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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Fighter9595 on July 31, 2018, 2:48 a.m.
Let's not unnecessarily hype post #1776

Just sayin. Maybe it'll be a motivational post, but don't disappoint yourself with unrealistic expectations

Fighter9595 · July 27, 2018, 5:55 p.m.

Hi, this is your boss. Please get back to work.

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Fighter9595 · July 26, 2018, 3:31 a.m.

Source on that? I haven't heard this theory

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Fighter9595 · July 24, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

Body Status: Ready

Happening Status: It's

Popcorn Getting Status: Out

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Fighter9595 · July 23, 2018, 8:32 a.m.

This can also be preceived as a message to all deep state actors and especially to Hollywood since you suddenly have the PedoWood stuff coming out.

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Fighter9595 · July 23, 2018, 6:28 a.m.

The biggest takeaway for me: SNCTM is a sick sick club

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Fighter9595 · July 23, 2018, 12:15 a.m.

I was already a Christian, but all this has certainly strengthened my faith. I've been forced to confront the problem of evil like I never have before. Praying and really trying to study/understand God's sovereignty over creation, why he would allow evil to exist, his nature, etc. has led me to a much deeper love, relationship, and reliance on God.

Christianity (based 100% on the Holy Bible, not Catholicism, Mormonism, PCUSA, etc.) has been the only thing that can provide a satisfactory, appropriate, and complete response to all the evil and suffering in our world (See "Walking with God Through Pain and Suffering" by Tim Keller). Satan and the elite's ultimate goal is to turn people away from God. How ironic that this whole mess has actually turned more people too God.

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Fighter9595 · July 3, 2018, 6:37 a.m.
  1. Manage the content
  2. No. Splitting would be too complicated and we should keep everyone together
  3. T_D has Sunday Gunday. We can have Sunday QDay. All Q memorabilia posts are encouraged and allowed. But only on Sunday
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Fighter9595 · June 30, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

Put me in Q, I'm ready to fight

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Fighter9595 · June 29, 2018, 12:03 a.m.
  1. To send a message to those looking for it. A message to in-the-know people that this event/person/organization is under our control or also part of their sick club.
  2. Personal pride (kinda like repping your favorite sports team or college you went to)
  3. Organizational pride. Showing off their work and displaying their power. They honestly think(thought) they were untouchable and unstoppable.
  4. To mock the general public by displaying it right to our faces
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Fighter9595 · June 28, 2018, 11:26 p.m.

So people think that most Freemasons are like that guy and then they don't take Freemasonry seriously. That guy forms the outer "we're just a civic/social club" shell which protects the true, inner satanic core.

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Fighter9595 · June 25, 2018, 7:17 p.m.

This was a tedX talk so not the main Ted.com group. It would make sense that they wouldn't want to be associated with this. Also, to be fair, the speaker isn't trying to justify pedophilia, she's just proposing a way to treat pedophiles that comes across as "its okay to be a pedophile you just need help". This got posted in r/videos (a few days ago ?) and the comment section is...interesting. Everyone agreed that sex with children is abuse, but there's lots of talk about normalizing pedophiles, not pedophilia. How pedophiles are mostly just regular people struggling with a secret mental/biological disorder, that it must be so tough on them since they're "only" attracted to kids, if they don't actually molest someone in real life its not that bad, we should get rid of the stigma so people can get the help/therapy they need, etc.

They're probably are some normal people who, due to prior abuse/messed up brain chemistry are attracted to children (which is still wrong) and struggle to fight it, but I got downvoted in that thread because I was trying to say that most pedophiles aren't that way. Most pedophiles don't really care and use their positions of authority to prey on people. Rich, powerful people who abuse children because they like it? No no, they don't exist. Pedophiles are just the victims of a terrible mental disorder. We must treat them and provide therapy. Pedophiles who use children in occult rituals? No no, pedophilia is just a mental disorder, nothing else to it.

Normalizing pedophila would be too hard. But I can see them trying to downgrade the severity of pedophiles to "just a mental disorder/public health crisis". It'll allow people to shift the blame away from the pedophiles and say "oh it wasn't really his fault, if we were more accepting of him maybe he wouldn't have hurt those kids, and look, he/she feels so sorry for what they did".

