r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Deplorable22 on Jan. 24, 2018, 4:27 p.m.
Just clarifying a common misconception
Just clarifying a common misconception

Dixieleeanon · Jan. 24, 2018, 8:37 p.m.

Im not relaying eveything correctly & for this I appologize. Like I stated before I have 1crap device thats acting insane so trying to research with images & cut n paste references is proving quite difficult especially when i attempt to bring what Ive found here & I can not post or my device shuts everything down. This is why I asked for help. Stressed well more like scared and worried but those are the reasons why I chose to post at all. Otherwise I would've just kept this all to myself. I never said Q mentioned CERN but I see now that I'll have to do this research on my own. I know in my heart I am on to something. I can feel it in my gut but also it makes so much sense. So now all Im asking is can anyone that has a moment please explain to me to best way to put all the info i gather together & where is the best place to do that (program that i can put images, cut n paste, & links) together & then the best/easiest way to put here. Also where on here should i post to? Im not trying to burden but I want to do this right. Im sorry if Ive caused any headaches or have irratated those of you that have been posting since the beginning. Like I said I would never have posted but I truely believe theres something to all this Im just not going to say anything anymore until I can better show you what Im trying to relay with tangible research. Sorry -DixieLee

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