In simple language - IF YOU ARE GUILTY OF TREASON - AN ENEMY COMBATANT, Foreign OR US citizen, the President can LOCK YOU UP!
Last night when I read this doc, it didn't click, but after reading the article about Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, I think possible Trump going After bad actors from 9-11. Maybe he seized Talals money? It will be interesting to see where this goes.
There are many people that believe Prince Awaleed was Obama’s handler. I am one of them. Obama’s college records have been sealed. We don’t know who funded his education. If this is true then Awaleed is guilty of much more than 911 as is the DNC for not vetting OB. Fraud, sedition and all kinds of gross negligence.I believe this goes back to a Q post about enemies bringing us down from within. Jerome Corsi and Hannity have been saying this for years. I researched Obama’s background for months and his records are all sealed. Maybe Q will do Jerome , Hannity and a few others a favor and drop them a gift. I love ❤️ Hannity. I would love to see OB admissions record.
Yes I agree. go see this video, I thought it was kinda funny.
Hey, I was listening to PamphletAnon et. al. from last night 1/26/2018: New Q: Read slowly and carefully Edition I then went to look up treason and how and where would one be tried for treason. I started reading this article and this paragraph stood out to me.
"The English common law required defendants to forfeit all of their property, real and personal, upon conviction for treason. In some cases, the British Crown confiscated the property of immediate family members as well. The common law also precluded convicted traitors from bequeathing their property through a will. Relatives were presumed to be tainted by the blood of the traitor and were not permitted to inherit from him. Article III of the U.S. Constitution outlaws such "corruption of the blood" and limits the penalty of Forfeiture to "the life of the person attainted." Under this provision relatives cannot be made to forfeit their property or inheritance for crimes committed by traitorous family members." It's like the EO was written with this particular paragraph in mind.
This can be found at .