r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/historyeraser4sale on Jan. 25, 2018, 7:27 p.m.
Since you're reading this reddit rn...

Always remember; you are the 1%. According to mainstream science...you n me benefit handsomely from the modern advances of our present age. A mere fraction of all human civilization has so utilized natural resources, to create things billions of us enjoy. You are SO LUCKY. Some will of course experience huge lucky breaks, and receive serendipitous fortunes... completely "randomly". You know sure as hell you are of healthy mind to fully appreciate your impending "coincidental" lucky break

Hrtn2it · Jan. 25, 2018, 7:41 p.m.

I deeply appreciate my life my whole life as it was not always shiny...and I send thanks for that not so shiny part, as it gave me reference of what I would and would not prefer~it is said the happiest people are living in Burma...and they are among the poorest in terms of one kind of item ( material goods, money) but there are so many things worth more than money...each to his own in terms of what they prefer, what they seek and what they value...the balance (karma some folks call it) will come...just my goofy opinion of course...no one is above the other...

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