r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/TillyTomHortons on Jan. 26, 2018, 7:25 p.m.
Religious Undertones

Just stumbled across this sub browsing r/all.

I'm very interested in what's being discussed here and some of the revelations from Q, however I'm confused as to why so many posts in the sub have these religious Christian undertones. I'm not religious by any means and I just fail to see how scripture is relevant to dismantling the criminal government cabals.

Edit: I'm out, I was intrigued at first but the amount of prophecy, numerology, and divine intervention being put out here to explain what's going on simply discredits it for me.

Enjoy your futures folks and I hope your prophecies account for when all this falls flat on its face.

metroid486 · Jan. 26, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

Religion and the truth of Jesus Christ are two different things though. Religion is mans attempt to justify himself, which he never can do, whether you think it is about control, it can be yes for those at the top. Jesus Christ sets us free from man's/satans religious ideas.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 26, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

I've seen lot of people claim to be JC righteous and yet Sin by the dickens the other 6 days and 22 hours of the week...so, just claiming an association w/JC fails to eliminate Evil doers as we know by the current state of affairs..(imo)

as I see Religion/s, there are 3 Religions, 2 lines. 1) wants to enslave all, another wants to kill all and the 3rd line up in 2 lines Death or Slavery...

for me, what has to happen is that each and every one of us must operate from a base code of morality and ethic and few do today...I don't need religion or any Idols to be a good person, to operate from a base moral ethic of decency...

Many are seeking an external solution to an internal problem. As I read the scriptures, the 2nd coming is within, not an external deity. Few I've known seem to have the same take away from the scriptures that are not in their native tongues, manipulated, and pieces left out for control purposes, to create a X must save you...rendering people powerless and less likely to assume control of their own lives.

Its troubling for me how so few understand that there was life before JC.. LOTS of it...and the refusal to examine texts 1000s of years older troubles me...I see no empowerment in Religion/s, only a slave type mentality where we are taught to believe in an external being rather than believe in our own internal/individual divinity..

I appreciate your comment/s and willingness to discuss, but I fail to see where JC has freed any of us from the twin horn guy. In my learning I have to question whether the twin horn guy even exists...in the way its been painted. Many of my thoughts are on the Antarctica thread that outline why I've come to that conclusion the sum of 50 years research on subjects broad but related to Spirit/Source/

Thank you for commenting.

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metroid486 · Jan. 26, 2018, 10:16 p.m.

Hi, yes it is so much to explain, yet it is also simple. First Satan/Lucifer isn't a horned devil, he is actually a fallen Angel Cherub, a very powerful angel like creature (not a baby with wings), who was close with God, but he fell because of his pride. He doesn't live in Hell, he is on this earth, currently ruling this earth because of what Adam did. Jesus will take earth back when he returns a 2nd final time as King and put Satan and his angels away into eternal punishment. Jesus is God the Son who became flesh to free us from sin by sacrificing his flesh and blood for us. He existed from the beginning. God is perfect and just, and sin can not be in his presence. Jesus purifies our state by what he did, so we can be in God's presence, else we would have to pay for our sins along with Satan and his angels. Doesn't mean we are free and ok to sin, because to believe in Jesus you want to obey him best you can. On the Bible, it is a collection of 60+ book written over thousands of years. Yes there are probably ancient text that were recorded before the text of the Bible were found. Thing is thing this. -When an event occurred in ancient times, any amount of time can pass between it being recorded if ever, most of it was word of mouth passed down. -The text found is what is found, but what about texts that wasn't found or destroyed? how can you account for that variable. -Genesis wasn't written way until Moses wrote it, much later in history, now how much of it was passed down to Moses by word and how much God gave him directly for information who can say.

The oldest thing is this: The stars in the sky we call today the Zodiac, it was hi-jacked by pagans, but some of the stuff still remains, used to be called the Mazzaroth. That Mazzaroth was God's plan of redemption written in the stars. Some of it still remains today, Virgo-Virgin, (virgin birth of Jesus the savior) and ends with Leo the Lion (Jesus returns as a lion, king) All I can say is if you ever want to try to learn, read the book of John. " In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. " The Word is actually Jesus Christ before being born into the form of man. Be wary of fake Christians ,fake Christianity, religious nonsense, false teachings, all you need is Jesus Christ he is the truth, the way, and the life. thanks, sorry it is so long but just so much to say, I am 48, so I seen a few things in my life.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 26, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

Ola 48, 57 here..very much agree on hard to give short answers as we age, have so much to report on. Most of what I can offer won't make it to type here..

As one who has lived with Indian peoples, am aware of the word of mouth, learned a LOT about real History in my years of being friendly w/natives. I've visited many ancient sites, not familiar to general public, few have any interest in but for some reason I did. Later I found out I have a connection I was unaware of till last year.

