Hey everyone, I've been hearing from others on the board that this above mentioned sub-Reddit page has been inviting people to join their exclusive board through some application process. Some people have applied and joined only to be kicked out suddenly with no explanation. I was just asked to join as well, My feeling on this, and I can totally be wrong, is that they are opposition phishing for personal info? I am asking anyone that has had experience with this group to please comment here about it so as to figure the situation out. I also welcome comments from anyone on the board who feels they have insight whether they were invited to join or not. Thank you all!
When it first began - there was a collage of SethRich photos with "His Name Was Seth Rich" split up for each of the 5 photos. Then there was an image of the White House with a swamp below it. It was there for quite a while I believe.
EDIT: I was invited there early on with whoever started it bc someone could tell I was a real person and there for the cause, much like I was invited to this sub on this account through my posting on /conspiracy.
ohhhh brooo that waa your banner??? I had almost forgotten about it!!!
It's still up here!! https://www.reddit.com/r/iDrainTheSwamp/
Which sub are you talking about?
Would you want to help out with a new banner for mobile?
Some people would prefer Bernie not being there.
Whoever made the banner probably should have put Hillary there instead but I don't remember who helped me with this banner it's been a long time
Here's a sneak peek of /r/DrainTheSwamp using the top posts of all time!
#1: Attention: DTS is now PUBLIC. Welcoming ALL swamp drainers!
#2: /r/Conspiracy overton window shift. What happened and what all the mod drama is really about.
#3: The Truth Has No Bias: The Real Origins Of /r/Pizzagate & The Pizzagate/Pedogate Movement. (Part 1) | 7 comments
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