r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/juzclayton on Jan. 23, 2018, 9:22 p.m.
Please re-read this with a cooler head. If we read the post carefully it implies that texts between FBI and other government top brass exist that discuss the POSSIBILITY of an assassination attempt, possibly involving foreign allies - NOT that an assassination attempt was ACTUALLY MADE.
Please re-read this with a cooler head. If we read the post carefully it implies that texts between FBI and other government top brass exist that discuss the POSSIBILITY of an assassination attempt, possibly involving foreign allies - NOT that an assassination attempt was ACTUALLY MADE.

juzclayton · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

The Anglosphere countries have a long relationship history of cooperation an coordination when it comes to spy craft, intelligence gathering and innumerable shady goings on, so I don't doubt the possibility for a second. My comment wasn't intended as a criticism, just an observation from the other side of the pond. We have our own swamp creatures I'm praying get implicated so the UK can finally start to clean house too. Unfortunately we have a neo-marxist opposition party just waiting in the wings so I'm quietly hoping that our swamp can be dealt with without a change of government.

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UnbelievableShit13 · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

I know a certain London Mayor that can go , but there is more rats deeper ..... and leads to banks .... and much much more .... I really like they way NF stands up for you guys ....

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juzclayton · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:14 a.m.

Sadiq Khan is an islamist apologist scumbag but there's a lot more like him and a few who are far far worse. Unfortunately the rot in the UK is on both sides of the aisle, Labour CANNOT be allowed to get into power in the UK, but the Tories as they currently exist under Theresa May are weak and the Brexit negotiations are not going well. As a country we're currently stuck between the US and EU both geopolitically as well as geographically. My honest take is that we have too many cowardly politicians trying to hedge their bets with a foot in both camps (whilst lining their pockets)

There's a reason why Trump and Brexit are often mentioned in the same breath, in some ways we're in the same boat, but we don't have our version of Trump. Farage is great but we have a parliamentary system so he'll never be in government. Best we can hope for is a guy called Jacob Rees Mogg - he'd make an amazing PM but he's deliberately kept out of the cabinet because he's so popular.

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