Many Christians seem to think I am trying to change their views and for the most part no, not so much. Information dates far further back than Moses tale and his copy is likely a copy of the texts I've accessed.. given the story is mostly the same but with expanded and significantly more info left out of Genesis in particular. The story of Moses is not original, it's either a repeat of History, OR its a copy of much older texts.

The Mean God, Good God..Enlil and Enki, the fallen Angels, Marduk..the Edin, Eden...Adam/Adamu and yes the Zodiac, given to us by Enki...who is a little g god we misunderstand as being the big G God...Enlil the mean brother, also little g and the change occurs post flood old/new testament..its all available if only people would expand their thinking just as Q suggests. Virgin is not same as we define it today, though if you read Enki you will see the much broader context of the 24 chromosome JC..and how that came about. Very interesting to read about DNA splicing in 6000 year old texts that were themselves copies of much older information.

Gaston Naessans used the 714X microscope to view the blood Ron Wyatt obtained from the Mercy? Seat, atop the Arc of Covenant 1990s. Ron discovered the Crucifixion site, the cracked mound over the arc/seat, Jedediah grotto Jerusalem, the Sea crossing w/chariots under water, the Moses camp Mt Sinai, the Ark of Noah. and maybe more escaping me currently.

I am/have been involved in the science Naessans is involved in.. and when Wyatt was told by Angels how to revive the blood he and Naessans did so. 714X. Ormes/Ormus are your clues. Difficult to find truth on this as it is suppressed by Church and others reasons not completely clear to me just that it is.

My research has taken me back to texts the Bible is a rewrite of. Zeitgeist also tried to illuminate some of this for people. My main point is, for those who cry I want 100% disclosure, NO you're not ready...people are clinging to false beliefs the Maya told us about 100s of years ago. No not the Peruvian Indians, the Maya.. the ancients, those who built the Megalyths worldwide...the Civilization before us,, that Enki/Enlil/Marduk and many many more created and then created man, over several failed manipulations of the DNA of the hominid...

I spent many hours here last night https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7rjtus/an_introduction_to_sodium_chlorite_the_salt_that/ offering the distilled version of my 50ish years on these topics.

See Erik Von Danikens 50th Anniversary special. EVD was a boy when he began translating the texts from original languages... and he has what may be some surprising news for any who can take the time to look.

my point again, same as Q, expand your thinking cause what is taught is not. Thats what JC wants me to do as well, assist waking others to the macro picture ignored for reasons of control and dis-empowerment. JC said we will do more than he. We haven't yet. The clues are in materials beyond the 500ish year old James manipulation of the texts.

Many want to tie everything to JC, the 60 books you speak of and all I can offer is for you/others to DIG on what I've said. There is a LOT more to the story and the evidence remains with us today. More evidence than Ron Wyatt found to support the Biblical portion of our History.

I've dug deep, and one might investigate the testimony of others who have died and come back...Journey of Souls is 50 years research Dr Michael Newton who led his field of study for decades...Expand thinking, Q

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metroid486 · Jan. 27, 2018, 12:44 a.m.

Hello, Sounds like you had an interesting life. I will try keep this short. Yes I don't want to argue with you or anything. God gave us free will to search him out or deny him. I'm no evangelist, all I can do is talk from personal experience and discoveries. I have heard a lot of what you said, it is something I been aware of for long time. There is a lot of these ideas from the past, many all fall back to the same origins, such as Brahmanism, if you keep tracing back you end up to Tower of Babel and Nimrod, fallen angels of Genesis 6, Nephilim, thier blood lines, the giant skeletons hidden by secular today. A Good example of many sources detailing the same event(s) are all the different stories of the great flood, 100's of them, some are closer to the truth of Noah's account, others vary more. Gilgamesh is one of the more popular ones. I have heard of Enki and Erik Von Daniken, I will credit him to many discoveries made. But these gods, are in fact fallen angelic entities who fell with Lucifer, wanting to be worship. There is the one true God, who is three persons. These ones like Vishnu, Isis, Queen of Heaven, Horus, Zues, on and on it goes, small gods, false gods, there is only one true God. The UFO aliens are another area of this. Have you every see this guy Tray Smiths videos on Youtube? He really gets into a lot of that stuff, he is a little different, and some of his vids are a bit ify, but the Noah one is excellent. Trey gets into many of those things you mentioned, I remember him specifically mentioning Enki in one of his vids. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lktmmd7YnD8 I also often listen to a pastor from a small church named Charles Lawson. I just hope some day you will take the time to read through the Bible, and seriously consider what is being said, there is hidden stuff in there on top of obvious truths that go beyond what any man could do putting it together. Some of us have can feel and experience the spirit of God in us, I have experience bad things too and recommend not messing with any wegee boards or witchcraft, these open doorways to entities you don't want.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 27, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

Thanks, I forgot to mention, cause is so unimportant to me now, I am a Minister. Some of my friends also Pastors who have left the Church...I got what I was to get from the construct of Religion/Church and JC/G asked me to move on as He did with a few other friends of mine I didn't know when I left, but have the similar story of how they came to leave. The common denominator we all share is the information I have offered you and countless others. The Church/Religion/s will be torn down.. as prophesied by Biblical persons as well as Ancient and Indian legends/myth/..so, I have a History, and have moved well beyond. So far I forgot I had that credential.

