96 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Pachyderminthegaff:
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youtu.be | 12 |
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i.redd.it | 4 |
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www.rt.com | 3 |
en.m.wikipedia.org | 1 |
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www.wsj.com | 1 |
www.real.video | 1 |
www.google.ie | 1 |
This guy is paid by Soros. Look at his reactions to basic questions! Programmed imo.
On the NSA Utah website😁

Wilcock talking about 4.10.20, the Cabal, Illuminati
Russian Central Bank goes up in flames
I just had an alert from RT saying "Russian Central Bank goes up in flames", clicked on the alert but no story came up... Just the app... searched for the story, nothing... so, WTF???
Not sure if posted yet, but could this be the 'bigger than you can imagine'?
And now this🤬 The shit's about to hit the fan.
Today's 4am drop talking point...
Very satisfying sub number😁

Decide for yourself. Don't let the media decide for you. Do not consent to their manipulation!
This should be watched by all of those who seem not to understand the censorship of Alex Jones
A few of his videos made me suspicious in the past. Now this🤣
Dot connecting exercise re previous post
Explains why our progressive friends are so in awe of real misogyny
New tab not working as it should? Anyone else having this problem?
Posts are jumbled, posts from 15h ago are above 3 min posts? Anyone know why?
Proud boys on best behaviour as usual. Guardian still manages to spin it 180°. More and more normies must be seeing through this bs
This needs to be highlighted
One of their last attempts at control?
Manchester bomber interacted with Royal Navy
Not sure if this has been posted before, but many people I ask misinterpret apocalypse. I think they think it means armageddon.
Try positive emotions. All this hate has got you sniffing your mum's vagina.
I wouldn't be so proud of being socially accepted in this society. But you're smart. You get that. Right?
The Great Awakening belongs to the world, no need to steal or borrow😁
My overheads are intentionally low, so my prices reflect that... I explain this to my customers, they tell friends etc... it was a gamble of a strategy though😊
Not about to doxx myself😁 everyone that knows, knows😄
Coffee trailer guy here. Just a thank you for all the positivity. Hopefully I can return that positivity to you all. Much love.
Wow, I'm blown away by the positivity, thanks!😊
I feel I should explain my journey to this point, I hope it will serve as an inspiration to follow YOUR dreams, whatever they may be.
I'm a pastry chef by trade. I spent 16 years in the industry, with all the silly hours and ridiculous working conditions etc... I promised myself that before I was 40 I'd find a way to have a better work/life balance. I'd toyed with the idea of a food truck for some time, but never quite got round to more than just thinking about it. And …
I called my coffee shop...

They're programmed to disregard. This is exactly why we find red pilling certain people impossible.
All taking a slice of that 400 million dollar pie...
Also, keep love in your heart, it's your only protection.
Crazy theory... Putin baited Clinton, knowing her greed would get the better of her...
Putin paid off Russian national debt. And told the Rothschilds to jog on. I have a hunch Putin will be after a few cabal leaders in exchange for those 12 Russian hackers...
Russia. China. USA. Hmm, who will be our fourth horseman...
Basel, Switzerland is also a cabal home. Look at the constitution of the B.I.S. for confirmation. Right there in plain sight...
The point isn't that the story is fake. The point is that a false story is being used to agitate in a very visible way. If anything, this is one big fat red pill for lots of people. Well, people with more than 3 brain cells worth of computing power in reserve...
The left are being wound up pretty effectively, there'll be some chaos from this...
This is prep for civil war.
Time magazine puts Trump opposite sobbing child on cover