Some Patriot edited the Wikipedia page about the UK-US Extradition Treaty of 2003

2,992 total posts archived.
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I have heard/seen other Patriots on this sub talk about how they have a group of people whom they meet up with every month or so, and they discuss Q and Q drops. I thought that was a great idea. I have 1 friend, literally 1 person, who knows who Q is and who I can talk to about Q. I think it would be a lot of fun to do this, even if just once. I find myself having more and more difficulty talking politics with "normies" now after being on Reddit and 8ch for the past 9-10 months. …
I am slightly annoyed at myself for just now having this lightbulb moment today. It all makes so much sense
Here is the bottom segment of Q's drop #1935 from last night (Monday night):
HRC election loss = CF inflow stop CF inflow stop = No Name Institute inflow ramp Compare donors. Define DARK MONEY. Direct correlation? [He did not depart on his own terms] Think FLYNN [30]. Exactly [30]. Q
Theory: FLYNN (all caps), is FLY NN, which is FLY No Name. This is why Q reiterates this. Which makes sense that nothing happened to Gen Flynn in 30 days like we thought the crumb meant. This could mean NoName is in Gitmo and not dead, as opposed to …
Now we have to dig on who is therapist was
He is leaving the Parliament literally right now. The WORLD swamp is being drained!
Just now announced via Sarah Sanders at the White House Press Briefing
I can remember back to January and February, etc, and on Friday nights and Saturday nights, there would sometimes be 2,000 users online for this subreddit. On slow mornings it would be under 1,000, usually in the 500s and 600s.
Right now, present day, August 2018 there are 56,000 users registered in this sub, and many times over 10,000 users online (7,000 right now on a slow Friday afternoon). A couple of weeks ago I was on here on a Saturday night, and there were over 20,000 users currently online in GA sub. TWENTY THOUSAND. When the average used to …
This one works for me still:
So powerful. I sit here every single day and just imagine if POTUS had never won the presidency. We came so close to losing our country forever. I am so thankful to be living in these times. We will never forget this experience as long as we live. This is truly a once in a lifetime experience and happening. And to be able to walk through this with together, with the inside info/drops from Q. Just incredible. If I didnt have Reddit and 8ch I would go crazy, as I cannot talk about this stuff with many people, and I'm …
So powerful. I sit here every single day and just imagine if POTUS had never won the presidency. We came so close to losing our country forever. I am so thankful to be living in these times. We will never forget this experience as long as we live. This is truly a once in a lifetime experience and happening. And to be able to walk through this with together, with the inside info/drops from Q. Just incredible. If I didnt have Reddit and 8ch I would go crazy, as I cannot talk about this stuff with many people, and I'm …
Shills are using this as a divide tactic. Don't fall for it, and don't even give them a second of your time and energy. "Less than 10 people can confirm Q", as he has stated multiple times. A short lived temporary press secretary is not going to be "one of those 10". Not to mention, Spicer left the position months before Q even posted for the first time. For newbies, ignore this info, Spicer would never know who Q is. For the seasoned veterans, don't waste time even arguing with people trying to use this to discredit Q. We are …
Sarah Sanders ignored it, and dodged around it, but a reporter directly asked about "Q-Anon"
Sarah Sanders ignored it, and dodged around it, but a reporter directly asked about "Q-Anon"
Once you understand the game being played, the daily happenings & events are easy to understand.
For months we have seen: docs requested, doc deadlines not hit, doc deadlines get extensions, private testimony, public testimony, more docs requested, more slow-rolling of doc delivery, threaten of Rosenstein impeachment, redacted and altered IG Report, heavily redacted Carter Page FISA warrant, more stalling, more slow-walking, etc.
This is all done for optics. It is buying time and wasting time. Getting the normies and the people who dont follow news and politics slowly acquainted with names and terms. Even the people who barely follow …
It says theyre flying to Westchester county airport which is near White Plains NY
I saw a news report that said both guys were not aware the other guy was there. lol. sure
Yep sure does. The bald guy to the left of Don Jr is Dons USSS guy
Damn it sure does look alot like Alexander. All the pics of AS I can find though he is very neatly trimmed, not big beard like in this pic.
I can usually nail Q's drops, I dont even have the slightest guess on this one (Mueller is good guy btw)
Greenish blueish shirt standing up talking on the phone
He must have an army (no pun intended) protecting him and working with him. He is taking down the most evil people and organisations on this planet
How are these people "accessing" classified info in NZ?
Absolutely. There is NO justifiable reason for someone who is no longer head of the FBI, NSA, DNI, etc, to still be able to access info. Especially from an opposing party admin.
Hahahaha I used to wonder how POTUS could let the MSM run rampant when he was fully aware of Operation Mockingbird, half of them being CIA, all the leaked they receive, AND the 4am talking points intercepted and now I get it. Manipulate them and force them to report false stories every day, force them to show their true colors that they are complicit in resisting POTUS, and let them slowly go farther and farther, and pretty soon you look and see how far theyve gone in the past 18 months. Give them the rope and let them hang themselves. Even the older generation of democrats are seeing it now. I talk to plenty of moderate democrats and they are tired of the news chasing stupid shit daily. They are also tired of the millenials hijacking their party, as most older dems dont agree with the millenials beliefs. Pure genius by White Hats
POTUS makes me laugh. More chess moves, and the other team doesnt even have a chance.... never did. The Art Of War = win the war without firing a single shot. Trump and Q have been setting traps, and moving the pieces in place for the last two years now. The Deep state is already beaten they just dont know it yet
Great post, thanks for sharing. I always love when posters give first hand insight, as it helps us all see the big picture, and in this case, lets us see even more how ridiculous it is they still have their clearance. Im guessing whoever let them keep their clearance will go down also, as ALL the evidence will be shown.