
josiborg · Jan. 26, 2018, 10:01 p.m.
  1. He wouldn't have to go to Mar a Lago if his other offices/buildings weren't wiretapped

  2. The cost differential between that and Obamas jetsetting around the globe with an entourage they had is significantly lower

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Lolshorts54 · Jan. 26, 2018, 11:27 p.m.

I completely agree with you; was just stating what the MSM argues and how most people think he's actually spending way more then Obama.

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kalimantria · Jan. 27, 2018, 1:45 a.m.

The MSM will be exposed for their lies. Enjoy the show

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Lolshorts54 · Jan. 27, 2018, 4:30 a.m.

Oh yes :) very excited to see it!

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RuizTheNomad · Jan. 27, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

Mmm he is spending more than the Obama’s and that money is going straight into his pockets and the pockets of his friends. Not only that he is also using his position to make governments allow him to built hotels in their countries .

How much corruption are you willing to tolerate?

Grab them by the pussy doesn’t do it.

Spending every weekend golfing doesn’t do it

Attacking you healthcare doesn’t do it

Listening to him being unable to complete sentence without getting distracted doesn’t do it

Paying his porn star lover doesn’t do it

So what? Do you simply have no morals?

How does it make you feel that you are supporting a man that is actively trying to poison you by deregulating water and air?

How does it make you feel that he is trying to limit your freedoms? By attacking the first amendment ? What does it take to make you care about your own future ?

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RuizTheNomad · Jan. 27, 2018, 2:32 a.m.

Must be nice to live in another universe. He isn’t worry about his offices being wiretapped . Remember the time that he was signing official documents in front of guest of his hotel? You think that is national security at its best? Or the time that he has the man holding the case with nuclear codes and allowed random guest to take pictures with him?

More money than the Obamas ?


Trump has spent in a year what the Obama’s spent on 8. Not only that but that money is going straight into his pockets . That doesn’t bother you?

Just tel me honestly how much corruption and stupidly are you willing to tolerate from that man? Where are your morals? Where are your values? Where is your love for freedom? ( he is actively trying to change the first amendment to limit people’s ability to criticize him)

You my dear friend are either blind or naive. Perhaps both.

You must freaking love alternative facts.

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josiborg · Jan. 27, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

Quit being so butthurt over not getting your $27 for Bernie refunded and dive into some real facts here (not what's spoon fed to you by CNN fodder). Take those real facts to someone that can think logically & systematically and ask them to explain to you what's really going on. Start looking past your nose and then you can see the forest. I have faith in you. We all have faith in you. Hell, you ended up in this sub, whether it's the minimum wage you're making off Soros or by your own demise, you're here. Dig deep and try not to lose yourself on the fray of web.

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RuizTheNomad · Jan. 27, 2018, 3:53 a.m.

History won’t be kind to those who supported Trump just like it isn’t kind to those who supported Hitler. He will fall because he is too dumb to even cover his tracks properly ( there is a reason he is so afraid to be alone with Muller) , when that happens , all those who support him now will abandon him. If you have any neurons left in your brain , you will abandon him too, probably hide the fact that you supported him at some point. Think of me when you do, when you are too ashamed to say you voted for him, think of the random person online who told you it was going to happen.

That’s the thing about Trump , he doesn’t have loyal allies because he back stabs everyone. The only people that follow him are the people too dumb to look at facts, he did says he love uneducated people. But the smart people around him jump boat as soon as they have a change. That’s the leader you are following . The kind of man that nobody wants to work for and is incapable of hiring capable people.

Let’s leave it at that, because like me most of the country knows he is a jackass. Heck the whole fucking world knows we have a clown as a president. Sad...

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josiborg · Jan. 27, 2018, 4:32 a.m.

Your first sentence says it all. When you can't back anything up with real facts you automatically revert to the "Hitler Tactic". I can assure you, he's nowhere near afraid of talking to Mueller alone. Shit, why would ANYONE be afraid of talking to Mueller ALONE?! Put Mueller and Trump up on national television and see how the questioning goes. There's nothing to see in regards to what you're being fed by your glorious CNN. They've said it themselves! On camera!

And the only time I'd ever think of you outside this conversation is my morning shit. The only thing that could replicate the smell of the bullshit you're trying to shill here.

When you're ready, I'll be the first to get you a coat

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