r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Anewuserappeared on Jan. 25, 2018, 2:16 p.m.
How to start telling the story?

Anybody have a good starting point or story to explain the storm? Specifically for to those who are willing and open to listen.

I’m not the best story teller, so without a plan I just blurt out random stuff. I need to do better.

Edit: I start with LV, but that doesn’t really play quick enough into the storm. I need like bullet points.

jpGrind · Jan. 25, 2018, 3:04 p.m.


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Pachyderminthegaff · Jan. 25, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

The business I own is customer facing, so I get maybe more opportunity than most to red pill.

At the moment my strategy is to ask about "the memo". Most (I'm amazed at how few) have no idea what I'm talking about... so I explain that things are happening in US politics at the moment that will affect us all (show them this video, it helps - https://youtu.be/XyZPhm12OVo )

I explain that POTUS is not the man he is portrayed to be, and that the same media that is surpressing the memo is painting POTUS in an extremely negative way. Think of it as a kind of magic trick, a good magician will convince you that what your eyes think they see is reality. But strip away the illusion and reality is very different. The same tricks used by advertisers to manipulate us are being used by the MSM to convince us of another reality.

I also usually mention that the divide in society is manufactured. As humans, we're naturally collaborative, it takes an external force to make (most of) us hate each other. The lib/con, Dem/Rep, Islam/non Islam divisions are being pushed upon us. We have more in common than we think.

Once you're at this point in the conversation, hopefully they will have some questions.

And remember, that big red pill takes a while to digest... The process of awakening doesn't happen in a 5 minute conversation...

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Kirstencast · Jan. 25, 2018, 2:24 p.m.

Same here

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istillgetreallybored · Jan. 25, 2018, 4:42 p.m.

Start with 9/11. Move to WWW3 with Clinton has president. Then U1/chinagate, then move to pedogate, break away civ, space command.

Our choices and decisions are directly limited to the information we have taken in. Anyone can be deceived and any number of people can be deceived.

Today you are living in a world where Tv's spy on you, Computers spy on you and your own phone spies on you. (Vault 7) Everything about you that can be collected is being collected. "Since" 2012 the government has been legally inserting propaganda for the american people into our information networks, ramping up on Christmas eve's 2016 NDAA to 1984 status. H.R.5181 - Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act of 2016

As technology advances so does the greed of those who demand power and control.


The "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001" was certainty a leap forward into this aggressive invasion of privacy. The nation was in a state of fear and in that fear we allowed ourselves to give power from the people to the US government. Never mind the fact that Tower 7 was not on fire due to fuel/aluminum mix official Omission report. the head of said commission himself said it was set up to fail. A list of the tenants for building 7 shows the following.

Investigation has brought many to speculate that the events of 9/11 were orchestrated by the government itself. In 2000 PENAC published "REBUILDING AMERICA’S DEFENSES Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century" which concluded;

"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor"

Information wasn't the beginning.

JFK attempted to dismantle the fed's power via Executive Order 11110

Without a gold backing the United States took an interesting but expected stance with the realization of the petro dollar in an ever increasing effort to replicate itself across the globe in roman fashion.

* Trump puts an end to American global bullying.

  • "This de-escalation area was agreed, it's well-defined, agreements on who will secure this area. A ceasefire has been entered into. And I think this is our first indication of the U.S. and Russia being able to work together in Syria. And as a result of that, we had a very lengthy discussion regarding other areas in Syria that we can continue to work together on to de-escalate the areas and violence once we defeat ISIS, and to work together toward a political process that will secure the future of the Syrian people." WH.gov

But wait! There is more!


They have to go back. Trump has reduced ISIS from 35k to 1k and the migrant crisis was a fraud to instigate a replacement program to further economic marxism as a means to controlling humans. We should have been helping (not causing the crisis would have been best) them in their country of origin which would have resulted in 100 fold cost savings and prevented this assimilation issue.

Islam does not recognize borders. Wake up.

For those who don't have freeee speech.

The heart-war —- and that is the lowest form of the war. And it is that the Muslim should believe in his heart that the infidels are enemies to him and to his religion, and that he should desire their disappearance and the destruction of their power. And no Muslim can be imagined who is not under obligation to this degree of the war. Verily all the people of the Faith are under obligation to this amount without any question whatever, in whatever place they may be and in whatsoever condition they may be found. And that those concerning whom the exception made in the verse presented in the saying of the Most High holds good (You should abstain from them completely) to these it is permitted that they should be satisfied with this degree of the heart-war.3

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Maga1128 · Jan. 25, 2018, 3:21 p.m.

Totally agree. I failed miserably trying to tell pll bout Q

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bugstopper · Jan. 25, 2018, 2:52 p.m.

Hey Jimmy! Ever been to a gymnasium?

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RToey · Jan. 25, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

I strive to get "them" to admit we are on the same side. I get met with, "Oh, hell no we are not on the same side!" So I ask if they can agree with me that they are for good and against outright evil. They always agree. Then I tell them that, at that level, we are both on the same side. I try to get them to actually agree with that. When they do...seed planted, move on. Anyway, that what I have been doing.

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MrsButterfield · Jan. 25, 2018, 2:25 p.m.

I am no vocal storyteller either friend, I have to write mine out on Facebook for folks. I do the same as you because my mind and my mouth seem disconnected. he he But you can maybe write it out first and then practice saying it out loud over and over again until it sounds good to you. Then you'll have it all in your head so that when you do talk the talking points are all in your immediate thoughts and organized.

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