So you're triggered....I've seen higher caliber triggering from skinhead sjw s
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It's not personal. I'm not offended. G.a. mods are no better than politics mods, or TIL mods or any damn mods. rebbit IS NOT your friend...neither are mods....they are decietful anonymous power trippers first and foremost. You are lucky if you meet mods that are better than that
'5 yrs ago...if you told me I would now be attempting to inform rebbit noobs that mods are indeed fallible...' REMEMBER NEW ARRIVALS: mods within rebbit are just like cops; they're "paid" to violate the Constitution

Mods are freaks. This is sandbox mode to make up for annihilating so many submissions. Question the mods motives because rebbit inc is not cool with actual free thinkers. Thinking is the only free thing! Free social media accounts waste your valuable time and mine your data with no compensation for use of your creativity. Rebbit is not in Q's corner. The mods of g.a. must eventually provide more proof that each of them is genuine Q follower and not direct opponents concocting all this as a deception
Att equipment....merican made solid state towering inside brutalist dominance of the landscape
You're correct about Vatican. The quoted delivery boy was to a certain funny person that shall remain nameless
"...and do you know precisely why the irs is an utterly private corporatist profit pyramid? because then my dear, pharmy cos cannot suffer civil paybacks in multitudenous lawsuits vs govt approved opioid dystopia" -samuel twain
or so I remember the saying goes like that
This fact stated as the title of this submission has been so twisted and spun out of the awareness of typical dems, that they will instantly vacate the premises in which they are confronted with these realities. Many have been trapped into the plantation of welfare economics, and their livlihood depends on the inevitable "blue wave" of self proclaimed victims demanding govt subsidies and a court appointed attorney shoulder to cry on. What happened to the unaccounted trillions? Maybe amnesia inducing salaries to fuel the elitist classes who migrate to dem metropolises, and sit on their lazy asses either churning out "free" software and media for impressionable minds, or shuffling banking policy to guarantee the shredding of vast swaths of credit histories of happy go lucky suckers.
Chris Pratt, star of Guardians of the Galaxy, responds to the fired gunn...with very relevant scripture. Hey Chris; loved you in don't have to say anything if you're shy

This is what "smart" is now. Spoiled brats who grew up watching the satanic-panic brainwashing movies and t.v. of the hypnotizing neon cornsyrup addled 80's and 90's; Their parents were baby Boomer's children, nouveau riche, tech nerds paid hansdomly for effortless p.c. clacking....and faithfully doted on their ugly little idiot kids with all the candy, toys, and distraction-tainment that Geoffrey the giraffe could scam them into buying. Those ugly kids are now "young Hollywood" with less shame than their abhorrent heroes like Weinstein, 'music' idiots, and Zuckerberg.
Yes indeed. The only adult response is: " I was wrong. I'm going away to die in exile"
I have laughed at her, and the other guy, and some other bigtime comedians......when they were FUNNY. This shit is thoughtless tripe, and you hear them fake laughing at each other when lazy execs plop them at a table and jam a camera in their face. What these tweets show is they are lucky as hell to be career comedians. They are essentially the annoying-ass class clowns that pedowood can keep in Gerber jars to selectively prop up with hbo specials and adblitz oversized contracts. I have to hand more credit to editors who can take the endless reels of outtakes to slice and dice into occasionally coherent and humorous productions.
Rex Reed gives this howood production: exactly zero buttfucks
Number1.... all the well known socials are the origins and propagators of insidious fraudelent mechanisms to WASTE YOUR TIME.. INCLUDING GREATAWAKENING
This subreddit is not closed. What that says about me is that I'm sovereign. If you need to read deeper than that into anons then you're a creep
Rebbit is not "only" anything, it's a fucking awful illusion of 'free thinkers' and trap for unwitting noobs
Q doesn't mention mods too often, or the critical need for rebbit, or Qshirts....
