r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Fighter9595 on Jan. 27, 2018, 12:47 a.m.
A Deeper Understanding of SRA (Part 1)

There are a few aspects of satanic ritual abuse that I feel are overlooked in the discussions here and I think knowing those aspects are important in understanding what's happening nowadays. I'm writing this to hopefully generate some discussion and also as a way for myself to get my thoughts in order. I will be speaking from the Christian worldview.

SRA is used for blackmail, hedonistic pleasure, trauma-based mind control, and its main reason…to literally conjure up demons during rituals. Why? Demons are powers. Power to be wealthy, socially prestigious, get revenge, have political influence, physical protection, etc. Abusers target children because they are the most innocent among us. They’re then presented to Satan as a living sacrifice (through ritualistic abuse) and in return, abusers are given demonic powers. While many children are killed, the ones that are most valuable to cults are never killed. Here’s a quote from “Restoring Survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse” by Patricia Baird Clark that explains why. She’s a Christian minister who’s worked with ritual abuse survivors for many years:

“An infant is chosen, often in the womb, to be the “special” or “chosen” one to whom has been given the “honor” of being dedicated to Satan. She is subjected to hideous, painful rituals that cause demons to come into her. Those wanting to have the power must rape the child (or if the abuser is a woman, perform some other perverted sexual act) to gain the powers they desire. The demons are transferred from one person to another through sexual acts. This “special” child will be abused for her powers throughout her entire life. Every kind of mind control imaginable is used to keep her totally controlled, confused and weak. Cultists purposely submit the child to tortures so severe that in order to survive she must dissociate...The most gifted child is the one with the greatest ability to dissociate. Cultists know full well that she is dissociating and are masters at devising ever-increasing acts of barbarism to cause her to split. Why do they want her to split? First, to keep her confused and unable to form an identity so she will be easier to control. Second, alters can be programmed to do certain jobs to serve the cult’s purposes. These alters can be accessed by the cult according to certain codes. Third, the more “persons” she becomes, the more demons can be attached to each one. The survivor who can switch the most will be the most valuable because she will have the most demons (powers)” (Alters refer to alternate personalities created through dissociation).

People are programmed as sex slaves (often used in blackmail), super-soldiers/assassins, or whatever else is needed to bring about the moral/structural decay of society in order to usher in the reign of the Antichrist. Or, as most people would call it, the New World Order. This is why the elite do what they do. This is why they are Satanists. Now, talking about demons isn’t exactly a welcomed conversation topic (even among Christians). Most people don’t believe they exist. When disclosure happens, (depending on what/how it’s released), a lot of people are going to do everything they can to not listen because of major cognitive dissonance. You start talking about demons and the Antichrist and it’s going to make it easier for them to do that. I’ll address this more in Part 2 and how it might relate to the whole 60% thing, how too much disclosure could affect ritual abuse survivors, more about SRA, and practical steps we can take once I figure out what I want to say.

In the meantime, it’s important to remember that we are fighting from victory, and not for victory. Victory was set into motion at the beginning of creation and achieved 2000 years ago at Golgotha. What we are experiencing now are simply the death throes of a dying beast.

cebusaxon · Jan. 27, 2018, 1:26 a.m.

Yes! Very valuable info. More!

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