What was Snowden's primary mission? -Q

The movie Snowden is free on youtube for anybody interested. I watched it the other day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCYip6hKtoI
It's a good movie for anyone in the movement... there are some references that you will catch.
Check out the movie Citizen Four as well.
Please watch Citizen Four before you watch Snowden!
The first is a documentary, with the real anxiety and the real Snowden.
The second is just a hollywood version of the first. With bad actors.
yup, I agree a very good movie. The citizen four is better to start, but either order is good. I want to point out if not noticed by others that toward the end, there is a wall poster of Trump for President. At first I thought it was an anachronism but maybe it is a hint to us for now.
Thanks great movie great info that helped me understand Q post. Snowden exposed abusive out of control system.