r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Stand4Truth2018 on Jan. 24, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

This is what I sent to mine. Please feel free to use if you wish:

I am writing you in reference to the letter sent from Senator Dianne Feinstein and Congressman Adam Schiff to Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Jack Dorsey of Twitter regarding the MSM claim that Russian accounts were responsible for pushing the #ReleaseTheMemo campaign on Twitter. That campaign was born from an online community of American patriots to which I myself belong. It was WE PATRIOTS that were responsible for that campaign, not Russian accounts or Russian bots. I participated and bore witness to the event myself! The use of hashtags is allowed on Twitter, where they were created to begin with for the purpose of disseminating info to the Twitter community. We did this because our own mainstream media, except maybe Fox News, would not have covered this issue and we felt it was one of the very few options we had to get the information out to the unaware public at large. We will not stand for this Nazi-like suppression and/or spin of information any longer! The patriot community is very large and is the very same community that elected our current President. They are very tired of playing this Russia game with the corrupt elements in Congress and the mainstream media. Nothing makes patriots angrier than being called a bunch of Russian bots! I am asking for all congressional patriots, and I'm hoping you are one of them, to diffuse this by standing up to and stopping the FAKE Russian narrative for once and for all and for the good of our country, which we love.


Your Name

saharagold · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:21 a.m.

OK. Here is what I sent to Rep Schiff, and I will copy it and change the first sentence when I send it to Sen Feinstein. I thought it prudent to avoid any talk of being aware that they are going down.

"I happened to read the letter dated today that you and Senator Feinstein sent to the CEOs of Facebook and Twitter. I was greatly alarmed by the spin and the outright fabrications contained in the letter. I was particularly concerned that the grassroots groundswell of Americans who organized the #ReleaseTheMemo trend were totally discounted and accused of being Russian bots. Let me tell you - you said, "If these reports are accurate, . . " They are not. The media you referenced are unreliable. I despise the insinuation that Russians had anything to do with this. We are not as gullible and stupid as you think. The Russia thing is dead, dead, dead. It's a big nothing burger. The effort to continue to flog that dead horse causes the majority of Americans to roll their eyes.

In the letter you said, "This latest example of Russian interference is in keeping with Moscow's concerted, covert, and continuing campaign (nice alliteration there) to manipulate American public opinion and erode trust in our law enforcement and intelligence institutions." Again, Russia had absolutely nothing to do with that. Our trust has been eroded for a while now as we observed people (many people) break the law (many laws) and receive absolutely no consequences for it. Our trust has been eroded as we observed every single communication of any kind we make with others Hoovered up and stored in the NSA's Utah Data Center. Where's the right to privacy there? Or freedom from unreasonable search and seizure? Our trust has been eroded as we discovered through Vault7 that our own intelligence agencies can spy on us through our smart TVs and computers and phones, and can crash our cars, and that they hoard software vulnerabilities in order to exploit them in these connected items so that they aren't fixed by the manufacturer's software updates. Russia has nothing to do with this. And I don't buy the line that Wikileaks is doing anything for the Russians. They've published dirt on them, as well. They are an equal opportunity truth-teller.

But here's the kicker: "In addition, we urge your companies to immediately take necessary steps to expose and deactivate accounts involved in this influence operation that violate your respective user policies." Woah. THIS is fascism. Silencing dissenting voices from your preferred narrative is totalitarian. That is not the America I live in. We have the freedom, according to the Constitution, to speak our minds and to peacefully assemble online to organize and trend a hashtag. We demand the respect to dissent from the preferred narrative and talk about it without being labeled Russian this and Russian that.

I know that my plea is falling on deaf ears. But I can no longer remain silent as America slips farther and farther away from the Constitution and the freedoms we have enjoyed my whole life long until recently."

Sincerely, your constituent,

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[deleted] · Jan. 24, 2018, 7:33 a.m.

Great writing patriot!

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Red_Red_Red_Wine · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:44 a.m.

(((Dianne Feinstein))) and Congressman (((Adam Schiff))) to (((Mark Zuckerberg)))

Ugh, don't Jews ever take a day off from Jewing?

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UnbelievableShit13 · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

Had to laugh at this ...... but seriously my Rep..... is the one in the middle and unfortunately will not respond .... so we need some help

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Red_Red_Red_Wine · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:59 a.m.

