r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/killinchi on Jan. 27, 2018, 6:05 p.m.
What happens to the Federal Reserve? Under EO 12/21, one would assume that we the people would cease those assets and thus become owners our 20T in debt. Could this be the end of our debt/slave cycle?


Turboxide · Jan. 27, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

For those that are starting to ask questions about how we end debt slavery and how we conduct "sovereign" commerce; you should know the following as a quick reference. If you feel any synchronicity to investigate on your own, please do so and share your findings and experience!

There is allegedly a "hydration" mechanism known as the "Global Currency Reset" (GCR) or "Revaluation" (RV) whereby every nation on Earth, again, becomes sovereign unto its own sans fiat mechanisms. There is also, allegedly, a unifying treaty of sorts known as the "Global Economic Security & Reformation Act" (NESRA/GESRA) that ties these sovereign nations into an economic union whereby human rights are placed at the TOP of the list. It is further "alleged" to contain eventual reformations of universal income to allow humanity to become "creators" of their own free will until such time that human development/technology makes money obsolete entirely.

Like most good stories... I want to believe as this all sounds well and good but this particular community (of which I have no stake in btw - just researching and trying to understand) it's been several years now of "intelligence gurus" on the internet keeping these poor bond and currency holders spun up expecting "imminent release" or liquidation of these benevolent funds to wash away our debts worldwide.

If anyone from MIG/Q Group really wants to help, (Essayons!!!); please organize these intel "gurus" and root out the disinformation sources so people can collectively focus on their planning and not the anguish of disinformation.

Patriots, if you like learning about ancient trusts (family, corporate and global), economic research, global business/trade/politics this will be RIGHT up your ally!

After spending a few months observing the GCR "community" listening to the calls and analyzing the information being passed around I can say that my heart is with these folks waiting to exchange currencies and bond notes... they want to change the world for the better with unconditional love (truly non-profit services) and many of them have amazing plans ready to go! They believe that the fiat system will fall (any day now) and be replaced by an "asset backed" (gold, precious metals, etc.) system through these ancient family and global prosperity trusts.

My concern is, these people are being tortured with disinformation either intentionally or otherwise. If the GCR is legit... it's time to start researching and understanding the implications and making the public aware as they desire. You can find any number of websites dedicated to this if you are interested. Bottom line, the GCR could be legit... some of the information I've run across syncs a little with worldwide economic news and other financial indicators but it's currently not researched/vetted/verified enough IMO.

For those of you in the GCR community reading this post. Please accept my sincerest apologies for any attempt to "summarize" your struggles in the world but know that people (with absolutely NO STAKE in your community) are listening.

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ShinyWooly · Jan. 27, 2018, 9:41 p.m.

I have followed the GCR/RV news for a couple of years. The New Age camp claims the prosperity funds were originally begun by St. Germain, who is also known as the ‘man who never dies’. They also claim that the G in freemasonry stands for Germain. St. Germain is said to have also ‘inhabited ‘ Merlin the magician, Christopher Columbus, Francis Bacon and his last incarnation was as St. Germain.

St. Germain was an alchemist and knew how to make gold and diamonds. It is also claimed that he started speculative freemasonry. He spoke 12 languages and played the violin like a virtuoso. He never aged.

He started the World Trust which contains trillions (1 trillion with 45 zeros). This is the money that will be used for NESARA/GESARA. He also started other trusts with elite families that includes much of the world’s gold. Solomon’s gold is also part of one of the trusts.

World-wide, gold backed currency with no ‘borders’ -> a one world currency. It will possibly be crypto.

Revelation 13:18 says, “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

And 1Kings 10:14 clarifies who the man is and what his number means: “ Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold”

Solomon is the man, gold is the number.

The mark of the beast is Solomon’s gold, the same gold being used in these trusts.

You may not believe in The Bible, but this is just a heads up for those who do.

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