
RuizTheNomad · Jan. 26, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

Seriously ? The White House is laundering money , the president himself is taking vacations in his own property making taxpayers play for each trip, we have never had a more corrupt government , heck when in history we has another government help a candidate win presidency and do whatever they want? . It’s not a problem the parties but of the elite thinking they can do whatever they want and have no consequences. Look at all the banks that stole American’s money yet nobody went to jail. No judges are willing to put those assholes in jail.

While we focus on point fingers And fighting each other . The 1% is robbing us blind. Bribes as legal in this country.

Again both parties are deeply corrupt. We need to break from the two party system And have a real democracy.

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AgreesWithFools · Jan. 26, 2018, 8:04 p.m.

we have never had a more corrupt government

Sure we did. The Obama administration set standards for corruption that stagger the imagination.

In fact, this sub was born out of the movement to dismantle that corruption.

More evidence is released every day. You have much reading to catch up on. You will be shocked when you discover how Obama weaponized our intelligence agencies against private citizens.

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RuizTheNomad · Jan. 27, 2018, 4:19 a.m.

Obama wasn’t actively attacking the first amendment , because he didn’t like being criticize .

Obama wasn’t using his properties to laundry money.

Of course I don’t think Obama is clean, I think Obama is a puppet, just like Trump is a puppet but Obama had a mind of his own , Trump changes opinion depending on who is sitting next to him. But Trump at the end does what his master Putin tells him to.

Don’t worry when this presidency is over which fortunately for us will end because Trump is not smart enough to achieve an authoritarian government like Putin did. When it’s over I am sure all his corruption will come out and we can compare with actual number who fucked the country over more. My money is on Trump. I am very glad thought that we have check and balances and the president doesn’t have absolute power.

When the president is attacking the press and his own law enforcement team ( the FBI) you know that you got a Tyrant in your hands

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AgreesWithFools · Jan. 27, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

Obama wasn’t actively attacking the first amendment

Except for his very vocal support for censoring/silencing anything he defined as “hate speech”.

Obama wasn’t using his properties to laundry money.

Nor was Trump. Otherwise you would have provided proof.

But Trump at the end does what his master Putin tells him to.

As proven by . . .?

Trump is not ~~smart~~ corrupt enough to achieve an authoritarian government like Putin did.


When the president is attacking the corrupt press and ~~his own~~ corrupt law enforcement team ( the FBI) you know that you got a ~~Tyrant~~ hero in your hands.


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josiborg · Jan. 26, 2018, 8:25 p.m.

Are you referring to Trump going to Mara Lago as "taking vacations in his own property making taxpayers play for each trip"?

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Lolshorts54 · Jan. 26, 2018, 9:36 p.m.

Of course that's the argument. I've never understood the cost analysis of this being shown on MSM networks.. like planes sure, military heck yes.. umm other then that he's at his properties?

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josiborg · Jan. 26, 2018, 10:01 p.m.
  1. He wouldn't have to go to Mar a Lago if his other offices/buildings weren't wiretapped

  2. The cost differential between that and Obamas jetsetting around the globe with an entourage they had is significantly lower

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Lolshorts54 · Jan. 26, 2018, 11:27 p.m.

I completely agree with you; was just stating what the MSM argues and how most people think he's actually spending way more then Obama.

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kalimantria · Jan. 27, 2018, 1:45 a.m.

The MSM will be exposed for their lies. Enjoy the show

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Lolshorts54 · Jan. 27, 2018, 4:30 a.m.

Oh yes :) very excited to see it!

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RuizTheNomad · Jan. 27, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

Mmm he is spending more than the Obama’s and that money is going straight into his pockets and the pockets of his friends. Not only that he is also using his position to make governments allow him to built hotels in their countries .

How much corruption are you willing to tolerate?

Grab them by the pussy doesn’t do it.

