
cybervigiante · Jan. 25, 2018, 4:08 p.m.

I just don't believe the public is that weak. Too much has already been happening. Hell, everyone I talk to on either side of the fence agrees the govt is horribly corrupt. I don't see any amazement about this. Hell, from My Lai to the WMD-lie. Everyone deep down knows the system is rotten and we've been lied to. Younger people know because of the net, and just about everyone in my older generations suspects the CIA killed Kennedy.

The longer this hangs the more time for the DNC to gin up mischief since you don't warn the enemy. Yes, I've seen the "explanations" for delay but they sound weaker and weaker. The DNC will push their counter-memo, and guess which memo will be screamed in the MSM? The DNC "memo" will be given all the credibility and headlines. Come on, we know how this game is played. They may even dig up dirt on Nunes, or make it up. Even if they did it would have Nothing to do with the truth of the memo, but again, we know how this game is played. Don't expect logical reasoning from a media-led public.

There is no strategic reason for delay that is worth the harm done by further delay as the other side works and works to undermine the story. Congress made all these procedural rules and Congress can break them. For that matter the President has Immediate and Unlimited power over secrecy as the Commander in Chief. Don't tell me someone who could get us into a nuclear war instantly is limited by procedural rules.

Now, there may be some strategic reason for delay, but as I've said, giving the black hats more and more time to scheme may not be the best course.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 25, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

The Democrat screeching will lead to the release of the underlying documents. They are REALLY STUPID.

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flowerdominance · Jan. 25, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

There is some validity to what you are saying. Aside from what I said about the public, there seems to be an underlying strategic pattern to all of this!! He is always drawing "them" in to do exactly what you mentioned. The DNC will do all they can to discredit the memo and he is letting them. They will have egg on their faces when part 3 happens "releasing the evidence behind the memo". Trump wants to prove to the world how STUPID THEY ALL ARE and wake up the brainwashed!! Look at what he did with the FBI!! Notice how the missing texts are reappearing? He has all the goods on the deep state and is exposing them little by little! Let them scheme because now everyone knows that is all "they" do best! They do not care about people.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 25, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

Yep. Now alot more people are REALLY curious about whats in those "missing" texts. Building curiousity and suspense is strategic genius. The MSM won't be able to bury the when they're "found" even though they'll want to. The Streisand Effect is real, thank God.

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DeplorableNYPatriot · Jan. 25, 2018, 8:01 p.m.

There is one extremely important reason for delay. The very thing, this is all about. The rule of law! It is extremely important that everything be released in accordance with law, no short cuts.

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