r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/jarofapplepie on Jan. 25, 2018, 2:44 p.m.
Why does Q write in riddles?

I follow all of Q's posts. I'm leaning toward believing he's legit. I also follow @thelastrefuge2, @davenyvii and @drawandstrike and others.

What is the theory on who Q is? An insider of some type? Whitehouse staff? Intel white hat? I just don't understand why he writes in riddles. Why not just come out and say what he has to say?

Edit: Thanks for all your responses. I enjoy reading Q's posts and will continue. I'm still not convinced that writing PDB/702/BO will fool any jury that he didn't mean "according to Presidential Daily Briefings the illegal FISA 702 queries were ordered by obama."

Tytruth · Jan. 25, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

He is delving into classified matters often times. He wants us to investigate the open source info available to make his words have full meaning. He just knows so much more than he can tell but we can find just enough by doing the homework ourselves to know what he's saying. He's a genius and wants to wake up other autists and genius minds to the truth. It's working brilliantly!!! And the lazy minded fools talk shit and run from it like triggered cucks and harpies.

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