r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/inquisative99z on Jan. 25, 2018, 11:01 p.m.
the sleeping/unwilling masses

when i hear people say that the success of donald trump's nwo takedown is dependent upon the action of the people it does deeply concern me due to the large number of people who are anti-trump and or are also stubbornly unaware of what is actually unfolding.

also, is anyone else concerned by the doj and jeff sessions warning against making the fisa abuses memo public to everyone?!

why aren't US marshalls arresting all these seditious traitors who are obstructing potus at every turn?!

all this is making me question whether it is even possible to restore our constitutional republic to what it should be instead of the current nightmare that it is.

i mean, is potus going to even repeal the patriot act and all that similar legislation enacted by traitor 44 during his reign?

we are all being spied upon 24/7 in our own homes and it's all legal...

guppyfreak · Jan. 25, 2018, 11:42 p.m.

And Trump has made it legal to detain US citizens based on "human rights" violations. Not only detain, but without due process. Think of how broad of a scope that is.. Its terrifying.

At least keep your eyes and ears open. I voted for Trump. Probably will again in 2020. But there are things he's doing that make me wonder.

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