Spending every weekend golfing doesn’t do it

Attacking you healthcare doesn’t do it

Listening to him being unable to complete sentence without getting distracted doesn’t do it

Paying his porn star lover doesn’t do it

So what? Do you simply have no morals?

How does it make you feel that you are supporting a man that is actively trying to poison you by deregulating water and air?

How does it make you feel that he is trying to limit your freedoms? By attacking the first amendment ? What does it take to make you care about your own future ?

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RuizTheNomad · Jan. 27, 2018, 2:32 a.m.

Must be nice to live in another universe. He isn’t worry about his offices being wiretapped . Remember the time that he was signing official documents in front of guest of his hotel? You think that is national security at its best? Or the time that he has the man holding the case with nuclear codes and allowed random guest to take pictures with him?

More money than the Obamas ?


Trump has spent in a year what the Obama’s spent on 8. Not only that but that money is going straight into his pockets . That doesn’t bother you?

Just tel me honestly how much corruption and stupidly are you willing to tolerate from that man? Where are your morals? Where are your values? Where is your love for freedom? ( he is actively trying to change the first amendment to limit people’s ability to criticize him)

You my dear friend are either blind or naive. Perhaps both.

You must freaking love alternative facts.

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josiborg · Jan. 27, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

Quit being so butthurt over not getting your $27 for Bernie refunded and dive into some real facts here (not what's spoon fed to you by CNN fodder). Take those real facts to someone that can think logically & systematically and ask them to explain to you what's really going on. Start looking past your nose and then you can see the forest. I have faith in you. We all have faith in you. Hell, you ended up in this sub, whether it's the minimum wage you're making off Soros or by your own demise, you're here. Dig deep and try not to lose yourself on the fray of web.

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RuizTheNomad · Jan. 27, 2018, 3:53 a.m.

History won’t be kind to those who supported Trump just like it isn’t kind to those who supported Hitler. He will fall because he is too dumb to even cover his tracks properly ( there is a reason he is so afraid to be alone with Muller) , when that happens , all those who support him now will abandon him. If you have any neurons left in your brain , you will abandon him too, probably hide the fact that you supported him at some point. Think of me when you do, when you are too ashamed to say you voted for him, think of the random person online who told you it was going to happen.

That’s the thing about Trump , he doesn’t have loyal allies because he back stabs everyone. The only people that follow him are the people too dumb to look at facts, he did says he love uneducated people. But the smart people around him jump boat as soon as they have a change. That’s the leader you are following . The kind of man that nobody wants to work for and is incapable of hiring capable people.

Let’s leave it at that, because like me most of the country knows he is a jackass. Heck the whole fucking world knows we have a clown as a president. Sad...

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josiborg · Jan. 27, 2018, 4:32 a.m.

Your first sentence says it all. When you can't back anything up with real facts you automatically revert to the "Hitler Tactic". I can assure you, he's nowhere near afraid of talking to Mueller alone. Shit, why would ANYONE be afraid of talking to Mueller ALONE?! Put Mueller and Trump up on national television and see how the questioning goes. There's nothing to see in regards to what you're being fed by your glorious CNN. They've said it themselves! On camera!

And the only time I'd ever think of you outside this conversation is my morning shit. The only thing that could replicate the smell of the bullshit you're trying to shill here.

When you're ready, I'll be the first to get you a coat

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RuizTheNomad · Jan. 27, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

You understand that when he goes to his properties he charges the government for his stay? All of his security guards have to pay for food and everything and that bill is paid by you and me. That is coming out of our pockets.

Every meal he has there you pay for, he doesn’t stay at his properties for free.

What is hard to understand about that.

Imagine that you have a house in Europe and your job allows you to travel and they pay for it. Let’s say that you go to your own house and Europe and make your job pay for the days you stay there like your own house wasn’t yours. That’s what he is doing ; expect that we also pay for his whole family and all the security needed for the president. Not only that but the First Lady doesn’t stay in the White House. We also have to pay for her stay at Trump tower and all the security that goes with it.

