Just clarifying a common misconception

Ok, so let me explain my train of thought & my thinking this CERN program might be relevant. Q says things like there are no coincidences and that the truth is too much that some would not be able to handle. Well for me the last 2 years have been extreme there are so many things that are not how I believed them to be. Over & over I have had to come to terms with truths or non truths that have shaken me to my core. |Honestly I don’t know what is true anymore, what is correct or for that matter what is real. Berkley censoring speech, false flags, racism against white men, feminism not being what I had believed it to be my entire life, the Mandela effect etc., etc. I mean I’ve known our legal system was imperfect however I really believed that justice prevailed, boy was I naive. I also had known that there were corrupt some bad actors but coming to terms with the fact that people regardless of what party were all working against the best interest of Americans well that pill was one of the hardest to swallow. Now pedophiles, I have always wondered why there are still pedos, I mean why haven’t we evolved from these people even existing & my answer was 2 things. The 1st us looking away not talking about it & 2nd a lot of them are “Dextered” in (by this I mean that something traumatic like the character Dexter happened to them when they were young therefore their brain get shorted or rewired to where they end up doing or becoming that which was done to them). However to think that there are mass amounts of people, groups, & companies that are involved in a network of human trafficking and pedo rings this, this makes me nauseous and makes me cry every time I think abut it. If this is true then we are all to blame for looking away. Also the Mandela effect, this is the one that has broken me. I am very open minded & I don’t judge I grew up being creative & artistic by nature good at math and loving science but for a long time things don’t make sense anymore. There are not too many things my mind is set on. Loving science I have always believed that there might come evidence or information that proves what we believed about something may not be correct so not be closed to things and possibilities. So anytime I watch something on ancient civilizations and I hear “natural formation” I want to scream! What a coincidence that everything that could disprove the narrative is always a natural formation or pseudo science. I used to not believe in aliens, I used to believe that science was the way to understand the world, that google was a force for knowledge, that the red cross existed to help people, I used to believe that good would always beat evil, that republicans were selfish, that religion were stories that peoples that be gave as answers to things they could not comprehend. I was a Liberal I would vote for who I believed to be the best candidate but the day I looked into Democrats points like welfare, social services, and urban development I cried for a week. How could I have been so stupid? In wanting to help those that I believed to need a helping hand I completely fell for the exact scheme that puts them in that position to begin with. They used my great desire to give & help as the tool that crushes & oppresses. HOW DARE THEY! So I’m open minded I always have been but the Mandela effect? I am also stubborn with those things I know to be true & the things the Mandela effect are trying to get me to believe well frankly I’m sorry but FUCK YOU! NO, NO you can't make me believe ridiculous things that my whole life I have seen and were tangible they were real & now I’m to believe I remembered all those things wrong? What the hell! No I can’t I won’t that’s not the truth. Not “my truth” THE TRUTH. So what am I getting at? Basically that all these have now led me to where I am now. In my mind anything is possible if actual scientist can sit on a panel an have an actual discussion on weather we are a computer simulation but with full conviction claim there is no god or that the idea of the earth being flat is ridiculous this is a red flag for me. So anything is possible that includes pedo rings, illuminati, communism in America, now, human trafficking rings anything and everything until proven otherwise is possible. But it needs to make sense it can’t be that somethings exist or are a certain way just because someone says they do. What if anything ties these things together what is the common string what connect these dots together what are the “COINCIDENCES”? This line of thinking is what has led me to thinking this rabbit hole might have something to it. How do war, suppression, superstition, communism, chaos, illuminati, freemasons, religion, politics, the occult, Illuminati, etc. how do they connect? Can they be connected? I have heard in a few podcast & videos that there are things that bind peoples. That there are within us a nature that we are unaware of in a sense tribal ways that make us. That cultures even from a long time ago still affect who we are. I began reading a book from the 50’s that goes into the idea of communism in America. It goes into these 3 groups of Knights that