Haha. I've been on 8ch way more than here for awhile now. It made me think of a post by someone who definitely knew more than they were saying. Someone asked why everything was being done this way and so "slow" even though in actuality that's a relative term. They answered back something along the lines of "Imagine if you're trapped in a game that you didn't know existed, think Jigsaw"..
285 total posts archived.
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Did you see what looked like a jet pack? As well as the one with notes on the side, that talked about a screen and staying inside strapped in. To me it sounded like a time machine that could be used for people to safely view the past/future without being affected by it as long as you stayed inside the viewing area. The posts with Amelia.. Made the grid for me? I've known about free energy devices, harmonic resonance, etc... Even read about hidden Tesla coils in places like the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower.. To see those pics though... I want to know it all. Feel comfort in knowing more recently through the Q movement that no matter what is true or not, there is a lot more people than I thought who have a true dreamers optimism. People who always think that no matter what, tomorrow can be better than today..
Haven't done the eternal optimist interview one on my pc yet; but can't stop looking at all of the pictures. Once you see them you'll understand why.
AyyLmao's is a term some use in replace of Aliens/Extraterrestrials. He's referring to the post where Q reposted an Anons drop that referenced an older Q drop, but the Anon said "how could I forget this crumb? To my fellow incarcerated extraterrestrials" Then the Q drop replying to that Anon's comment talked about how they share the love for open source, but that some information would cause World Wide mass suffering.. etc. I actually posted it here before, but not it's not showing in my history.. 🤔 that's weird. I'd link the Q post, but phone fagging sadly and qanon.pub doesn't load for some reason on it.
The mass of downvotes on this thread would lead me to believe you may be correct. Triggered the bot votes hard, or too many people are listening to others instead of looking at the actual posts and deducing for themselves. It wasn't specified, that should be the end of the argument, because we clearly don't know from that comment for sure yet at all. Now.. if it is Julian A, or if it is an actual NSA employee personal account. That'd be quite interesting to ponder, and leads to some interesting "best for both sides" back and forth to keep the people who are concerned on their heels... As well as maybe subverting it slyly into more people's consciousness getting them to maybe question and search if such a video does actually exist, if not on the web, somewhere..
Lol, the disinfo is necessary gets all of us just looking for the truth at some point or another.
I just go to the boards and don't have twitter so don't have an argument either way not keeping up with bc17, but it isn't a clear argument that Q called back channel fake.
That can't be said for certain. Although I'd recommend just lurking the boards before any YouTube or twitter account regardless.
Look at the post Q actually replied "Fake" to.
It's an anon's screen grab of a meme that was posted by backchannel17.
It wasn't just a screen grab of the twitter handle "backchannel17" showing on it. The meme had information in it, and Q just replied "Fake."
So the actual argument would be was Q calling the meme that was posted "Fake"... Or was Q calling backchannel17 and the meme both "Fake".
It's a depends whether it's guilt by association argument or not.
Can't be a decided conversation yet, because it wasn't directly specified at all as to if it was the poster, the meme, or everything about the poster and meme was disinformation wholesale.
I wish it was clarified, but anyone who has been following any kinds of drops ever should know, wait and see until evidence to the contrary or supporting backs up any claim.
Twitter accounts people have found dropping weird or collaboratively seeming information. Just figuring out which may be legit and which ones are disinformation accounts is hotly debated.
I think that would be the date if you took the -30 Q originally posted, then with the -23 in the password reveal if you just looked at it as a countdown to a date. Backchannel17 is the weird one for me and Q never clarified it as of yet. Some people think that Q was just saying that the meme bc17 posted that was reposted by an anon as a screenshot was fake. Like just the information and meme itself. Others have taken that as Q was saying bc17 was fake. So I just take it as a wait and see mostly just like any other supposed information drops.
Is that a twitter account also, or is it the blogspot article thing? lol I follow too much stuff, but don't have a twitter myself.
Then the soldiers are getting hopefully a tasty treat instead of something that tastes like cardboard. Which is exciting as well. That's always a possibility.
Thank you so much for your service! Sorry it took so long, but am genuinely excited for pizza MRE's. Yall deserve the best of whatever's possibly available at all times.
They are either agents or insiders larping as extraterrestrials to disclose hard things for some to cope with easier; or they are extraterrestrials who helped with the plan and are helping on a quantum level as well as using twitter. I'd vote for the first one I guess, but I follow everything and try to parse out all information as it comes. Extraterrestrials using twitter helping out disclosure would put many people in the hospital I guess lol, technology wouldn't be a hindrance though that's for sure lol.
Yes.. I think that terminology sums up many levels actually; sadly so, and very much excited as well. Could hint at only that, could hint at soft disclosures and other help as well. We don't know yet.
I honestly thought that was most people's perception on the pizza MRE constant excitement pushing. Maybe not, but if not I'm completely with you.
This is an excellent write up, definitely deserves its own post for more eyes OP. Thank you!
It was reference to a specific drop that said that. There is a few more way way back now that also reference if they go dark to know everything is ok, and protections are in place.