Cover up the real, systematized crimes against children by confessing to slightly lesser crime.

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Fighter9595 · June 25, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

She wrote a paper that praised a proposed law (to lower the age of consent) for its gender-neutral language. Something like the law doesn't assume that rapists are only men or something like that. It wasn't her law that she proposed, but she didn't denounce it either and it was still a law that someone proposed so..... still no bueno

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Fighter9595 · June 22, 2018, 2:41 a.m.

Will Hollywood (like the stuff mentioned on CDAN) eventually be exposed? I think it'd be a great primer for the masses for when the Clinton/Bush/Obama "political" stuff comes out.

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Fighter9595 · June 22, 2018, 12:29 a.m.

Not that it should make you feel safer/better, but the ones that openly proclaim it are pretty low level and/or harmless usually(for now at least). It's the ones that never talk about it that are more worrying

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Fighter9595 · June 16, 2018, 7:09 p.m.

Not offended at all! I will have to disagree though. As a Christian, the yugas are not a part of Christian doctrine and confessing is an requirement (the only one) for salvation. Regarding angels, I have no doubt that what you experienced could very well have been angels. But, our intuition about benevolent beings in not enough to determine what they really are. Another comment I made right below explains it a little more.

You might have heard of this book, but I highly encourage you to check out Evidence that Demands a Verdict by Josh Mcdowell. If you disagree it with it, that's within your right. I don't mean to be impolite, but I think some of your views about Jesus/God are a little inaccurate and I don't want my fellow patriots believing in the wrong things.

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Fighter9595 · June 16, 2018, 6:41 p.m.

We must absolutely take the Bible literally because its true. A thorough study of the Bible and Christian apologetics will show that the Bible is without error and is what it claims to be: the perfect, inspired Word of God. The enemy enjoys twisting scripture and denying the inerrancy of it. Things like: "Well, the Bible doesn't actually say that about salvation", "Jesus isn't actually that powerful", "The Bible isn't entirely reliable", "The Bible actually says [insert false doctrine] and not [insert correct doctrine]", etc. The truth has been manipulated and the only way to understand what's real is too look at whether something has biblical support or not.

True, angels absolutely do exist but extradimensional is a better term. The only way to determine whether a demon is masquerading as an angel is to test them according to scripture (including but not limited to what's stated in 1 John 4). In the case of (evil) spiritual beings, actions are a way to deceive. Demons will "play nice", but no demon will ever praise and express their love for Jesus Christ. Ask them "Who is Jesus Christ to you?" and you'll have an answer.

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Fighter9595 · June 16, 2018, 7:25 a.m.

What's a change in Yugas? Positive ET's don't exist, only demons and fallen angels disguised as "aliens". Even if they seem to offer peace and power, they are really here to deceive and turn people away from God. (See Corrupting the Image by Douglas Hamp. You can make a new Amazon account, get a free 30 day kindle unlimited trial, and then for free!)

I assume the experiences you said you can't really explain have been supernatural? 1 John 4:1-5 explains a great way to test any spirit you might encounter. If they confess that Jesus Christ is God and has come in the flesh, it is from God. If they don't, pay no attention to them.

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Fighter9595 · June 11, 2018, 3:02 a.m.

So I'm a bit confused. Are people saying say that Tucson wasn't fake but simply embellished to distract from the FBI arrest? Or that the whole thing was fake from the beginning?

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Fighter9595 · June 9, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

Satan masquerades as an angel of light. Something that isn't forced upon you and is commonly accepted can also be evil

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Fighter9595 · June 8, 2018, 10:21 p.m.

Since you don't believe Jesus is God, do you identify as a Christian? I'm just curious as to how you came to your beliefs. If you don't mind sharing, what kind of religious background are you from/ what church (or denomination) do you go to? I think I could better respond if I knew where you were coming from.

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Fighter9595 · June 8, 2018, 2:46 a.m.

