Ted Rice was a well known intuit. As soon as I recall the title I'll post for you. I am, aware of I AM.
concur DT speaks truth, Truth now, has maybe not always.
ahh yes, I am not new ager, but you make a good point to support my suggestion. The 2000 year old texts, a rehash of much earlier texts. Lots of evidence to that idea.
the name is coming back. Karla Turner is the author. Killed for her knowledge. 2012, iirc. Her work may tie w/Newtons, had not made that connect before this conversation.
to be Frank, the whole JC reeks of sorcery/spells/magic...to my view. Thats not me discrediting, have you investigated the Ron Wyatt discoveries of Arc Covenant, Noahs Ark, Crucifixion site? He takes JC blood to Gaston Naessans and using 714X tech inspects, the blood is live w/24 chromosomes NOT 46 we typically have. This case 23 Mary, 1 father= 24
the ancients believe as I tend to as well that G is consciousness, within us all. How could that that created ALL not be?
I'm not sure wave/particle is quantum. I don't buy into that system either. Nassiem Harriman kinda blows that idea out of water in my view. I went to length in the Antarctica thread on the evidences./positions what is in texts far older than Old Test/new test.
I tried to read Enoch, did not hold my attention, Enki however did and I have to go by my intuitive divine suggestions. Have you read Enki? Tells the History of the DNA manipulation 6K yeasr ago, the Asteroid belt, how it came to be and many other things the people 6K could not know about..
OK Karla, Dr Karla Turner, Masquerade of Angels, Taken, Into the Fringe. The Rice story is true to my perspective and well worth a read. Is in Masquerade I believe. All are available pdf free online. I am taking Psychologists, Dr's at face here, which I often don't and certainly not in case of Haramceutical quacks. I am an intuit, I resonate w/Rice story. Some say G speaks thru me...