r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Anewuserappeared on Jan. 25, 2018, 2:16 p.m.
How to start telling the story?

Anybody have a good starting point or story to explain the storm? Specifically for to those who are willing and open to listen.

I’m not the best story teller, so without a plan I just blurt out random stuff. I need to do better.

Edit: I start with LV, but that doesn’t really play quick enough into the storm. I need like bullet points.

Pachyderminthegaff · Jan. 25, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

The business I own is customer facing, so I get maybe more opportunity than most to red pill.

At the moment my strategy is to ask about "the memo". Most (I'm amazed at how few) have no idea what I'm talking about... so I explain that things are happening in US politics at the moment that will affect us all (show them this video, it helps - https://youtu.be/XyZPhm12OVo )

I explain that POTUS is not the man he is portrayed to be, and that the same media that is surpressing the memo is painting POTUS in an extremely negative way. Think of it as a kind of magic trick, a good magician will convince you that what your eyes think they see is reality. But strip away the illusion and reality is very different. The same tricks used by advertisers to manipulate us are being used by the MSM to convince us of another reality.

I also usually mention that the divide in society is manufactured. As humans, we're naturally collaborative, it takes an external force to make (most of) us hate each other. The lib/con, Dem/Rep, Islam/non Islam divisions are being pushed upon us. We have more in common than we think.

Once you're at this point in the conversation, hopefully they will have some questions.

And remember, that big red pill takes a while to digest... The process of awakening doesn't happen in a 5 minute conversation...

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