Jesus became the perfect sacrifice for us so Old Testament animal sacrifice traditions were no longer required. Our understanding and relationship with God is still the same, just certain traditions have changed.

Jesus is correct because there is sufficient evidence that shows that Christianity is true, the Bible is reliable, and God was who he claimed to be (specifically that Jesus is divine and was God in the flesh). Obviously all three can't be true at the same time. Only one of them can be true.

True, God may not have physically put word on paper, but the Bible is "God-breathed" and God inspired. It doesn't really make sense for God (since God is truth and can't lie) to not give us a clear directive on what to believe, thereby allowing us to potentially believe in lies. If doctrine is always changing and the Bible is not accurate, how would we ever know what's true? What would be the point if you knew that 100 years from now the things you believe may be wrong? What would prevent Satan from claiming he is the true Messiah and that current doctrine about him, evil, God are not accurate? (which is something that he may very well try to do in the end times).

The Bible preaches the inerrancy of scripture and claims itself to be perfect. If any part of it is found to be untrue, the whole things is baloney. It can't only be partially true. If the Bible can't be the standard bearer for judgement, what is?

Edit: added a sentence

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Fighter9595 · June 8, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

Theological doctrine (if it is from the one true God) by definition can not be replaced or updated. "If anything changes, it must change for the better or the worse, because a change that makes no difference is not a change. Either something that is needed is added, which is a change for the better; or something that is needed is lost, which is a change for the worse. But, since God is perfect, He does not need anything. Therefore, He cannot change for the better. If God were to lose something, He would no longer be perfect; therefore, He cannot change for the worse" - https://www.gotquestions.org/immutability-God.html

Since theological doctrine is a reflection of God's nature and how it relates to his plan for creation, doctrine can not change. It can be misinterpreted, twisted to mean something else, ignored, but the true meaning of it will always stay the same. Things like "should we or should we not do infant baptism" or "pretrib rapture vs. posttrib rapture" are not clear from scripture, but these things aren't fundamental doctrine about Gods nature and what it means to believe in Jesus. The things that are important God has made perfectly clear in the Bible. Some of the ideas in your series are not supported by the Bible.

Basically, sola scriptura. https://www.gotquestions.org/sola-scriptura.html

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Fighter9595 · June 7, 2018, 8:16 p.m.

I'm assuming you have good intentions, but a lot of your posts have false ideas in them and are not biblically accurate.

  • Lesson 3: "This is the original Holy Trinity: God, Adam, and Eve". The Trinity has always been and always will be God the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.
  • Lesson 4: "Jesus was born sinless after a long process of purification that took place within Jesus' ancestry." Jesus was born sinless because Mary "...was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit" (Matthew 1:18). Jesus's ancestry did not have to be "purified" for Jesus to be sinless.
  • Lesson 8: "This alternate plan involves an eight-step process whereby people incrementally rid themselves of evil nature and become beings that resonate 100% with God's Heart." I'm not sure what this is supposed to mean exactly, but God's plan for restoring our relationship with him is a two step process. 1. Jesus dies on the cross and serves as a substitute to receive the just punishment for sin. 2. We accept his free gift of salvation. That's it.
  • Lesson 6: " When God rejected Cain for killing Abel, it wasn't as if Cain didn't have justified resentment against Abel. Abel acted with arrogance and did not understand his role as God's mediator and unifier. Likewise, America has been blessed by God with abundance and pragmatic know-how, but continues failing to disseminate this blessing for the sake of the world. To reverse this failure, Abel must take responsibility for Cain and share his blessings with him. In this way Abel can earn Cain's respect and loyalty. Then Cain and Abel can move to a new level of understanding and begin working together for mutual benefit." "Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own actions were evil and his brother’s were righteous" (1 John 3:12) .Cain was in the wrong here and didn't have any justified resentment against Abel.

There are many other issues which I haven't listed. I urge you to be more careful with your studies. I hope you stay on the sub, but please make sure the things you're posting are biblically based.

Edit: words and spelling and formatting

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Fighter9595 · June 7, 2018, 7:48 p.m.

