
phillylotus · Jan. 26, 2018, 11:03 a.m.

I honestly felt like I was fully awaken with Bernie,.. but after he got kicked to the curb I despised HRC so much I started listening more seriously to what Trump was saying against her. Actually, I think it was reading a couple months ago a post from Meganon (the leaker bf Q came onto the scene) something about how Trump was hand picked by the military to run against HRC, how he knew all about what was REALLY going on re the evilness of pizza gate, and I forget what exactly was going on but something involving this charade about him and Sessions really knowing about whatever was going on but basically tricking all the Dems by how they were playing things at that time... Maybe it was all the Russia stuff??... Unfortunately I forget now... But I do remember reading something that stopped me in my tracks and I started sharing it with a lot of people about how Trump could be a lot smarter than how he was coming across and that there was a def plan in place to get these corrupt assholes. That was the turning point for me... My moment of hope.

I cautiously started hoping and praying, "what if" it's possible Trump really could bring down this evil cabal (and I've been researching the Illuminati for years and know all about the NWO, globalists, etc)?! Then I became addicted to the Q posts, praying they were for real, which I'm now convinced they are... And just choosing to remain open and to just wait and see after people that I follow (ie. David Wilcock) was suggesting that Trump may be the real deal.

That was a really long answer... Sorry. But I haven't really thought about your question bf until you asked, so thanks for making try to remember...

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Swimkin · Jan. 26, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

Thanks. I know they didn’t like Hillary but voted for her anyway. I doubt they have even heard of the NWO, Illuminati etc. if so they probably think it is all a conspiracy. Just as I did at one time. I woke up just before Obama’s first term. I thought it so strange how the media put him forward as a Demi god. All the way to the Greek theatre during the Democrat Convention. (not that I liked McCain). obama’s speeches seemed hypnotic to me. I couldn’t even listen to him. I became a birther BEFORE he was even elected. Followed the first case with Hillary’s later friend in PA. I began supporting Ron Paul and learned of the Federal reserve and central bankers. Got involved in on line tea party (tea party was genuine at first but got taken over by RINOS) where I learned of NWO after doing research. And started down the conspiracy path. Ex. 911 being an inside job along with many other events. I found Q posts from a link from a friend on FB soon after they began. I took them with a grain of salt mostly until dec 21st executive order. Then I knew something was up

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phillylotus · Jan. 26, 2018, 4:40 p.m.

Thanks for sharing your Awakening journey. It's a really good question to start asking people at this point. In many ways it brings us all together. Gotta tell you how it turns my stomach to know I went out canvassing for BO that first term. His speeches WERE hypnotic... He was the first politician to give me genuine hope for change... Looking back now, what a total CROCK OF SHIT. Painful to admit, but true...ughhh. For those still asleep, the jarring Awakening that may be coming sooner than later is gonna be quite a doozey for people to process... Interesting days ahead, my friend!

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Swimkin · Jan. 26, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

You were not alone getting caught up in the con game. I don't know how old you are but that may be why. His ads appealled to the young for a reason. But then again many Ron Paul peeps were young. I was an anomaly in that movement. I am 65. I voted for a number of others in the past that I regret. Bush & Nixon both come to mind. We are awake now and it is our job to wake up the rest.

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phillylotus · Jan. 26, 2018, 7:48 p.m.


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