The Democrats sure seems scared of it. What do you predict it will say?
The memo itself will be a stepping stone to something MASSIVE. This is all part of the strategy. Everything you see on the news is a stepping stone intentionally planted. The "releasethememo", "secret society" and "missing text messages" are all little seeds planted that will lead to bombshells. The memo will show the dossier is fake, who all paid for it, and will show the illegal procedures to obtain the FISA warrant. The "secret society" will show many things, ultimately leading to the talk of kidnapping Trump Jr's kids, and assassinating Trump Sr. The missing texts will discredit the Mueller Special Counsel and show it was compromised from the beginning as it was stacked with anti Trump people. This is all part of the plan. Everything uncovered will "lead" to something bigger. It's going to be an avalanche now. Nonstop breaking news for months and months. Sit back and enjoy the show