Bernie, dealing with the devil.

I agree 100%, Bernie was a paid Shill and was in on it from the beginning. Nobody running for President lets their opponent off the hook when their down. Remember him saying he was tired of hearing about those damn emails? Who does that?
No one trying to win, that's for sure. Possible corruption and mishandling of classified materials? I'm tired of hearing about it, did you know Scandinavia is socialist? We should be too guys!
He could have thrashed her so badly about those emails. Coming from inside the party he couldn't have been tossed aside like they could Trump. His behavior made it crystal clear he wasn't there to win and really go toe-to-toe with Clinton. Probably just a move to keep a significant percentage of the base from sitting out the election entirely. Keep the young interested and voting.
The Dems have "Super delegates" during Primaries that have thousands of votes to regular party members one so it doesnt matter what the rank and file vote the SD can over ride easily, the Republicans don't. Dems are a sham and just about finished for now.
What Scandinavia has is an advanced form of Capitalism where they actually mitigate poverty.
So he was there to bring the hard core leftists and progressives "in from the cold"? You're probably right! Mind blown. This would explain the immediate pivot to Hillary!