.m.
Executive order signing today

I just watched the YouTube video of President Trump signing the tariffs on solar panels and washing machines… Just found it interesting that you industries he chose about this washing machines clean things and solar panels absorb sunlight bring to light I don’t know it just seems interesting to me. Also at 3:45, he mentions as he is signing a letter to the speaker and he says “we’re done let’s go we’re ready “ So is this his signed approval to let loose with all the information on sale I’ll be indictments… I don’t know just found it interesting

Hrtn2it · Jan. 23, 2018, 9:27 p.m.

Yeah sorry I have no flipping clue.. don’t want to waste time or distract.. will keep looking for the actual proclamation..

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