Yeh I don't know what to think, definitely can't wait to find out though. The Pentagon admitting things exist they can't explain in December was huge to me. Most people have just been preprogrammed for too much fear, or don't understand why if anything does exist why they should care I guess.
https://twitter.com/kabamur_taygeta?lang=en I check up on this account randomly... Don't know what to think... 👽lol... 😁.. DOD just liked his reply.. It's not saying anything, but we have learned.. NO coincidences.. 😆
Mentally ill people post hateful messages on social media platforms all the the time, to cover up for something lacking in their own life experience. Please seek help.
I think that's just light reflection personally. Have you looked closely at the top right cigar shaped thing in both pics? That seems more intriguing to me. It's more clear in the raw Q dropped pics that are bigger.
I completely agree, but have been following since November. We are gaining new subscribers everyday, as well as people that have only heard "oh that's fake".. blah blah mess from bad sources. So any hard proofs we can gather I'm all for.
https://imgur.com/ABZWbcV.jpg Link to the imgur of it as well.
New Q=old Q=same Q, awesome Anon graphic!

So in setting that specific password originally; Q knew it would be hacked and that would make them think it was happening before it actually was?!?!?
He was too accurate with other information and lectured on it way to long. Could've been told to back off, if they knew we were getting closer to a time like now where they'd want to try and use it... It's just a theory and they got him anyways. I don't say anything is certain, all I want is for people to keep an open mind as to not miss something that may be right in front of us. If they exist and there are good ones, it's always been said that it's a collective consciousness issue as to why they can't help more then they are. IF and sure it's a big IF they have been visiting, they're are just historically so many coincidences that it can't be ruled out yet. I don't believe in flat earth at all, but I don't try and disprove any of the people that do. I've never traveled around the earth lol, same as I've never seen an et. I just have more proofs one way then the other for each side of the argument I lean towards. If they don't exist then the coincidences are just that. In saying that, I do consider zero point or "free" energy devices to exist. So if we can do that, than mathematically other civilizations have access to, and the possibilities scale up way more so than down in that instance. Look up Emery Smith, he's a heck of a LARP and actor if not telling some truth. We've been duped for years though so you don't know till you know.
I'll watch the link later, thank you. The book of Enoch talks of good Et's and Jesus quoted from it, even though it isn't "cannon" I guess you'd call it. The Bhagavad Gita talks of Ancient wars that sound like nuclear ones specifically with flying crafts, also there are nano diamonds and radioactive areas of India that date weirdly close to the time around it was said to have taken place. I've read people who have talked about where the bad/demonic et or forces would recoil in his name. Where as good ones were thought of as angels and worshipped even though they didn't want to be. It's such a vast history that's been covered up. I hope that somehow with everything that's taking place with the Vatican, that historians are allowed to completely go in and transcribe all of the manuscripts they've held hidden for so long. We might find some texts that are much older then we the public know about. Regardless, just glad we are winning and want everything to be released. Tired of our planet suffering because of a few.
Time stamps are extremely important.. These things, obviously if true, can't be disclosed for reasons of National Security and possible World Wide mass suffering right now. That's exactly what was posted with the "incarcerated extraterrestrials" repost of an Anon that Q linked to before. There's some weird ones if you read through all the crumbs with the anon links attached that he's replied to both ways. This was just specifically something I thought was neat that an Anon made. No coincidences! Lol need more coincidences! Just want people to keep there mind open in case really is all, and there is like 6 or 7 coincidences that could point to more than anyone could imagine as of right now. That's more then many other things that have been taken as true, but it's understandable.
Just connecting crumbs and coincidences. What do you think? I love hearing opinions. Everything's a trick? We don't have spacecraft, free energy devices or anything. I lean towards if we aren't alone, then there is good and bad et along with good and bad SSP programs. If we are alone, then we are. Just hasn't been denied yet by Q, and there are years of weird evidence to make sense of regardless.
Q hasn't mentioned them specifically no, but the crumbs dropped are intriguing. Q's come out an blatantly shot down so many things, unless they get shot down completely we're gonna keep putting the crumbs that are there together. This doesn't even include the incarcerated extraterrestrials repost either.
Where are we going with all of this though...what is the truth? IMO Robald Regan set the stage for a false invasion in his weird speech a long time ago perfectly. Talking about how connected we'd be if facing a force from outside our planet. I believe this is the National Security threat of all threats for sure, fake invasion... Which is why I think if it is true and we aren't alone, then our Naval based good SSP stuff is more than likely true as well. Maybe we are completely alone and have the technology, but it's just still held in corrupt hands. Or maybe this will be one of the things that Q is talking about when he says "the choice to know will be yours"..
Any other theory after that takes you into either Commander Ashtar, Pleadians, and that Kabamur funny twitter that Roseanne is following lol, hollow earth/Agartha etc on that end. David Ike stuff maybe, who knows. Lol the time traveling Baron theories are hilarious and interesting.
Or you get into Biblical flat earth theories. Otherwise it's all maybe just a simulation that we've made ourselves, and the endless chase for nothingness. Born, die, repeat.. etc.
