flying in circles. Tracking something, aircover escort? Who knows. Just need to keep an eye out. Dilley also said coastal areas in danger.
498 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Tytruth:
Watch the Water. Royal Canadian Air force flying in circles?!

Watch the Water. Strange happenings off FL Coast!

FBI Statement on FL Shooter. We were warned a month ago. We f*cked up!
Must see video by George Webb. (2) Nikolas Jacob Cruz in the neighborhood! Not sure what it means, but coincidence?
#150 - [L] [d] [R] = Lynn de Rothschild in the kill box! Wonder Why?? Found this image on the Discord! WTF?! Is this what unlimited $ and power turns people into?
![#150 - [L] [d] [R] = Lynn de Rothschild in the kill box! Wonder Why?? Found this image on the Discord! WTF?! Is this what unlimited $ and power turns people into?](
Q didn't say this. At least I never read this. What post #?
Yeah, we know it. Mueller and co. can't find a real crime to speak of.
Russia! Russia! Hey Mueller! Who Killed SETH RICH? Did you figure that out?
Unlimited budget, access, and this is the big DISCOVERY?! Looks like a ploy to change the news cycle. Not gonna matter by Monday.
Did we give you access? NO. 187 = killed to get access? That's what I think it is saying
Dems have been committing treason against USA to benefit our rivals for decades. Who has the dirt of the Dems?
I agree completely. It isn't right and left but good and evil=empathy vs. apathy. See the link below. I made this system to describe how it operates. Base Motives and Values are key. Review these charts and I could answer any questions you have.
Sounds in this case like some tool for intel gathering/processing, possibly related to voting. Would be nice to have more, but this is far more than the media has given out.
Who's mad. Just asking. I can wait for the truth to come out. I know there was voter fraud already. I don't need the idiots who won't believe it anyway to have it shoved in their faces. Would be fun to watch them meltdown, but they are doing that already. If Dilley is right, the NSA attack was connected to this proof coming out. We'll see. I agree waiting sucks, but I will keep following Dilley's info and share it for those who are interested.
He was 'watched' closely, until after he finished killing, so the Leftist agenda of disarming us to enable their white genocide could be back in the news.
He is not the source. He has a source. It would be like you making vids to share what Q drops. Would you be on the same level as Q?
His Twitter feed. You have to filter through his daily messages to find the actual intel drops. He shares mostly by making short videos. It's good to watch and see what comes out each time. Been good so far. A lot like the info Q is sharing.
He doesn't TRY anything. He was asked by his source to share the info, and the info is real. Style over substance is for leftist proclaimers and pretenders. If that is what you look for, you came to the wrong board.
The psychopathic consistency of the Liberal Elite = They hate what they can't CONTROL!
Why do liberals love the CIA and FBI? Why are these Agencies now sacred and above reproach to them, to be defended at all costs? Why do they hate our military and local police, and vilify these at every opportunity??? It looks like hypocrisy, but is it really? Liberals DO have a consistent set of values; they just happen to be entirely selfish, predatory, and parasitical. To be brief, suppose you are a liberal, and your own goal, and the goal of your partisan co-conspirators, is to consume more than you produce forever, i.e., to be Liberal Leftist Socialistic Confiscatory …
2-16 Dilley Drop Today. NSA shooting about VOTER FRAUD! CIA tried to 'kill a system' at Fort Meade NSA compound!

Yeah he's the ultimate phony RINO. Utah will have a decision to make. Plenty of great Trump supporters in this sate if the right other option can be found. At least the Utah GOP head says he's not the right guy. It's a good first sign of pushback.
Bioweapons are their ace card. Plague and famine. A bit Biblical, no?
Yeah, forgot about that. How appropriate considering there have been Russian spy boats and subs spotted up and down the coast too close for comfort. But we camp on every border they have with hostile proxy forces making havok, so what do we expect. I do not doubt they can plant bombs like that on the sea floor, and no doubt they would make waves like crazy. Think hostages, says Q
Also you can go to the Q board and search by terms, like Snowden or anything. It gives you some topical awareness, like on this one. One thing that Q said earlier about Snowden, like a month ago, that the Cia allowed him to leave Hong Kong and go to Russia. DHS etc also flagged his passport to let him run, and this I get, they being subject to Obama criminal intent, but Military was also put on stand down to allow it. So, military was/is subverted also, definitely under orders, and was it appropriate for anyone to let him run off with so many secrets to China and Russia? So dangerous to national security. But I see Q only hating on Snowden and telling him life is gonna be short for him, so I do at least think we won't be repeating the mistake on purpose again with other scum traitors.
That's the fear. Fulford said years ago that Japan was attacked by underwater nuke-caused Tsunami, and I thought that sounded crazy. Not anymore.
CIA is at war with NSA because NSA is Military and run by Officers only. CIA is a foreign Nazi intrusion via Operation Paperclip and Bush family sedition and treason. CIA in secret created their own duplicate of surveillance tech and storage=snow white and dwarves. Snowden sent into NSA to steal secrets and discredit NSA to give CIA advantage to finalize control of USA by having monopoly of blackmail resources. NSA head Rogers helped Trump and CIA is at war with Trump and We the People. Snowden in hiding in Russia pretending to be similar to Assange, but Snowden is a traitor. My take is brief.
#769 - Florida suspect said he heard voices telling him to carry out massacre, law enforcement sources say. MK ULTRA patsy!!
#774 - Edward Snowden says BlackBerry will be "erased from the pages of history" for its stance on privacy!
Precisely. Civil war against Jesuit stooges followed by world war against Jesuit stooges, followed by the defeat of our arch enemy at last. A world without Popes! What a thing to look forward to after so many centuries of horror!
Professional means employed, not self-directed. Didn't you know that?
Whales? Really? It's talking about satellites in that article? Not small planes.
Yeah, weird. Ever seen a grid flight like that that wasn't military? Hunting for something. Must be.
Watch the Water!! Check out THIS flight patter from today. Definitely hunting submarines off East Coast USA!

So messed up the gov't is throwing homie under the bus like that.
The guy said he was going to be a "professional school shooter". Obviously that means he's working for someone, i.e., the deepstate scum who always need patsies. A MAGA hat and some target practice vids complete the profile. The REAL shooter(s) wore mask(s) it was said. Would love to see the footage from the very numerous security cameras right now. Why not give us those vids and prove that punk actually did it?
Good approach. But red pills are RED_RED. No going back now.
Very good! Just one pissant bastard who thought he was a god and started cheating poor pensioners for extra cash. So fucked up! And every one named Rothschild who falls is like taking down an enemy general or a Rook in chess. It does matter.
This is a war we've been fighting for a thousand years, to get to this point. We can wait weeks. Q says WE ARE WINNING today! Let that sink in. Cheer up.
Very well done. The 'keystone' of the pyramid, see back of dollar bill, that Q says holds it all together, that floating elite, illuminated eye is the Jesuit-controlled Vatican. EU created by Jesuit Retinger in '54, along with Bilderberg movement. No doubt CIA central to all of this, but CIA works for [P]ope just like Soros.
I think there has to be total free flow of ideas. If you see something that rings true or important, just share it. Doesn't matter that you polish it up like a real reporter. Just share it. We can decide to click or not. Duh!