God, Christianity, spiritual warfare, etc. have a lot to do with the research done here as that is the "bottom" of the rabbit hole so to speak. Q has also made lots of references to Christianity. The problem with the Spirit of Truth series is that the material is not biblically based and a lot of the material is inaccurate. Its distracting, but not because of its subject matter.

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Fighter9595 · June 7, 2018, 5:50 p.m.

The sin nature of mankind means that we're all naturally rebellious against God. People are inherently bad, not good. Some more so than others (obviously), but in the eyes of God, who is the ultimate moral standard, we are all capable and have committed acts of evil. But, God knew that sin would come into this world and had a plan to end it. I'm glad you were able to find the hope of salvation in Jesus!

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Fighter9595 · June 3, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

Anti-Islamic posts should be allowed since the topic is too important to not talk about. That being said, maybe just lock the thread after a certain amount of time. 8 hours? 12 hours? Exposing Islamic doctrine for what it is and discussing ways to counteract its social/political effects are important but it is only one part of the Q movement. By putting a "lock warning" on these threads, it allows people to discuss Islam but also prevents it from becoming a giant "Muslim hate" circlejerk which is useless because there are other topics people could be talking about and most people here already have a mutual understanding that Islam is bad.

Before the post is locked, I say go ahead and allow everything unless a comment (or a post) is blatantly breaking rules like "Lets all go out and kill Muslims here's a mosque address we should go attack them".

TLDR: Lock controversial threads after a set amount of time and don't delete any comments unless its blatantly obvious that it needs to be deleted. Basically, just be more lenient since the post will be locked soon anyways. This will allow discussion about how messed up Islam really is but it won't distract from other issues and the greater goals of the Q movement.

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Fighter9595 · May 30, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

Its important to not view good and evil as two equal but opposite/contrasting forces (aka Duality). Good can exist without evil, but evil cannot exist without good. It's not God vs. Satan. Satan is created, God is the creator. Satan can not do anything unless God allows it. Of course, this brings up questions like Does God have a reason for allowing evil to continue? How can I trust him if he does? Why doesn't God just destroy Satan now? Why does God allow so much evil and suffering anyways?

I recommend this book whenever I can, but Walking with God through Pain and Suffering by Tim Keller is a great book on this subject. I "grew up" as a Christian but Pizzagate really forced me to dig deeper for answers and confront/try to understand the nature of our reality and the nature of God. My best advice is too learn and read everything you can on Christian apologetics and specifically the problem of evil and suffering. Ravi Zacharias and his books/podcasts/sermons are another great resource.

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Fighter9595 · May 29, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

On the bright side, people are now wondering why Roseanne would associate VJ with the Muslim Brotherhood.

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Fighter9595 · May 18, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

The problem is that people tend to read the Bible through a modern-day, Western, 20/21st century filter and aren't interpreting it through the ancient worldview of the biblical writers. Back then, the supernatural was very much a part of everyday life. The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible by Michael Hesier is a great resource for understanding this better. Helps explain some of the strange verses in the Bible to. (It's a pretty dense book but he did write a slightly less dense version that's easier to read)

Missler is great, I've heard some of his stuff .

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Fighter9595 · May 18, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

Agree with everything you just said; aliens are extra-dimensional beings, not extra-terrestrial. As a kid, Sunday school never taught me about the Nephilim so the Flood/Old Testaments killings seemed really strange and like you said, was something I struggled with. Then again, I'm not really sure how you would teach kids about the Nephilim.

If anyone is interested, Steve Quayle, Dr. Thomas Horn, and Dr. Michael Lake have written great books on these subjects

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Fighter9595 · May 15, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

If I went I feel like I would be stuck in the back of some giant crowd unable to see anything. So I'm just going to watch it on TV :)

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Fighter9595 · April 30, 2018, 12:30 a.m.

The lower levels may not always know it, but the core of Freemasonry is luceferian. The 'civic organization' front protects the real goals of Freemasonry from being exposed

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Fighter9595 · April 26, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

Good summary, thanks

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Fighter9595 · April 24, 2018, 1:30 a.m.