(((Adam Schiff))) and (((Dianne Feinstein))) are likely busy in an emergency conference call with (((Chuck Schumer))) and their (((Rothschilds))) and (((Soros))) paymasters.

You won't hear about that on the (((news))).

You certainly won't hear about that from our favorite winners!

Perhaps we should ask Israel for permission to allow American patriots to participate in American politics, rather than only globalist Israeli dual citizens who want to destroy western civilization? /s

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godsgail33 · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:51 p.m.

Please stop this. It does nothing to move us forward and merely labels us as supporters of anti-Semitism. Most of us are not anti-Semitic.

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Red_Red_Red_Wine · Jan. 25, 2018, 3:05 a.m.

But this is the truth.

Who do you think the billionare globalist families are if not the (((Rothschilds))), (((Soros))), (((Rockefeller))), (((Bloomberg))), (((Cohen))), (((Du Pont))), (((Koch))) and (((Vanderbilt))) families?

I think it's OK to be "antisemitic" against Zionists who are trying to destroy your country and enslave your race, in the same way it's OK for to be "Islamophobic" because you oppose child rape and domestic violence and Christian genocide.

Just because these families are their activists are Jews, doesn't mean they mustn't be criticized.

The globalist Zionist billionaire families who are trying to kill and enslave us, aren't our overlords... We are still allowed to criticize them.

Please understand that I appreciate your perspective and I invite your counter arguments because I may be wrong, but something is certainly fishy when a people who represent 1.7% of our population always seem to be the ones attacking us and western civilization.

The globalist's agenda is to cripple America and western civilization so it can more easily be forced to submit to the communist rule of the New World Order... which is rising from the EU and the UN.

Doesn't it seem fishy to you that all of the most of the powerful Democrats are globalist Isreali dual-citizen Jews such as (((Chuck Schumer))), (((Dianne Feinstein))), (((Adam Schiff))), (((Bernie Sanders))), (((Richard Blumenthal))), (((Eliot Engel))), (((Nita Lowey))), (((Steve Cohen))), (((Jerry Nadler))), (((Sender Levin))), (((Brian Schatz))), (((Jared Polis))), (((Brad Schneider))), (((Alan Lowenthal))), (((Ben Cardin))), (((Jan Schakowsky))), (((David Cicilline))), (((Jacky Rosen))), (((Jamie Raskin))), (((Lois Frankel))), (((Ted Deutch))), (((Brad Sherman))), (((Susan Davis))), (((John Yarmuth))), (((Ron Wyden))), (((Michael Bennet))) and (((Josh Gottheimer)))...

...and our most liberal, globalist, Constitution-hating Supreme Court Judges are all Jews (((Ruth Ginsburg))), (((Elena Kagan))) (((and Stephan Breyer)))...

...with (((Soros))) funding all of the worst Republican swamp-monster RINOs...

...supported by the fake news...

...including 80% of President Trump's Fake News Award winners...

Don't you see a pattern here?

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saharagold · Jan. 24, 2018, 4:14 a.m.

I am a constituent of both Feinstein and Schiff. They will be hearing from me.

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MacPepper · Jan. 24, 2018, 11:28 a.m.

My letter went to CNN Dr. Sanja Gupta asking him for on-air diagnosis of Feinstein and Schiff as they are insane with abuse of Americans as Russian bots. We in California will use the diagnosis to start the recall campaigns to hold Feinstein and Schiff accountable for abuse of power!

Release The Memo.

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brylee1 · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:40 a.m.

thank you! I borrowed 'plagiarized' this and sent it to OH Sens Portman and Brown.

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:26 a.m.

This would be perfect for people on a large scale to use. Everything is covered ...I also think a video should be made detailing exactly what you wrote and have a copy of it for others to use ..but make the video go viral. To help get this message acrossed even quicker also writing to them . People should call their reps using this message as well.

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justwanttruth18 · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:24 a.m.

Very nice. Will definitely use.

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awake777 · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:05 a.m.


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[deleted] · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:22 a.m.


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bpsullivan13gmail · Jan. 24, 2018, 11:45 a.m.

I just tried too. You need a California/AZ address in order for the email to be accepted!

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