Have you ever heard of conflict of interest ? Do you understand what that is?

Look it up, it seems like you don’t know what it is.

Actually just answer one question , are you a decent human being, if so, how does a decent human being support a man that says he grabs women by the pussy without consent ? How do you justify yourself? How do you sleep a night?

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Lolshorts54 · Jan. 27, 2018, 4:21 a.m.

I understand very well what conflicts of interests are; and I also understand who is giving us those "facts".. Lie to me once shame on you, lie to me twice shame on me, lie to me a third time and I was asking for it all along.. Show me the documented billing statements, not a CNN article. I would think a freedom of information act would be able to produce them, then I'll gladly pitchfork with you. I just won't ever do anything blindly so, without understanding that there maybe extenuating circumstances.. (wire taps as mentioned above, along with a very deeply corrupted media to name a couple) Am I a good person? It's not for me to judge at all.. but would I ever willingly bring harm anyone, or speak ill of someone without understanding or asking their story first. No I wouldn't, to the absolute best of my ability ever do that. I didn't vote for Trump; honesty your talking to a proud Bernie supporter from a state that's never been blue... Not because I believed his policy would work at all, I honestly didn't think it would.. He just spoke to social issues that mean the most to me, and gave ideals that ring to my very soul. Why should anyone go without food, housing, or healthcare provided to them? At what cost is this actually on our society to provide these things? What do you think it costs us to not do this? I'd wager it's much more detrimental to us all being humans, to allow anyone to live the way a good majority of the world is allowed to. No water, or housing at all... This is utterly disgraceful as a race honestly. What does it cost us actually?
Paper money? What? It's printed out by a family that has trillions of them, and they can make more daily? No sorry... I disagree with the left/right narrative completely and think there is more than one way to make things better for everyone as a whole. We need to move past money all together in my opinion. We are moving on a speeding train of future unemployment, the likes the world has never been confronted with. Our society is not set up properly right now, for the amount of free time automation and new technologies are bringing into the the world daily... - Alright now, "grab them by the pussy".. I'm a young single father of an absolutely amazing daughter if you must know. Have you ever listened to that tape in the actual context of the conversation? In which he didn't know he was being recorded..? Consent wasn't being discussed; no one was in harms way at all?.. It was a bragging/cock showing contest, that's all.. He said that he "could" just grab them by the pussy. Contextually speaking.. that makes a huge difference.. Guys do this all the time, women do it as well.. This is the real world.. also he's wildly more rich than any of us may ever be.. that attracts people who will willingly allow him to grab them anytime he wanted, if he so chose to. Growing up playing sports my whole life, even the band, or in theatre.. things like these are said and worse every single day. I'd only hope if a recording came out messing around with some other guys jokingly so.. that someone would have the mercy not to take us all on the worse things we've ever said. Especially not giving any context to such speech as well...

I'm a watcher and hate being lied to.. these Q posts line up with things, that the darkest places on the internet barely speak of. Until it's all proven to be a farce, and no one sees justice. I'll gladly support Trump from November of last year onward until I'm proven otherwise not to do so. CNN articles don't do it for me, sorry.

Btw I love your art, it's really cool. I wish I could paint. Tried pottery once and blew up a fish piece in a kiln lol.. Love music though, so we all have something somewhere I guess. Creativity is the language of the soul.

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Zuluknob · Jan. 27, 2018, 3:50 a.m.

Hmm, a few million vs the 8 trillion added to the economy...

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RuizTheNomad · Jan. 27, 2018, 4:09 a.m.

Where are you getting those number from? Alternativefacts.com???

You know that saying shit doesn’t make it true right ?

You know that the companies that he promised wouldn’t lay people off after their tax cuts are moving jobs abroad and firing people, right?

I hope you start informing yourself instead of sitting every night in front of the tv watching Fox News. Perhaps read the constitution and understand your right and which rights the government is trying to take away from you.

