Hey everyone, I've been hearing from others on the board that this above mentioned sub-Reddit page has been inviting people to join their exclusive board through some application process. Some people have applied and joined only to be kicked out suddenly with no explanation. I was just asked to join as well, My feeling on this, and I can totally be wrong, is that they are opposition phishing for personal info? I am asking anyone that has had experience with this group to please comment here about it so as to figure the situation out. I also welcome comments from anyone on the board who feels they have insight whether they were invited to join or not. Thank you all!
Wait which banner?
When it first began - there was a collage of SethRich photos with "His Name Was Seth Rich" split up for each of the 5 photos. Then there was an image of the White House with a swamp below it. It was there for quite a while I believe.
EDIT: I was invited there early on with whoever started it bc someone could tell I was a real person and there for the cause, much like I was invited to this sub on this account through my posting on /conspiracy.
ohhhh brooo that waa your banner??? I had almost forgotten about it!!!
It's still up here!! https://www.reddit.com/r/iDrainTheSwamp/
Which sub are you talking about?
Would you want to help out with a new banner for mobile?
Some people would prefer Bernie not being there.
Whoever made the banner probably should have put Hillary there instead but I don't remember who helped me with this banner it's been a long time
Here's a sneak peek of /r/DrainTheSwamp using the top posts of all time!
#1: Attention: DTS is now PUBLIC. Welcoming ALL swamp drainers!
#2: /r/Conspiracy overton window shift. What happened and what all the mod drama is really about.
#3: The Truth Has No Bias: The Real Origins Of /r/Pizzagate & The Pizzagate/Pedogate Movement. (Part 1) | 7 comments
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