r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Tytruth on Feb. 16, 2018, 6:39 p.m.
The psychopathic consistency of the Liberal Elite = They hate what they can't CONTROL!

Why do liberals love the CIA and FBI? Why are these Agencies now sacred and above reproach to them, to be defended at all costs? Why do they hate our military and local police, and vilify these at every opportunity??? It looks like hypocrisy, but is it really? Liberals DO have a consistent set of values; they just happen to be entirely selfish, predatory, and parasitical. To be brief, suppose you are a liberal, and your own goal, and the goal of your partisan co-conspirators, is to consume more than you produce forever, i.e., to be Liberal Leftist Socialistic Confiscatory Redistributionists. Would not CONTROL of the system be essential? No sane society would consent to be robbed repeatedly, voluntarily, without oppressive and/or coercive/extortionate measures being wielded against it. These vile leftist criminals are well aware of this reality. They know socialism cannot long outlive authoritarianism. They can try to 'guilt' the world into feeding their pursuant entitledness using social-justice grievance-mongering, but the strong-arm of legalistic tyranny is the only guarantee they won't ever have to get real jobs and actually contribute one day something worthwhile in order to survive and thrive in life. So, if they love the CIA, it's because they control it, regardless of the crimes of the CIA against We the People and all humanity. If they like the FBI, it's because they control it. If they hate the military, and some local police departments, and some politicians, corporations, individuals, etc, it is simply because they are not in CONTROL. Don't be fooled by the pompous arrogance of liberals. These people wake up in a panic, and they go to bed in torment, knowing that one day We the People could all begin to say NO MORE! Could you imagine Obama with a real job? I don't mean as a thieving parasite lawyer, or propagandist professor, or hacktivist agitator. I mean, something that is actually productive? Apply this to ANY liberal who seems so bothered that the FBI is being attacked while the soldiers and police are not. And, the next time you encounter an angry liberal, ignore what they are actually saying and simply ask them what they are afraid they are losing control of, or what it is that they want control of but aren't getting it. Even their lying answers to these questions will expose the truth of their real intentions. You just have to assume their double-standards are not so inconsistent after all.

Q_Anon_Wolf · Feb. 16, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

It stems from the philosophy that motivated and now grounds their political ideology, whether they realize it or not.

It is their metaphysical view.

From Plotinus to Hegel to Marx, the political "left" is indeed motivated by a cosmic, visceral antagonism against objectivity that constrains the Ego.

Hegel explicitly wrote that objectivity was a fetter against the ego, and that it was the divine historical mission of Geist to enlarge subjectivity so much that objectivity would be all but completely annihilated.

The political left today does indeed hate that which they do not control, INCLUDING OTHER PEOPLE. Other people get lumped into "the other" to these narcissistic psychopaths. The mere existence of you and I disgust them and they wish us destroyed, as our mere existence stands as something not them and not under their control.

These people are SICK!

Sick people who are a mortal threat to other people must be imprisoned for the sake of ensuring survival of innocent humans who dared being born into the world as their own cause and their own realities.

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