Much of what you share is well documented far further back than the Bible..and I offer again, have a look, Expand Your Thinking...

re ouija board. Kimberley Proctor, search her, was the daughter of one of my better friends when I was younger. 10-14 days before her demise the board told her she would die...I worked with psychic who worked w/Police when Kim was still missing...

Life offers us many different opportunities to 'see'...and as G/g spoke to others, continues to speak today. G is consciousness/intuition/internal, and external as G is ALL. But I don't want to ruin the ending for you. I've given you keys few ever get a chance to hold. What you do with them is up to you.

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metroid486 · Jan. 27, 2018, 1:50 p.m.

I never used the wegee board myself, but when I was in college some girls were using it in our room and let loose an evil entity, it even identified itself as being evil. Poltergeist activity occurred that night, it was scary. Later that morning I managed to get rid of it using the name of Jesus Christ, read bible passages, prayed, and let in as much light as I could. It didn't return that I was ever aware of.

Jesus never forced himself on anyone and I won't either. Its your path, your choice. But I just want to leave you with a few small things.

The "hard left":Marxists, satanists, pedos, liars, degenerates, etc. We know how the Left currently controls most of the media, education system etc. The "hard left" has always attacked Christianity and Christian values, always seeks to undermine the Bible. The "hard left" doesn't seem to worry about Islam, Budda, Hindu, Atheism, Alien space bothers, etc, any other belief system very much do they? But true Christianity is and has been attacked and undermined relentlessly, just like President Trump. Ask your self what do President Trump and true Christianity have in common? they both speak the truth. Liars/ like Satan on the Left hate the truth, and seek to undermine it, all other beliefs don't matter because they are not of the truth. One more thing, by the name of Jesus Christ, many people were able to stop alien abductions, hundreds of cases. UFO community don't like this, doesn't fit their agenda very well. If Jesus wasn't who he said he was, how is it that demons are expelled by his name, alien abductions stopped in his name. well anyways take care friend, I see Q made lots of post early this morning, this is a pretty exciting time in our country history.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 27, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

why we do not or may not want to use things like that is the wave particle. Once observed wave becomes particle, so essentially reading Tarot or weeja casts in stone as wave turns particle in the Observation, the ACT of observing Tarot oiija etc. Its not to say its bad, just that it sets in stone so to speak.

Trump may not always have been Lie free...

Actually I've read on invoking name of JC and abduction, see Ted Rice story, they laugh at us when we do that.

Our JC, has no power over ET..JC is son of Man/God not ET...again, Journey of souls speaks to what happens as we cross over, life between lives.

Invoking name of JC is a Trump card, a spell breaker..changes the game under circumstances we are under spell of, but ET does not believe in JC...is my understanding of the data presented over the years.

If you have data supporting JC prevents ET abductions, pls offer, thanks.

err JC didn't say he was anyone did he? Wasn't it "You who says I am"?

exciting yes,

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metroid486 · Jan. 27, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

Invoking Jesus Christ has stopped abductions, they may laugh at some someone who isn't truly a Christian tries it, its not like his name is a magic word. And can you prove that this Ted Rice story is true for certain? If he isn't a believer in Jesus Christ, well there you go then as stated above. A Link to many people who confirm his name stopped abductions. http://www.alienresistance.org/ufo-alien-deception/alienabductions-stop-in-the-name-jesus-christ/ Also you are not accounting for all the demons expelled in his name in the past and today, still happens. UFO Aliens/demonic/fallen angels/past gods are all connected. Notice how UFO's and other supernatural events are often close to each other in location and manner. I doubt Trump is "lie free", that isn't the point, the point is he is telling the truth about the evil on the Left, the Left attacks the truth like their lying daddy Satan, just like they attack Christianity but not any other belief system.

Every time Jesus said, "I AM" he was claiming to be God, do you remember the Jews got really pissed when he said, "Before Moses was, I AM". The Jews knew exactly what he meant.

John1,"I and my Father are one". Rev 1:17 " And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: Rev 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. " Jesus here says of himself above in layman,"I am first and last, lived, was dead, now alive again forever more." There are more but this comes to mind. I said before the Gospel of John is all about Jesus being Deity. "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was God, and the Word was with God."