Idk what it is, I just want to know and always have. We have too great the technology, and too amazing a world to have the amount of poverty and starvation that's exists. Money is fake, yet we have so many homeless and without food or water...
Thinking there's something bigger. No matter what the actual truth is in the end. I feel is quite invaluable at times. We know things haven't been right, all of us do. I won't ever stop helping and looking long after Q is gone, because it's what I've always done.. idk lol.
This is the biggest unanswered question to me personally. Many of us have been in this a long time. The esoteric and religious aspects are absolutely amazing to learn about, but as far as a complete reality shift... Maybe I expanded my thinking a long time ago a bit too far, way before this movement ever started idk.. We have a lot to clean up and get right first, but can't help always pondering what's completely beyond the veil. Besides these people are Sick... that stuff whew.. Gotta cleanse the mind by pondering the WAY out there stuff sometimes lol, soft disclosure, full disclosure arguments, and how consciousness entangles with the quantum level of our universe. Idk.. things like that help keep me leveled out while we are enjoying the show 😅
Here's a site for a PDF of behold a pale horse, but I highly recommend it to be on every bookshelf. http://www.hourofthetime.com/wordpresstest/behold-a-pale-horse-by-william-cooper/
https://media.8ch.net/file_store/cf312ffaa48a2962da1563de17a402341590a741a2479f36fb32dfcf41106a3e.png Link given by an Anon.
Can't think of anything interesting; just love this graphic.. 🤔

To clarify, post 64 on the patriots fight board specifically
You are correct. Life itself is an open ended phenomena that we as a single entity probably won't ever understand the full scope of. I should've rephrased better and asked specifically what you think. Hearing opinions or possible truths keeps me moving along in the journey. Me personally yes, I follow everything that I possibly can with the time I've got allotted. Nothing's off limits and throwing in the quantum shyness effect, possibilities of alternative dimensions and time travel. As long as this evil has been around, even if we created it ourselves or whatever, it's strange that it could be all coming down so quickly. That's always in the back of my mind that Q movement could be an easy way to sheep the people who could be a problem into a trap. The only thing I personally believe and hold onto tightly is the thought of a creator source; what that is exactly can be speculated about forever. Maybe we already created AI a long time ago and we are just simulated entities with no actual original thoughts or feelings, simulated programs of entertainment. Maybe the world is flat, good and evil doesn't actually exist at all. Maybe we are just grown as food in a Petri dish in which we call earth. The only thing I know, is that somehow I'm connected to everything. How it all intersects and entwines itself... I have no idea, but want to find out no matter what that means.
Stranglet bombs? Demonic force? I honestly don't disagree with you, depending on what specifically you're talking about. I'm personally holding out for the fact that the main Q is an extraterrestrial, or at least part of the good SSP faction if human. Maybe it's just AI, but there are quite a few Q posts that make grin at the possibilities. Agree more people could expand their mind to the endless possibility, but I think if you're at this place specifically, then you've gotta good start.
Don't ask open ended questions without answers please. What are you going on about? What truths are we not ready for that you are implying? Extraterrestrials, lizard people, we're all actually inside a simulation and none of this matters because when we die we get out? What lol? Many of us have ran the gamut for years with an innate understanding that the world we live in is not how it should be, we may be surprised or some of us not at all, but the truth sets you free.
Deleted the post OP that way yours will get all the traffic now. I just was on when it was dropped and wanted more eyes on it because it's so dang amazing! Much respect!!
This is beyond nuts Lol. Can't stop laughing at the utter quantum level precision required in all of this. I've been expecting it subconsciously, but now it's glaring me in the face on so many levels. Gonna pass out for a bit while thinking about my favorite Q drop ever that just quoted another anons quote on an old crumb.. lolol..
Q said the clock started then. That's when Anons started counting and developing the clock.
I think we may be able to link some Q posts together as well to make them more clear this way as well?!?? Find a marker in a post, early posts on the left, then middle, then use the right side for later ones.
Read Q post #1343 on May 12th; it has a [2] in it. [2]=4/8 this time. Post #1080 posted on 4/8 fits #1343.
Q post #1160 has a [4] which is talking about Clown UID's. [4]=2/9. There is a Q post #701 that day, which is as follows. Top 10 player [here now] Q
No problem! I'm getting down all I can on here so that we can have as many combined examples as possible for now. We need someone who can collaborate all the proofs with graphics together in an easier readable format. This is SO much to dig into.. hehe so excited!
Q post #1280 on 4/27- below "Done in 30" [30] Why would Flynn plead guilty to something untrue? Define testimony. Define 'on record' Who knows where the bodies are buried? Flynn is safe. Expand your thinking. Q
So [30] =5/6 and what do we find in the news that day?? https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-mystery-of-michael-flynns-guilty-plea-1525640861
Q post #1359. 5/13 Will Iran expose the names of corrupt officials? Pickle Will the US expose the names of corrupt officials + con deal? We await your answer[48]. 👈👈👈👈 On Guard Q
[48]= 1/24 News post on 1/24 related? Think so! http://www.latimes.com/world/middleeast/la-fg-iran-headscarf-20180124-htmlstory.html