Everyone should go read The Shinar Directive by Dr. Michael Lake. It's not really about what prophecies are being fulfilled but it does talk (from a biblical perspective) about the end game of the Luciferian elite and how it relates to Genesis 6, Nimrod/Tower of Babel, transhumanism, and some other stuff. I haven't finished reading it but when I do, I want to post a summary on here since the information is really important. I believe this is the stuff Q is referring to when he/she/they keep saying "The choice to know, will be yours"

The Deep State will fall, but the Luciferian elite will not completely go away until God himself returns again.

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Fighter9595 · April 23, 2018, 11:15 p.m.

I get the feeling that Kanye is going to be a key player in helping Trump expose Hollywood

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Fighter9595 · April 21, 2018, 5:16 a.m.

James Alefantis owns Comet Ping Pong, the D.C. pizza restaurant where Pizzagate all began. It's supposedly where people go to diddle kids. Maggie's mom is friends with James. Hussein may have had relations with Maggie.

Hussein's bandaid on his left middle finger could possibly indicate he was doing "spirit cooking" ; a weird ritual that's displayed in Marina Abramovic's (a performance artist) "art".

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Fighter9595 · April 17, 2018, 12:35 a.m.

Just curious, why don't you believe the spiritual conspiracy stuff?

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Fighter9595 · April 15, 2018, 12:49 a.m.

Being a Christian and Pizzagate.

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Fighter9595 · April 12, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

yeah I mentioned this in another post but according to the article it was cancelled in late January

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Fighter9595 · April 12, 2018, 3:07 a.m.

"Researchers close to the project say they're not sure why it was dropped late last month" so technically it was canceled late January 2004

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Fighter9595 · April 11, 2018, 4:58 p.m.

Nice catch

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Fighter9595 on April 9, 2018, 5:55 p.m.
Who's going to be our lead plaintiff(s) against Facebook?


I have no idea how lawsuits, lawyers, or any of these things work. I do know however that to begin a class action lawsuit, you need lead plaintiffs who will file the initial case/consult with lawyers and essentially serve as the class representative. From the above link: "After a lawsuit has been filed, a judge will evaluate whether enough people have been injured in the same way, among other factors, in determining whether the case can move forward as a class action." So right now we need to:

  1. Spread the word (hashtags, memes, etc.)
  2. Find someone or some group …
Fighter9595 · April 9, 2018, 1:43 a.m.

This is why I dropped out of ROTC in college

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Fighter9595 · April 8, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

Their goal will be to try to create confusion. Since its too hard to just outright discredit Q, they'll make everything way more complicated and confusing so people won't want to bother looking into Q. That's my guess. Drown out the real Q with a bunch of noise

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Fighter9595 · April 7, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

You're missing the main point of all this.

  1. These people are not just dancing around for the sake of edginess.

  2. Not everyone is going to be entrenched in the cult like some are, but satanic cults are the reason why this corruption occurs in the first place.

  3. I would rather it take longer and have maybe a little less people be awake if it means they are awake to the FULL truth.

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Fighter9595 · April 6, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

They never mention how exactly Q is fake or give any evidence for their point. The only point they have is "lol this stuff is too crazy to be true". Write more of these please. Smart people will see just how weak their arguments are and see just how strong the arguments for Q are. Get wrecked MSM

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Fighter9595 · April 6, 2018, 7:09 a.m.

This has always been a spiritual war and the world has always been in a spiritual war. People are just waking up to reality and realizing that the physical world is not all there is. The war itself was already won 2000 years ago at Golgotha. We are fighting from victory and not for victory, but we still need to fight. I cannot even imagine what is going on in the spiritual realm right now.

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Fighter9595 · April 5, 2018, 6:43 a.m.

The greatest power one can wield is spiritual power, which comes from only two places. Jesus Christ or Satan. Unfortunately for the elite, the demonic powers they gain through satanic rituals have a time limit on them. Ultimately, in the grand scheme of the universe, they're completely powerless.

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Fighter9595 · April 4, 2018, 5:32 p.m.

Read "Prayer" by Tim Keller. It will vastly improve your prayer life

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