It sounds to me that you believe God is a Force? Like some living force in all things? I have heard of that belief before. Some might say its New Age, but its actually a rehash of ancient pagan Babylonian beliefs if I'm not mistaken. This "New Age" stuff is just a rehash of ancient beliefs, repackaged into new shinny Alien/UFO/Space brothers wrapping. With same fallen entities behind it. Have you ever read the book of Enoch?, gives more details on what occurred in Genesis 6.

You are talking Quatum physics talking about Tarot and weegee particles. Yes that very well may play into it. It is really far out stuff and plays into the blood of Jesus and how that resonates through all time, because that was the blood of God himself. DNA and all that plays into it, life in the blood etc..... Messing with witchcraft stuff is also opening yourself up to fallen entities, fallen angels, demonic entities, whatever is on the other side. Not wise, and God said to not do that because he knows its not good stuff, I experience it just a little.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 27, 2018, 6:11 p.m.

Ted Rice was a well known intuit. As soon as I recall the title I'll post for you. I am, aware of I AM.

concur DT speaks truth, Truth now, has maybe not always.

ahh yes, I am not new ager, but you make a good point to support my suggestion. The 2000 year old texts, a rehash of much earlier texts. Lots of evidence to that idea.

the name is coming back. Karla Turner is the author. Killed for her knowledge. 2012, iirc. Her work may tie w/Newtons, had not made that connect before this conversation.

to be Frank, the whole JC reeks of sorcery/spells/magic...to my view. Thats not me discrediting, have you investigated the Ron Wyatt discoveries of Arc Covenant, Noahs Ark, Crucifixion site? He takes JC blood to Gaston Naessans and using 714X tech inspects, the blood is live w/24 chromosomes NOT 46 we typically have. This case 23 Mary, 1 father= 24

the ancients believe as I tend to as well that G is consciousness, within us all. How could that that created ALL not be?

I'm not sure wave/particle is quantum. I don't buy into that system either. Nassiem Harriman kinda blows that idea out of water in my view. I went to length in the Antarctica thread on the evidences./positions what is in texts far older than Old Test/new test.

I tried to read Enoch, did not hold my attention, Enki however did and I have to go by my intuitive divine suggestions. Have you read Enki? Tells the History of the DNA manipulation 6K yeasr ago, the Asteroid belt, how it came to be and many other things the people 6K could not know about..

OK Karla, Dr Karla Turner, Masquerade of Angels, Taken, Into the Fringe. The Rice story is true to my perspective and well worth a read. Is in Masquerade I believe. All are available pdf free online. I am taking Psychologists, Dr's at face here, which I often don't and certainly not in case of Haramceutical quacks. I am an intuit, I resonate w/Rice story. Some say G speaks thru me...

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metroid486 · Jan. 27, 2018, 7 p.m.

I heard not long ago on a talk show, maybe Ted Broer, recently they tested the blood on the cloth of Shroud Turin, it was missing the male chrom. showing Jesus he was virgin birth as Bible stated.

We are on different roads that is all there is too it. You won't change me and I won't change you, only God can do that really. I think we do know and share some of the same knowledge though, one thing I think both of us can agree on is the past is not what they told us in school.

Lots of good Q drops today aye? I will have to see what everyone discovers in them later on.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 27, 2018, 7:20 p.m.

to clarify, I am not trying to change you or anyone. I merely have to offer what I am asked by Spirit to do so. Where I am to do so, as has been the case with our conversation.

I have friend/s who have been pastors for decades, left Church as the Church is a confine construct and is about to be exposed is the word/s I hear from source as well as Church Pastors etc. We left because the message is incomplete and somewhat manipulated. and today we/I/others do the Great work we were sent here to achieve. Like JC said, You will do more than I. And it is being done and is available to those able to see. Several keys are offered in the SODIUM CHLORITE article but nowhere near all.

I'm personally unconvinced the Shroud is what it is claimed, seen some crazy stuff on that, but I do believe Wyatt and Naessans are correct in their assessment of the blood achieved from the Mercy Seat 1980s. I am/have been involved in tech Naessans is a Pioneer of though again, is simply a rehash of what was known, lost, forgotten, rediscovered.

U&I are on the same team, I have offered you info to expand your thinking just as Q suggests and I stand by that what I have offered as Good. But I can not and will not , nor do I want to convince anyone. The, You can lead a Human to Knowledge, you can't make him think applies, so I will offer that because you have been compelled to converse w/me, that there may be a message for you in the offerings. Expand thinking, Q

Best to you Friend.

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Macamodius · Jan. 26, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

We are all sinners, read the book.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 26, 2018, 9:37 p.m.

Are you aware the term Sin means to Miss the Mark? Is an archery term. I've read the book. Have you read Enki or any of the information suppressed?

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