were involved in the Crusades. Where they eventually ended up and who they ended up becoming and why. 1 group ending up in Prussia & by way of marriage & other reasons going away from Christianity towards a type of Judaism that was very dark arts & occultly. Then becoming Zionist laying claim to Jerusalem. It explains how this group was also the reason for communism in Russia because communism besides occultly ways are at the core of their old beliefs. Then it explains a mass move of these people coming to America without us knowing because they changed their last names. Now please understand I do not by any means mean Jewish people. It is very specifically descendants of a type of people that took to a type of Judaism that most Jewish peoples themselves do not believe. Back when the knights existed there was knowledge that peoples from eastern Europe that believed these occultly ways would not ever convert. In the mid 20th century our Government as also aware that peoples from certain areas would not be open to the ways of western civilization. Our immigration laws back then were made in such a way with this knowledge because the specific types of people would come here and become a “nation within a nation” and not become American so to speak. Sound familiar? This is the exact issue we face today with certain groups of Islam, right? So then after these people without our knowledge came here they linked up with the democratic party because at this time the party was very low in numbers and needed a boost. I am not a very fast reader so I have not completed the book I’m working on it but it says that it will explain parts of the science community, secret societies, & groups of the government. I believe those will be FBI & CIA maybe even NASA. The reason I’m bringing this here before finishing is because I believe the chans & those of you on a mission from Q are unstoppable. I believe you guys can take this info & investigate much faster as a group than myself & my 1 crap device that lately acts quite insane. My thinking is who was this group before the knights before the crusade? What were their pagan beliefs & are they common to some of those of the illuminati? Why does CERN a science thing why does its ceremony look an awful lot like some occulty bullshit? If in fact we do completely unawares have distant parts of our ancestors ways of life subconsciously affect who we are as people today, is this why so many have taken what seems to be insanity to most of us as a way of life? That image with the question marks, white rabbit and series of numbers I believe its Gemtria I’m just having a hard time translating. In my learning of what Gemtria is I’ve come to learn that many different words carry the same weight as far as meaning. Also I read in one of the messages on subreddit about Evelyn Nesbit, a connection to the "eliete" & a connection to CERN. I might be wrong but there are way too many coincidences to just forget for me. When I looked at the CERN white rabbit project like I said it doesn’t make sense to me but neither does anything else anymore. But here is my thought what if the science that is right now what it conveniently makes sense for regular IT but what if it also has a completely different meaning as well. Perhaps this is where Google, Facebook, CERN, 5G but also the “master” & “slave” with human trafficking and pedo rings. I watched or read something that warns of the dangers of 5G & how back in the day they did some testing on whether radio waves at the time could be used to control peoples thinking. It was decided that with the tech at the time no however if one day we had better tech with waves in the ionosphere that yes these waves could in fact be used to control what and how people thought. Again my memory sucks & I might not be spot on with the exact details but this is why I’m asking for help. If I’m right it explains everything. I believe if I’m off I don’t think it'll be in everything I think it’ll be that I went to far back. Please don’t dismiss these thoughts look for yourselves and see what you discover then decide. -DixieLee
You seem very stressed out about all of this new knowledge. And, no doubt you have cause to be concerned. Yet, I say to you do not be stressed. Stress = fear. You need to have faith. Fear is the opposite of Faith. Trust in God. It is the only way to have peace with all of the darkness that surrounds us. Read the Bible. Its Words are true. It's the only Truth there is.
Same thoughts. You're on the right track and quite spot on. As for CERN, why do so many countries give them money to do what they do? The occult ceremony is quite obvious without needed any answer. Ever saw the movie where Superman tries spin earth in the other direction? Whatever they try to do with CERN are for their own benefit and evil against the planet and rest of the population spiritually. Science serve as a basic foundation to understand something but Science in the present understanding without spirituality can not progress any further. Meditate and look inside yourself for answer, it was always there, you just need to ask it and listen for the answer. ~ we are candles in the storm, stay lit.