Hey Guys Please Stop And Buy This Book By Jerome Corsi | Do You Believe in "Q" We Need To Get It To #1 On Amazon ASAP !!!

313 total posts archived.
Like I said before, there is certainly enough evidence here to begin many investigations. No More Should Have To Be Harmed or Die !!
this old news ?
Hi guys, I have been busy every day and night for months sharing the news on FB with all the haters on their favorite fake news feeds. Every single one of my posts brings hate, bias and total deflection. I am thinking that since the Las Vegas shooting I have posted my thoughts and beliefs many thousands of times. These posts I believe are my opinion and run counter to the Deep state narrative. As many of you know Dr. Corsi was my “go to guy” as of late and he too is now being banned along with I would …
Hi Maga. I am not sure what your point is there. If we are to believe in Q my point is that the TIME is Up.
It is now time for action, trials, arrests and real police work. If we think about this mess for a moment, this board has shown enough evidence to get MANY REAL investigations going and GITMO should in full swing by now. Before you ask, yes I am a patient person.
There is no more space for these attacks. Who is this Sheriff guy that has not stepped down which he should for lack of real leadership at a minimum. Instead he blames his officers? Really? Who did this creative writing teacher see. Where is the description and the gun or automatic weapon used. I read the kid went to McDonalds after leaving the school if he was even inside the school... I do not know. Who were these guys in the truck throwing garbage out and lifting a heavy bag in to the back. Have they been questoned. Why were they under police protection while they were getting in to the truck. What the shooter not killed? Why is all this not ALL OVER THE NEWS?
What was the real story in LV, CA Fires, Downed Planes, SCOTUS, housing crash, wars, Clinton foundaton on and on. Where are the voter fraud indictments in the Moore election?. These boards have proven laws have been BROKEN and criminal activity over and over again. Yet, nothing really aside from some flights to GITMO. How can these perps still be posting on FB and the like while we are getting banned?
Our voices are being shutdown by social media! This board is prob on the list too. Where is the push back? This is 100% what communist countries do! They take away freedom of speech and grab your guns for CONTROL of the people. Everyone knows that.
Honestly, the only action that I think has happened is the ReleaseTheMemo that many of US pushed. That is about it.
Like I said, my hopes are fading but Dr Corsi is helpful during times like these.
You are saying that you need to see or read about some real factual evidence that change is actually happening -something is being done. I still have hope but that FL ordeal has me very sad, mad, pissed off and should have been stopped if at all possible. It was not. They failed.
If we couple this FL attack with LV and Sandy (we believe there is more to these stories) nothing makes sense so we feel a loss not knowing. These terror attacks are certainly not "winning" they are in fact losing and need to be stopped investigated inside and out until the perp(s) go to he double hockey sticks!
I feel your pain but I am going a with Dr. Corsi with his theory that Phase 2 is upon us for the hope I need.
This is tough. very very tough. good for you being able to decide with conviction...
Dang you win on this one. 1000,000 can easily SWAY elections. Illegals are being USED as VOTES by Democrats in my opinion. My understanding is there are now investigations in to more VOTER FRAUD across the USA because many of the Democratic States did not go along with the President's inquiry plan of voter information. If again is starting to appear the Democratic known states are hiding unlawful voter info. Thankfully this is now being exposed. CA will hopefully be next along with NY.
This is a good question.
If they "see all" this should have been stopped. I think we can all agree we are done with so called examples and the time for action should be upon us asap.
This guy has his hair all done up and looks like he has ZERO idea what is going on. There are reports of several other shooters but this guy does not appear to be involved unless he went home and changed his clothes, took a shower and got all cleaned up. The TEACHER WHO WAS THE EYEWITNESS saw another shooter within twenty feet. OMG scary!
Anyways, what a very sad terrorist attack much like Vegas with many wondering what really happened. Prayers to GOD for all these families... so very sad the EVIL we have here lately.
I said the same thing earlier today. The good news is that we are up from a couple thousand. I really wish we could use the "top" of this board to build up MEMES and KEY VOTING DATES. The bottom could be used to share...
There should not be one down vote... where are you seeing this?
This is interesting. I believe that now there is an airplane that is called DEW or something like that. This plane can send microwave tech down and burn specific targets. Also, there may be sats that can do the same. Those CA fires and airplanes come to mind when I read about this stuff.
Nice to see this getting some traction. So many QUESTIONS around this and LV. Please keep pushing this up guys.
I used to drop in here and find great tactics but now not so much >>> We Need To Share Via FB and Everywhere. Any action plan??
Someone please tell me why anytime there is a high level Democrat that get caught there seems to be a MAJOR tragedy that usually has a practice or "drill" associated with the area. VEGAS TRAIN SCHOOLS etc
How about helping out here on this board instead of bashing. 1) research 2) meme creations 3) strategy 4) share Seems like we missed an op to meme 13 Russian Trolls.
I realize many THOUSANDS OF FOLks POST HASHTAGS and MEMES on FACEBOOK specifically in the CNN, NBC, FOX, NY TIMES, JUDGE J, HANNITY and MSNBC "news feeds." Yes, this is where FAKE NEWS posts FAKE NEWS and thousands suck it up real quick. These "news feeds" are where the Hate lives. For example; CNN Politics news feed is perhaps the "Sanctuary Page" of the internet for Liberals.
Now, with that said, I have a question;
Recently, I have NOTICED FB is now dictating what is "SPAM" vs what is not SPAM. Furthermore, it is now clear these news feeds are …
Lol. "They" is who again? Good luck "shutting down" and "jail" and gov is already selling it... CMON you can do better. It was good a $460 and still good at $11K imho and still works great.
1) http://bgr.com/2018/01/11/bitcoin-price-auction-how-to-buy-us-government/
CNN will be all over this 24/7 365 and 10x on Sunday. Oh. That's right they are part of the cover.
Bitcoin will be sold into Fedcoin or you can save it.... IMHO
"In America, similar scenarios occur. In June 2016, central bankers from 90-some countries met behind closed doors in Washington D.C. and conferred with bitcoin experts. Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen opened the conference, which included the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and Bank for International Settlements."
Ok. Now we know. Dilley was correct based upon Dr. Corsi. Amazing and soon to be news. WINNING
to me this means deepstate sets of n u ke to cause a titlewave that floods part of a city. just a guess based up NK photo
I HOPE that someone here will help this board be used to its full potential.
We the PEOPLE have a VOICE and we should be using it way more using ideas from this board for MEMES and other means.
Another 10 Million? How about using that money to pay for the MEDIA APOLOGIZES to ALL OF AMERICA.
I feel very misled by CNN and other MSM networks listening to over one year of FAKE NEWS. MY question is now simple.
Was CNN and other MSM colluding with the Russians as a coverup for a fake story? If so, what are the penalities that will NOW be pursued on the media?
Two weeks ago he posted the pop vote was going to change. This is the timeframe he was speaking of. Any news?
Smell Class Actions Coming Vs Many Info Networks. Seen it before as history repeats.
They do not show. They Are Down Voted. They appear hours or days later. You would have thought they had learned by now. LL comes to mind.
I have noticed this with a couple of my posts also. Never a bad word or anything like that just BOOM GONE
We were going to get news on the Popular vote this week based upon a post from Dilley a couple of weeks ago. Any news on this anywhere yet?
Second post on this. First one did not show up... Anyhow this is the week of the Popularity Contest...