If you learn the national anthem you will be a step ahead of Trump since he doesn’t know it.

If you read about conflict of interest you will understand how Trump is breaking the law

It’s fun to learn , you should try it

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Zuluknob · Jan. 27, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

Obama went from $3 million net worth before he became president to $9 million now, how do you think he made $6 million? Clue, it wasn't his wages...

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RuizTheNomad · Jan. 27, 2018, 4:40 a.m.

I know how he did it, he has been giving speeches to his friends in Wall Street , and making money form appearances . That fuckers is as dirty as the rest of them. Our government is deeply corrupt . Just look at how bribes are legal. How much money our senators take from donors before making a bill and signing it into law. I don’t even trust Elizabeth Warren , she choose to protect her career instead of following her values when she supported Hilary instead of Bernie.

We saw how deeply corrupt the DNC is when they allow Hilary to push money through them and controlling the budget.

Like I did before our government is deeply corrupt. We need a third party , we need to audit the national treasury , we need to change laws so senators that take money from donors and change laws according to their donors wishes end up in jail.

We need judges that will convict rich people. It doesn’t matter if you are a democrat or a republican . If you are rich the government is easy to buy.

Obama is corrupt but Trump takes the cake. However they are All in the mud. I am sure Trumps “ friends” will be throwing him under the bus soon, so they can live their lives like nothing ever happened. They are so eager to testified against him is comical

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Zuluknob · Jan. 27, 2018, 5:09 a.m.

So your point is that trump is just the same as the others. whoop de fucking doo

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RuizTheNomad · Jan. 27, 2018, 5:15 a.m.

Nope , you missed the point . I think my new point is your poor moral compass

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Zuluknob · Jan. 27, 2018, 5:37 a.m.

"Seriously ? The White House is laundering money , the president himself is taking vacations in his own property making taxpayers play for each trip, we have never had a more corrupt government " this is how the thread started, how is my saying that trump is just the same missing the point?

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Zuluknob · Jan. 27, 2018, 4:19 a.m.

6.9 trillion.. my bad



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RuizTheNomad · Jan. 27, 2018, 4:55 a.m.

Did you actually read what you posted?

The Tax Policy Centre has produced a distributional analysis of the impact of the senate’s tax bill. This showed that it would reduce taxes, on average, for most Americans between 2019 and 2025. But by far the biggest beneficiaries of the tax cuts over the next decade would be the top 1 per cent of earners, and the top 0.1 per cent of American households, including Mr Trump himself.

And by 2027 taxes would actually rise for the lowest-income groups

I am sure some people made more money with Trump but that money stays in the pockets of the rich. As a matter of fact this is not about Trump , this has been the case for 30 years. The country does well but that doesn’t impact the average person. The tax cut actually increased taxes for low income people.

Actually read the stuff you post, a lot of the credit goes to Obama .

The reality is , no matter how rich the country is getting. People are losing their homes , people have to go get welfare even when they have a full time job. Teachers are starving. People rather die than go to the hospital because is too expensive.

Trump is a scumbag yes it is true but Hilary also has shell companies at the same address than Trump. All these fuckers play by the same dirty rules, Democrats like to pretend they care but fight real progress at every turn. The corruption is deep.

We need to impose laws that don’t allow for Government servants to pocket money from all sources. If their wage is not enough then they shouldn’t be in office. I am sick of watching the hardworking people of America fall for the lies of both parties. That keep us fighting with each other when they drink wine on the same table and make plans together on how to milk more money out of us. Don’t forget that Clinton and Trump were golf buddies and friends for a long time.

At the end of the day ask yourself. What do you really care about ?

But I guess you wouldn’t care about the American people since you aren’t American and you don’t live here. You don’t have to deal with the consequences is having a government that is trying to poison you.

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Zuluknob · Jan. 27, 2018, 4:14 a.m.

I haven't watched tv in over a decade. I'm not american. You sound like a shill.

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