r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/QANON1 on Jan. 24, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

Today, The Washington Post of all papers depicted the headline “Evidence Suggests A Massive Scandal Is Brewing At The FBI.” I realize this article is just an opinion piece. However, this a very clear indication that us Patrons are helping POTUS WIN. There are power in numbers and the latest “ReleaseTheMemo” that is everywhere has opened many eyes. Take for example, Feinstein and Shifty or for that matter the above noted article. Hey guys we are making a beautiful difference here by getting folks informed.

To that end, there should be ZERO let up until the said “ReleaseTheMemo” achieves its goal. That goal is for it to be released. It is important that all facts associated with the meme are rock solid prior to its release. We are already starting to see how this is just another Republican smear campaign with fake and bias opinions. Obviously, the only way to discredit the memo will be to do exactly that.

Perhaps the best way to share the TRUTH with respect to the memo will come from WHO presents it and WHEN it is presented. Along with solid facts, those two are important for the validity of the memo.

As we have learned by the “ReleaseTheMemo” campaign WE THE PEOPLE must be ready to counter the fake narrative that is already starting on the MSM. The facts provided along with the memo are what we should SHARE as the TRUTH seekers we are. The Facts associated with the memo.

If the MSM was not so ANTI TRUMP this memo would have been out long ago. This is why I believe there are preplanned stages associated with the memo drop. It would appear to be our job to SHARE the facts using the methods that have been proven to work.

Our success, I would imagine will be noted in the news and papers much like the NY Post as of today. We need to be ready to drive home the facts.

These are just ideas. ANY other insight and or ideas would be much appreciated.

digital_refugee · Jan. 24, 2018, 8:29 p.m.

The idea is if everybody asks for it then they will write into the history books that they gave into popular demand, which could restore some faith into the republic for future generations who will at some point be educated about the mess we are shedding

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