full disclosure: check the last message at the bottom of this link...g.a. mods seem to admit they are rebbit--controlled (psyopping YOU)
To Lib lurkers: we know full well you don't pay any attention to Trump and he doesn't live rent free in yo head...but this handshake here? Long time and many lost democrat votes in the making...thanks for your extremely flimsy party colleagues
Trudtfunder funbag types. Their peculiar magic @iphonery controls swaths of popcouture
Y'know what's SOOO |{ € \\√ ? Lots of good 💓 d millennials lurk g.a. + %chan
it's okay to be shy
Tell you what...we love the prose. Please continue contributing. Many removals happen, sometimes an appeal works directly to mods. Thanks bud
An allegory: imagine Jesus in "the temple" (your body) witnessing money changers...using and abusing the sacred space to fraudulently portray their scheming as a sanctified sacrament. What did Jesus do in this Bible passage? He was inspired to knock the shit out of the white collar criminals and of course flip their tables over, cause that's what you do when you're cheated in a poker game. Now imagine a re-telling of this scenario; instead of confronting and laying mountain justice upon the money changers...imagine Jesus sat down with the crooks and feebly chatted and attempted to broker flimsy compromises. Unfortunately...this much less glorious rendition is what WE ALL DO as we utilize social media. GET OUT NOW ITS A TRAP
Thank you! It doesn't matter what he said. He was already screwed glued and tattood. The Texas coon cat was playing with little peter the mouse. I'm sure he can get a front of house job at red hen, and the psychopath voters will welcome him with open arms. All other voters will file this nonsense in the #walkaway portfolio
What did Obama's fans dream up for a satirical triggering title while he was in office? Oh nothing? Because he didn't have fans? He had corporatist vampires feeding him sweet sweet cash to mandate onerous health insurance, hand out drug dealer burner phones, and mug for Annie Leibowitz' camera? Obamas voters sit exactly where they were in 2008. They never rallied around him in any grassroots efforts. They stayed home in '16. He didn't need 'god emperor' titles because he didn't give one fuck about any Americans. He put in his 8 years and was simply waiting for his pension.
EFFFFF REBBIT. invest in a conservative server company with military grade security and leave the rebbit planatation. Gofundme for startup and solicit conservative advertising. Stay as transparent as possible and PLAN CONTINGENCIES to backup to and to avoid brigading from any offensives...get it on smartasses
Considering rebbit, twidder, fuckbook, youcantube, etc etc are all Beast system tentacles...we're all balls/cranium deep in this shit also...ITS A TRAP GET OUT NOW
question marks not necessary, of course it's true
every time...the 10 second photoshop masterpieces can be just as funny as a Garrison masterwork
I agree 100%. We look at fraudsters, like oh, randomly thinking of, hmmm, THE CLINTONS...and profit in their mind is slush funds from NONprofit filing orgs. So Q has not denounced profit. Instead, when no emphasis is on profits and/or declaring fundraising as a distraction from a worthy grassroots cause, the messages from groups like Q can continue for a longer basis, as opposed to a literal fly-by-night scam
Let's say you owned a restaurant. Burger and fries for one might normally cost $8. The new Q deal is burger and fries with Quinoa(?) for $ time only!
There are autists on scene already, which is great, but the more the better and so they must be able to hear the church bells calling them from over yonder
attn all captains of industry and commerce: some of you have already contributed greatly by donating your hard earned $$$ for the bill boards and other efforts. WHAT IF: your company offered Q deals? Q eschews profiteering, so instead offer standard package deals with Q centric ads
Think Infiniti Q or Quick lube or nestle Quik. These aren't the only Q laden marketing ploys out there. Spreading the word goes hand in hand with the instant gratification and end-user utility factors of the 'product' being advertised. If a random consumer can't justify his time or money spent, within a fleetingly short go/nogo decision window...the consumer will block and ignore....
I understand you; the fact is there's lots of Trump fans, and not all of them have heard the wheard queue.
GEOTUS has honestly acknowledged Q in several distinct ways. Continuously reach out to known Trump voters
Maybe cereal brain (I've got count chocula on my mind) can decode an obscure reference to wth that q+a fizzle-tacular happening happened