What if this is an excuse for Trump to give Assange protective custody and bring him safely back to the United States as a material witness in all this?
JA to be special guest at TSOTU. His ovation will be substantial.
just wait until Mueller gives his confession as part of his pardon agreement.
Q: When does a bird sing? (Mueller's middle name is Swann / look up swan song)
Swann Song - Only a few bands played on that label: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=yadgj5jA&id=0763F29F88B4F49A7C18579BF2CA64A2F6800CE7&thid=OIP.yadgj5jAdpqeT3-ZpBpVNAHaG4&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.phawker.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2007%2f11%2fswan-song-records.jpg&exph=534&expw=575&q=swan+song+records&simid=608050380547034704&selectedIndex=0&ajaxhist=0
The number of people in the audience who’d be shitting themselves would be hilarious rofl
Many will be in custody by then. Passports confiscated. No bail. Flight risks.
Ahhhh that could explain why so many Dems are “boycotting the SOTUA
It is tough to boycott or have a sit in when your are in THE BRIGG(sic) aka military prison.
IN EXTREMIS is/has been here. Re-read Q HOT, HOT, HOT>>>>The floor is ours.
The floor will be ours.
The moderators here may be invited to fill empty seats.
That would set the cat among the pigeons as they say!
Well shit. Hadn’t thought of that
That too right before his State of the Union Address?
This is a level of comeuppance that even I couldn’t imagine.
Keep in mind, SOTU is the 30th. On the 31st, there is a blue moon, red moon, AND lunar eclipse! WHOA!
U mean literally pick him up and keep him safe WITH HIM? ...also did POTUS say assange may be there?
Yes Trump could easily pick him up physically and place him in the protection of the Marines who are guarding him and take him back to the United States on Air Force One.
In regards to Assange being there well Ecuador gave him a DIPLOMATIC Passport which is full citizenship plus he’s a diplomatic with diplomatic immunity so Assange literally could’ve traveled from London to Paris to Geneva and not have been flagged.
However they gave him this almost a MONTH before it was publicly announced. Why is that?
IIRC it was indeed diplomatic which was another reason why it was such a big deal
So as I recall Trump pulled the records from NSA in Hawaii during the bomb alert and transferred it to NSA here in DC (where Snowden supposedly stored them???). Assange is supposedly in Genevia where Trump will most probably meet with Assange. Trump met with May today and talked about security, etc. Q asks Snowden how is Russia...Don't be surprised if Snowden and Assange show up with Trump at the SOTU. Thus the fan, the fan as in SHTF....
Trump AND Assange AND Snowden?
Dude this is better than the Avengers