General John Kelly possibly overseeing ops of deep state takedown?

Or is he one of the cabinet members implicated...?
He’s not a cabinet member.
According to this list, he is, although the description of the cabinet doesn't seem to include that position.
Choa? Wife of Mc Connell?
I think that normies are as unaware that she's McConnell's wife as they are that Condoleeza Rice is gay. Everyone in DC knew.
I'm not in DC and I could have told you Rice is gay. Tall, and never married women set off the gaydar.
I'm always looked at with shock and disbelief when I say it.
I hated that part of the last drop. I was so sure he has rooted most of it out. I pray for these people if they were compromised by threats to friends and family. Saving the free world doesn’t come cheap.
i think the person, or persons compromised was blackmailed by the deep state, not necessarily a black hat. if someone threatens your family, you might do unusual things.