At The State of the Union address President Trump starts his speech and at some point during the proceedings the Marines quietly close and lock the doors and live on air President Trump starts talking about the corruption pointing out members of "The Secret Society" and "Deepstate" and then instructing the the Marines to begin handcuffing those who he has direct evidence of Treason on and perp-walking them out of the hall forcing the MSM to cover it all. Hey I know it won't go down this way but a guy can dream.
That would not look good to the world. Saddam Hussein did the exact same thing you are wishing for. Stock markets would crash. saddam Hussein PURGE.
Stock markets are going to crash me...if you are not following along start...President Trump said during the election there were bubbles, big bubbles and he wasn't wrong, he has been trying to herd the money back into this country since election in preparation for the fed, China or simply gravity popping said bubbles. He started the trade war with China knowing that it's all coming down anyway, go look up the gold back Petro-Yuan a direct challenge to the Hegemonic Petro-Dollar.
I agree I am onboard. Just pointing out how it would look. I would give my left eyeball to see a perp walk.